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The BEST Jedi race


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Yeah yea, I know it's gonna be hard to be a jedi, and yeah, I know that any race and any class can become a jedi, but in every game there is a combination that will eventually be found out that is the best. So what race do you all think will make the best jedis (physical attributes alone....i'm sure the metachlorine count will have an effect, if it's put in the game, but let's negate that factor for now). I'm guessing it'll be the Zabrak, after all they're supposed to be extremely mentally powerful, right? on the other hand due to Darth Maul fame there'll probably be a lot of them so i dunno if i'll be one. What do you all think?

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I don't think there is going to be one that is best at being a jedi... there are ones that are best at building ships, Calamari for example. Manual labor like mining and stuff, probably wookies will have the edge due to their strenght. Tw'liek can learn languages easier than any other species. If the developers made it so for example that wookies are more likely to become jedi, then everyone and their mom are going to be wookies. I think that naturally more humans are going to be jedi because more people are going to be humans, but I think your chance of becoming force sensitive will probably not be related to your species.


Kiyamon - Minister of Diplomatic Relations

Trinity Republic


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haha....yeah, i'm sure there will be alot of them. But don't rag on people for wanting to be jedis.....after all, rare as it will be, those who aren't enthusiastic and willing to try for it won't become them anywhere near as ften as those that will, and if they don't try after they become force sensitive they'll lose there sensitivity. So don't be too hard on them....after all, some of them will end up as jedis.

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Where did you hear that? I'll bet you they are just guessing and that it has nothing to do with what the game's developers have told us. The way they are trying to get a balanced game, you can pretty much bet being one particular race won't help you become force sensitive.

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I don't think any race will have a better chance at becomming a jedi, in fact I believe that the way to become a jedi for each individual will be random.


For joe blow it might be if he becomes a hairdresser, that combination of skills is what he needs for THAT character to become force sensitive. Doesn't mean he'd have to go down the jedi path but he did become sensitive.


For Jane Doe it might be to become a medic/doctor, that is the "right" pick to become sensitive to the force.


Thus the likelyhood that your character makes the right choices to become a jedi is rare, very rare.


But also because of this, any character, or race, has the same chance to become a jedi, not much at all.


Having said that, I'd rather face a human jedi than a wookie or trandoshan jedi :)

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Hunting Trip Log


Day 1 -

Killed a couple of Ewoks. We got tired of having sticks and rocks thrown at us so we left Endor for Naboo.


Day 2 -

Met this really annoying long eared freak. We killed him to keep ourselves from being driven insane. Too late. Now we must eradicate his entire species.


Day 3 -

Still hunting Gungans. We have found they are much easier to tollerate after we get drunk. And we all know nothing goes together quite as well as liquer and blasters.


Day 4 -

Shot self in foot. Maybe Correlian whiskey and blasters wasn't such a good idea.


Day 5 -

Going to one of Naboo's moons. We hear there are plenty more Gungans to kill up there.

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God it will be great to kill gungans. "Weesa gonna die?" Yes Jar Jar. Yousa gonna die. Oh yes, yousa gonna die. But personally I'd rather kill Jawas then ewoks. set up a trap with a droid and fill it full of explosives....they take it into their sandcrawler and BOOM no more jawas. Then we can see what was really under those hoods.....or maybe not cause they'll be all gone. Maybe I'll just shoot a couple....that way I can see what's under the hoods....

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