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Cool "back thrust" moments


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Hey, anyone out there have any cool stories about this move?


I've tried it a couple of times, but haven't connected with anything for a kill yet.


It's the move on Medium (blue) where you hit back+fire and you stop and thrust the saber behind you, then look back.

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For fun I decided to duel against bots in my own private multiplayer game late one night. I was fighting the guy with three eyes who for some reason loved using mindtrick on me. I countered this not by using sight, but doing things like saber throwing in the direction he was last seen. One time I timed it perfectly (okay I got lucky), thought I heard him so I back-attacked, and all I hear is a death cry and then the message came up that I reached the kill count. Saber fights rule.

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firstly, blue is light, not medium :)


and yeah, the backward thrust only works when they're close to you, when you're using light and possibly medium styles. with heavy style, you do a pivot and spin 360 degrees with a 180 degree saber slash behind you.


it's a great move when you're fighting groups of reborn, and you get caught between two. you can kill the one behind you while still keeping your eyes on the one in front.


if you've got really good reflexes, move your viewpoint in 3rd person so that you're looking at kyle from a bird's eye view, and when you see a bot come, swing your back around to it, hit back and attack. this can also be used in multiplayer to trick people into thinking you're afk. but can be dangerous if they choose to saber throw instead :)

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