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THIS GAME RULES!!!!!!!!!!! BEST GAME EVER. Well...kinda. I love it, i've been playing it alot today w/S1DC....man....it is sweet and it is gory and it is on my list of games to buy!!!!!!


i suggest everyone under 13 go and get that game, because it is so awesome you'll never think of killing a live human being again!!!!!!!

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it's an awesome game....o i saw Jedi Outcast at the store today!@!!!! $50!!! i also saw gb, IN A SMALL BOX!!! the small boxes look kinda cool....


I want jedi outcast....but nope, i'll wait until i have a wide selection of games and dollar bills before choosing which to get. Hell, i should get a job and get them all! :D or....i could go down the quick and easy path, like vader did.....


i'd rather buy tho, i like having a collection of game boxes...i have a huge tower of them in a corner of the room. :D

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