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Who else loves guns!

Capt Darth

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You don't have to be all that close if you get it to rank 3 for Force Pull.


Since the force pull also puts the gunner on his ass, its great seeing his reaction when I use his gun to blast him in the face.


Great fun :D

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If you love guns, play quake, or Unreal, or Wolfenstien, or Medal of Honor, or Half Life, or No One Lives Forever, or Alien Vs. Predator, or any number of other games. I do. But when I want to play something different, I play Jedi Knight. And never use guns. I don't care if you kill ever Jedi player or see, or die everytime you see a Jedi player. You are no fun to play against, and almost everybody who plays this game won't bother with you. So good luck in those ever so popular "gun" games!

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Do you guys watch any Star Wars movies? 90% of the enemy the Jedi take on are wielding guns in the movies. Aren't they?


So if I am playing Jedi Knight, I want guys coming at me with everything. Guns / Saber / Grenades / Mind Tricks / Grips.


Don't complain about it. If you keep talking about how skillful you are for using Saber only, then show how skillful you are by taking on Guns with Saber only. Think of that as a challenge.


Or stay on servers without guns.


Having guns gives me more immersion because I am at a disadvantage just like the Jedi were in the movies.

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To be more honest, guns aren't really unstoppable! But I have had some great matches against good saber-wielding folks! That's why this game rocks - you can pick your poison. If you're so good with a saber, then bring it on against my guns. The few Jedi that have pulled my gun from me and then turned it against me are BADASSES and I have respect for their skills. The whiners that get mowed down and beg for "honor in the saber only" are just crappy players!

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Originally posted by Capt Darth

I love walking up to a hotshot Jedi and hitting him with a Flechette ball! I think guns are pretty much unstoppable. You have to get pretty close to PULL it out of my hands and I usually just PUSH you away and then blast you!


I only play JO2 on Saber Only servers, so buu hu to you my friend:D :D


If i want gun fighting i play MoH, CS ...........

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Originally posted by d3vin

I play saber only and thoroughly enjoy playing in servers with guns


Yes, and notice yo never see the storm troopers throwing bombs on the ground and instantly blowing them up. They don't have rapid fire plasma balls to shoot at the jedi. They don't little ball bombs that shoot out faster then force push can knock them away.


You really can't compare the game to the movies. In the movie the enemies had blasters and such that could easily be blocked by a jedi. In the movies the jedi could easily rip a gun from someones hand. And in the movies the storm troopers are not running around dropping bombs on the ground and then detonating them.....else the empire would have won.

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Ahh??? Sure about that?


As far as I know the only Jedi left alive were Yoda and Obi-Wan because the empire did win. Luke didn't come along till much later. They were killed by guns / sith Lords whatever weren't they?


Now if they didn't design such a crappy battle station with such a design flaw, and then rebuild the same exact battle station with the same design flaw again...the rebels would have been crushed.

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yeah play the game and stop bitching. capt darth is obviously delighted with his guns, and although he's gonna get a shock next time he cops his own fletchette balls in the face, he's having fun! all you "use sabers and fight honourably" people need to get the sticks outa your arse and play the game :) there are saber-only servers for a reason, you know!

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Originally posted by Beefshank

If you love guns, play quake, or Unreal, or Wolfenstien, or Medal of Honor, or Half Life, or No One Lives Forever, or Alien Vs. Predator, or any number of other games. I do. But when I want to play something different, I play Jedi Knight. And never use guns. I don't care if you kill ever Jedi player or see, or die everytime you see a Jedi player. You are no fun to play against, and almost everybody who plays this game won't bother with you. So good luck in those ever so popular "gun" games!


If the guy loves guns, let him use guns. I my self seldom do that, it would be to easy. They are in the game so they are meant to be used I think that its just fun that there are different types of ways to play.


If you are a real master with the saber you can defeat him even if he has a gun.

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I think this has already been said enough, but this is obviously the truth:


If you can't handle guns, go to a saber only server.


