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Need help with 3 things: Psuedo Jump, Keybind, and Auto Configs


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Sorry to bundle the requests into 1 subject, but I think the answers may be somewhat related.


#1) I have been spectating some of the better (in terms of score) players during some CTF matches.


I have noticed that many of them have a move that jumps without the character leaving the ground. It appears as if the character skates forward.


This action causes no loss of force power, and seems to move the character forward at a faster rate than normal forward movement.


Some that I have spectated use this almost exclusively if moving forward, until force speed is used.


How is this action performed? Is this a keybind option?


#2) I would like to bind a key to the throwable weapons - like the thermal detonator, trip mines, and detonation packs. What are these weapons actually called, in order to put them in my jk2mpconfig.cfg file? (ex. bind g "trip_mines").


#3) I would like to have both a light.cfg and dark.cfg script that I could type in at the console to have run. This would allow me to bind say drain to the X key when playing dark, but also bind X to the absorb key while playing light. That way, mid-game, I could simply execute light.cfg to switch the force powers keybinds to keys I already use for dark


Thanks for your help,


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1) This was just stated. Your computer did not process the roll animation. You will probably hear the character make some kind of grunting noise, indicating that they are rolling.


When playing CTF, I am always rolling. Not only is it faster, but you can avoid most weapons, chase down someone with your flag, and get away with their flag faster.


2) I assume you mean that you want to bind a key to throw your weapons while still having another weapon out. This is not possible. You must have the weapon selected in order to use it. If you would like a key bound other than 0-9 for weapon selection, then that is easy. Just bind the key you want to "weapon #" where # would be the number corresponding to whatever you want... I don't know the numbers off the top of my head, but for instance weapon 1 is lightsaber/stun baton. Weapon 2 is the pistol/default gun thing.


3) Indeed this was stated as well. Create a file called light.cfg and dark.cfg and place them in your gamedata\base\ directory. Inside the files simply put things like:


bind x "force_absorb"


For light. For your dark.cfg file, put things like:


bind x "force_lightning"


Then either setup two keys that do: exec light.cfg|exec dark.cfg or type exec light|dark.cfg in console.


Hope this helps.

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Originally posted by Lord Slart

The skating move is a roll without the full rolling animation. I think. I've seen it done lots and always after a roll.


No, he means select a weapon manually. For instance the zero key selects thremal detonators, trip mines, and det packs. He wants to set his key so if he hits F it give shim detpacks, G is thermal dets, and H is trip mines. That way you dont' have to keep hitting 0 or scrolling through weapons to find them.

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Thanks for clearing the rolling/skating and light/dark key configs up for me. For some reason, I cannot search the threads of this forum or I would have found that.




What I am trying to do with the "throwable weapons" is bind them to a specific key. That way I can say (because I use voice commander) "Trip Mines" and that weapon is instantly selected.


Now, the Thermal Dets, Trip Mines, and Det Packs are bound to the 0 key, and they are scrolled through by pressing 0 - or I have to use my mouse.


I don't what the names of these weapons are in order to properly bind them to a key.




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Oh, sorry about all that confusion. See, I thought that those weapons were on a different key. I didn't know that all of them were weapon 0.


If that's the case, then I am 99% sure that there is no way to bind them to different keys, unless of course they have their own names... which I highly doubt.

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