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TK421, do you copy?


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TK421, do you copy?




ACTOR Peter Sumner will tonight relive his finest 30 seconds as toy stores come under attack.


Hundreds of Star Wars fans are expected to storm Toys R Us in Chadstone for the release of rare new merchandise.

Products linked to the forthcoming Star Wars - Attack of the Clones will go on sale at midnight.


Sumner, a bit part actor in the original Star Wars, will sign posters for fans.


In the 25 years since the movie's release, he has become a minor Star Wars cult figure.


Sumner played a Dark Star Officer, Lt Pol Treidum. He uttered the line "TK421, do you copy?" and was punched by a wookiee. The fleeting appearance had an impact. He still gets fan mail from around the world.


Sumner was even part of the first film's merchandising, though he is not entirely happy with that. "I'm more than a little p....d off that there's not a penny coming my way for any of this merchandise," he said.


"There's a toy figure of me. It's got my face and everything on the front and back of the packet."


When the last Star Wars instalment was released, its merchandise accounted for 20 per cent of Toys R Us sales.




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You know what was hilarious about the whole deal? First of all the stampede into the toy store when the doors opened. Secondly, the obsession over Jango Fett (wow Bobba Fett's father whoopeee :p) Thirdly, the way people up the back of the mob were just screaming out stuff like 'Can someone pass me the such and such figure' I don't think I'd ever laughed so hard at a bunch of people ever. They sold the shop out almost :eek: One thing I wanted my bf to get but he didn't coz he's a poopie head is a JarJar backpack (awwwwwwww it looked so kyooote) a lightsaber or a lil R2D2 figure thingie. He had enough money, so hmph that he didn't get them


I gotta free poster though with almost all of the figures for the episode2 range, and I got that signed by the guy. He's so nice, since I was like almost last in line, I could easilly chat to him for a few mins. I just gotta put the poster up on my wall now. I also got more than annoyed with my bf for blurting out spoilers to other people all night, dunno how true to form they are though. Scroll down for possible spoilers :D
































¤Rumour has it there's supposed to be a surprise planet in episode:2 (first I've heard about a surprise planet but anyway) the rumour going around is that planet is the death star (well that makes sense, it's the size of a "small moon")


¤Anikan gets his hand/arm chopped off at some stage during the movie (towards the end apperantly) and so that's why at the end of Return Of The Jedi when Luke does the same thing to Darth Vader, his whole hand is made out of machinery.


¤Ani will become Darth Vader in the last 5-10mins of the movie


¤Chewbacca will make an appearence, since at some stage they go to the planet where the wookies live


¤Another rumour going around (and personally I think my bf is full of shyte on this one though) is that Mark Hammil, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford will be making cameo apperances in episode:3


¤Yoda uses a lightsaber- but I think the majority of everyone knew that (I diiiiiiiiiiiiiid)



Oh well there were more rumours and spoilers, but after awhile I just kinda walked off I was so sick of spoilers, I didn't want it spoilt for me. HI EVERYONE IF YOU'RE STILL READING THIS :D I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU

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thanks Nat....Ive read lots of those rumors before..and I dont beleive it.......WHY CANT ANY1 WAIT LIKE 2 WEEKS....I KNOW ITS HARD....IM GETTING MY TICKETS SOON......wehee!!





Another rumour going around (and personally I think my bf is full of shyte on this one though) is that Mark Hammil, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford will be making cameo apperances in episode:3


not true....Ive read this topic on TFN forums and they said that it was not true...apperently Fisher said that somewhere on this planet...probably just a small talk show...

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The Ani/Darth Vader and his hand makes sense though, but yeah I know what you mean, the last thing I wanted was all these rumours that were gonna ruin it for me. I mean he didn't say he was gonna blurt out a spoiler or anything he just goes


'you know what? blah blah blah blah blah blah...' I didn't really get a chance to run off or anything, which is why in the end I seperated myself coz I don't want it spoilt for me

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I've had my tickets lined up for the last 3weeks or so :D and don't mind me when I get home from seeing it I'll be logging in and babbling about it.


BTW- is it true that Madonna has recorded a song called "Clones" (wow what a truly origional title) for the movie? Please for the love of god please tell me it's not true :eek::mad: If it is I don't wanna go and see it anymore:(

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I have to see the lyrics to that song, if it exsist....


lol....last night I had to wait in line for 6 hours( I have to that if I want my tickets) and I brought some buddies and a tv..and we watch the game (sens vs phily).....canadian stuff...

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