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newbie thinks this is lame


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ok i been playing for just couple of days.

what is that force where other guy's hand turns red.

me go up in the air then slows drains my life.

wtf? i mean, there is nothing i can do.

i go up close swinging LS then he graps me and i'm dead

what a lame ####

maybe someone can tellme why it's not lame, how to avoid.. etc..


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Guest HertogJan

Yup, nothing to add... And oh yeah, it's not lame, just another force power that you can counter easily... But don't counter it when hanging above a biiiig hole :)

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Yup, nothing to add... And oh yeah, it's not lame, just another force power that you can counter easily... But don't counter it when hanging above a biiiig hole :)


What is the counter for the Grip when you ARE hanging over a ledge? To my knowledge there is no counter move.


Lamers are spamming this move way too much.



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Yep. I have "F" key bind to Force Absorb. Hit that instantly as soon as you get grabbed. Then he doesn't have time to put you over a big hole.


Also some people don't know that you can turn OFF absorb after he loses his grip. They just leave Absorb on the whole time and the other guy just have to wait for your force meter to go to zero. Then you are a sitting duck.


So toggle Absorb on and off.

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Good grippers keep moving or even jumping when they grip you so that you can't push or pull them. So the best way is be a jedi and use absorb. Use it often and stop it immediately after you are out of the danger. Grip is one of the best ways to stop flag takers in CTF, learn this and you know this is handy but not lame.

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jumping/moving as a gripper does **** all. force pull/push have large cones of effect, so accuracy isnt very important. grip then a fast flick and release to throw someone off something high or into a wall works well, otherwise it's only good vs newbies hehe :)

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Originally posted by DarkAgent


What is the counter for the Grip when you ARE hanging over a ledge? To my knowledge there is no counter move.


Lamers are spamming this move way too much.




Yeah, there's not much of a counter for it. That really sucks. Lame. Know what else ther isn't a counter for? Being dead. That sucks too. I mean just cause somone managed to grip my ass and move it over a pit without me pushing them, absorbing them, throwing my saber at them or pulling them, and just cause someone managed to beat my ass in a saber match and kill me, doens't mean i should have to die right? Man, lamers are spamming this whole killing me thing waaay too much. I must have died 20 times last game. Sigh oh well, not much we can do till the patch i guess.

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Once you get good enough you will find that its not that hard to keep you from draggin you to the edge. I usaully encourage it so that just before they get me to the edge i force pull them and down they go. It takes them a second to lock on and move you. Believe me, In that second you can force pull them even before you have moved an inch. (except if they are behind you, best thing to do if that happens is try to take them with you) Do this and I gaurantee they will stop gripping you. Works for me anyway.

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