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This really sux


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I was gettign a ride home with my friend from school as usual and he was also taking this girl home. We were in the car and then she started smoking so I said can you not do that and she wouldn't and I don't hit girls so there was nothing I could do. Then I got home and my mom thinks I smoke now cause I smelled of smoke! God this really sux and this may be the last time I ever get to use my computer :( What do I do?



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well, this may override my rentition on squeeling, but if you can get your friend/s to state that it wasnt you that was smoking, then you may be in luck.


but then again if she doesnt belive it, and thinks that they are coverign your ass, she isnt going to belive any reason that it wasnt you and it was this chick.


so your screwed

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well i personally smoke, and i dont push my second hand on anyone... The fact that this person smoked in your presence when you asken them not too means this person isnt very nice in the first place... im sure your parents are more reasonable than that, and if they still dont believe you either you have some harsh parents or you did something to loose their trust... hope it works out for ya bud...

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Your mother shouldn't be a parent if she doesn't believe you.



Now that I've got that 2 cents of advice off my chest, look at your mom in all honesty and tell her the truth of the situation. And if she has any braincells, and I'm sure she does, she will believe you.



:leia: " We are on a diplomatic mission to Alderran!"


:vadar: " No, you are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Where are the plans to the Deathstar!? "


Was Vader a good parent?


Well, he had the force and could probably sense lies.... Does your mom have the force? Probably not, but I doubt she'll destroy your homeplanet; In this case, your computer. :D

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your mom doesnt beleave you????...look at her and say.. listen.. lets try to be logical about this.. if I DiDNT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT THIS WOULD HAVE I CAME HOME?!??!? DURRR DUURR YOU STUPID F HOW DID YOU MAKE IT HTIS FAR IN LIFE>> I CANT BELEAVE IM RELATED TO A PERSON WITH THE BRAIN OF a mongolid..

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No no, what you need to do is say Look Mom, I don't even smoke cigarettes, I smoke weed. Weed smells sweet - trust me, you can tell the difference. This is cigarette smoke you're smelling here so obviously I wasn't smoking on the way home.



...What's that mom? I'm still in trouble? Um this is medicinal weed, it's for my glaucoma remember? I thought I told you that I had glaucoma.

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Forhekset: ROTFLMAO


But seriously folks, repeat to your mum that you don't smoke, and stick to that. Even if she don't believe you at first the fact that you won't smell of smoke that often (save coming home from the occaisional pub/resturant) then she'll have to agree that you don't smoke. Also a lack of stained teeth/ fingernails in later life will vindicate you completely!

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