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Binds question


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I'm finding the forum very educational, thanks for all the info here.

My question is this: how do you bind a serious of actions to one key (ie: bind v to move forward, jump and attack- the infamous DFA) and don't worry I'm no threat to anyone, I get my butt kicked by the bots when i try to learn!

Anyway thanks for the info!


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Originally posted by leelink

I believe it would look something like


bind x "+forward ; wait ; +moveup ; wait ; +attack"


not sure of the move your trying to do but that would work

actually I would try

bind x "+forward; wait; +moveup; wait; +attack"

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Oh my god. I hope you never find out. You sir, are PROOF that I am right when I call people "DFA n00bs".


All you do is spam your DFA attack until some hapless victim comes strolling by and BAM! you get another point. Then if it fits you, you might go grab the heavy repeater or flechette gun and rack up a couple more easy kills.


I swear to god that if I see you in a game I am going to get so much joy ripping a gun out of your hand and shoving it up your *** (backend).


But all joking aside, I think it is possible... I haven't tried it, but perhaps put in some more wait commands, or rearrange them.


I can't hardly do a DFA myself, but the times I do is when I attack first, wait a second for the sword to pick up in the air, then forward and jump at the same time... so maybe the command would be:


bind x "+attack; wait; wait; +forward; +jump"


Also, I don't know if you need to use -attack/-jump/-forward or if it will do that automatically since it's a key that you press.

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LOL, actually i don't spam the move, I've tried it a few times (and it's not worked too well for me) I'm more interested in the dynamics of it, the way the game intereprets the moves & in what order, i'm notorious when playing for trying everything, I don't just stick to one particular move/weapon etc...there's too much to learn!!

I've tried a few suggestions, I figure once I know how that works, then I can figure the other moves out as easily......(sorry to ramble)...

But, no worries, I'm not a DFA freak, it's just figuring out the inner workings :)

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the key bind is not possible due to script design. DFA starts with a swing then forward;attack;jump carries out the actual DFA move. (the prerequisitive). Simply binding attack;wait;forward;attack;wait;jump; will not work. Once a key is pressed and it tends to go into a serious of loops for the said binded key command. Furthermore depending your machine, each tick or wait command has a different duration. Now key combinations of different binds can do it, but in itself just a quick one key bind will not and if it does, it will not under high lag situations. experiment.

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so thats were my post went! LOL


press it too long... makes you hop around too much... yes I'm well aware of -/+ on the commands and you need to in order to make your actions execute correctly.


if this [+moveup <---Time frame---> -moveup] depending on length of the wait, will determine how far or long you will be jumping. As I said before, the game can have unpredictable results and they might not execute properly... my advice, if your experiencing high lag, create two binds, and in combinations of these, you can do some pretty interesting combos...

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Originally posted by mrsmithz

[...]press it too long... makes you hop around too much[...]


Uhm, the length of the keypress should not even effect the bind. Also, if you know how to create a bind correctly, you won't have to worry about being locked running forward, or "hopping around too much". Learn to use bind please.


Originally posted by mrsmithz

if this [+moveup <---Time frame---> -moveup] depending on length of the wait, will determine how far or long you will be jumping. As I said before, the game can have unpredictable results and they might not execute properly[...]


How come? Can you give any evidence where it does not? I have run the same key binds on different servers with different latency and they always act exactly the same. I suggest you figure out what's wrong with your copy of jk2...

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