You don't have "skill" if you have to whine about guns. If you're using a saber then you do have a slight advantage over most guns. I think it's great when someone is using the bow, or laser gun, or even the heavy repeater shooting at me and I deflect every shot back into their face and kill them.


The only things you can't really block are explosions. First you have things like trip mines, thermal detonators, and detonation packs. To be brutally honest, if you can't avoid these things, then you must be one of those people that constantly fall off the ledges in CTF maps.


Next we have the ion cannon, rocket launcher, flechette gun, and heavy repeater alt-fire. Obviously it takes a lot of skill to avoid these weapons. If you're constantly playing on Saber-only servers, then you're not acquiring the skills necessary to counter these things. In turn you'll be spending your whole life on saber-only servers complaining about guns.


I haven't seen too many people even use the ion cannon, but its alt fire can be a pain. An instant fire area of effect weapon... That gun is good for pushing people off ledges. Honestly I hardly see the gun let alone even use it, but I guess there isn't really a strong defense against that if the enemy is far away. I generally try to be nimble and avoid it like the plague.


The rocket launcher is the easiest of them all, unless they are within close range... then you should be pulling if they are. The only difficulty about this is that if they are firing multiple rockets, you might get caught with one while your force push is recycling.


The flechette gun's alt-fire is only of concern, as you can block the primary fire. The exploding balls can be pushed away, but the rate of fire (and amount of ammo) could leave you dead in the long run. This is another gun where the Jedi needs to see honor in retreat and try to dodge most of the shots while either speeding in for a pull, or speeding away to surprise the gun-toting maniac by hiding around a corner or some other ambush position.


Lastly the repeater. Everyone hates the repeater. In a good Quakers hands, you could wind up dead in 2 - 4 shots easy. Fortunately there is an arc, and by the time they are in range to be blasting you, there should be enough space to do a quick roll into range and pull. If they are trying to do a long shot at you, then there is enough warning to do a quick push. Although you cannot afford to try and push every shot, the distance should allow you to manuver away from the blast radius every time.


You people also need to realize another thing that has been said before... The lightsaber is just another weapon. You need to realize that you are NOT some jedi from a movie. Sticking to only a lightsaber just because you think you are Obi-wan or qui-gon is like only using the knife in counter-strike because you think you are some stealth ninja. When someone pulls a gun on you, pull a gun on them. If you're caught with just your saber, then you're SOL most of the time.


Thanks for reading my rant.

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For the record I never said I was against guns....I dislike some of them simply because they do not seem like they belong in a starwars world but im not against them.


Also Mexican, its kinda pointless when you say how you shove there ammo back at them and surprise them. This surprises only newbies, anyone else has sense enough to know you will try to push the ammo back and they will dodge.

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Originally posted by Beefshank

If you love guns, play quake, or Unreal, or Wolfenstien, or Medal of Honor, or Half Life, or No One Lives Forever, or Alien Vs. Predator, or any number of other games. I do. But when I want to play something different, I play Jedi Knight. And never use guns. I don't care if you kill ever Jedi player or see, or die everytime you see a Jedi player. You are no fun to play against, and almost everybody who plays this game won't bother with you. So good luck in those ever so popular "gun" games!


Stop frigging bitching. ****. Just get on a saber only server if sabers are your thiing. Personally, i have no problem playing with or against guns, if you use your force powers properly then guns are no more challenging then another saber. You can use either effictively and still win, if you are smart about it.

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Personally I love the saber but I always play on gun servers because I feel it is a challenge to go against gun users and win. I may not be at the top of the server but I'm not looking for that. I think "saber only" servers limit what you see. People say play with honor but really this game would die without guns. If you learn how to play right a gun user is not that much of a threat. In fact on the servers I frequent gun users instantly get their saber out when I'm chasing them cause the know they ain't going to have that gun for long and as a matter of fact if they keep their weapon out it will most probably be the reason they die (gotta love pull and push :D)

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