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An idea to stop drain whores.


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Make it so that you have to have say 2/3 or 1/2 of your force bar full before you can drain. Even then its still a pain on duel.


You get a guy that runs away, and waits for your absorb to wear off, and believe me this is VERY commmon. And then blam he drains you, and then his only strategy is to drain you every 5 seconds, attack, and drain, attack, and drain.


Drains cool and all but right now its a little over powered. Not to say heal isnt also. But you play a smart player using dark and well frankly you immediately turn into the underdog, especially if hes not interested in doing battle with you any other way but the said above.

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Try rolling after your opponent. You can get from point a to point b faster that way.


Further, people who rely on their force powers too much probably wont have alot in the way of dueling skills. Make sure your saber skills are up to snuff and dont worry about the rest.


Just a thought.



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in NF its no problem of course, which i do enjoy. But i dont plan to ignore the force duels either. And yes rolling is good, but still hardly viable against somone using this in cohoots with heavy stance.


Not only does it take away your ablity to push pull him mid-swing. It takes away your saber throw ability.


All in all your dead meat fort he most part against a heavy stancer using this teq unless you can get him b4 your absorb drains down and pray he does't start jumping on ledges (your absorb plummets even faster).


If its 2 darkies against each other it then becomes a drain battle in the first seconds.

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thanks for the intelligent feedback..yeah.


I guess you didnt read my post, yea i know heal is overpowered, and should have a cap too, or a reduction in healed health. But lets not forget about drain also.


Theres problems on both sides.

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Cracked is completely right, you can turn absorb off, lure your angry foe in, turn it on and smack him when he tries to drain you (his defenses are lowered as with grip and lightning), then he can't use it when he needs it most -> after he's taken damage...


I have to say I use drain alot against light siders who use heal. I drain them at the beginning and get stuck in before they get the force energy to heal.


The only problem you should have with run away healers is in ligh vs light conflicts. Then it's down to who can get two hits in quick succession (usually you have to push/pull right after a hit to get them on the floor, then cut them up or try and initiate a sabre lock to stop them from healing.

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Cracked is right, there is no rule you have to leave absorb on. Seriously I don't know how these arguements get started, I really am beginning to think Lightside are jealous that Dark side have a counter they can aim, and they only have a counter that makes them glow neon like a sign saying 'Just wait abit, I'll leave absorb on until I run out of force then let you drain me, but then I'll complain about how unbalanced drain is since I left absorb drain my force'


I have no pity for lightside when I run into a 'paladin' each night who swings that mighty skillful style, and taps that mighty heal button, while doing DFA all over the screen. Yet, once I a dark jedi come and drain him then slice him down while he's doing mass DFA, He calls me a 'cheap fag' and continues to slander me as a cheater, asshole or whatever for the rest of the match since I keep killing him.


Some people are just sore losers, and the fact is a few ruin it for the rest. Dark siders have a bad name because too many people abuse the grip after a full drain. But you will run into a few like myself, who just use drain for heal/countering so I can slice you down. So don't go suspecting all Dark Jedi being too relient on the force.

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I believe a perfect way to balance heal, or bring it down, is to make it like single player! Every time you use it, you must meditate undisturbed, and your health goes up. This way you couldnt heal during a battle unless you made some distance between yourself and your opponent, or found a quiet place. THEY should DEFINATELY make this change.


As for drain they should make it drain your own force about 3-4 times faster, and decrease the heal on drain slightly.


These two balances would definately solve some balance problems.

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I'm dedicated light side, i have no problem with people using force drain or force heal for all they've got, I can't for the life of me understand why people whine so much about those force powers.


When you use a force power your open to attack, it's as simple as that and if your playing light side what the hell are you doing with out absorb lvl 3 it's very rare that you don't have enough force points to get it and if you know how to use it you can just stand back and laugh at the gimped dark jedi.


The players that give me most problems are light side users who in general are better duelists than dark side players.

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If you don't like the extraneous force powers, you should head to an FFA server that supports ingame dueling. When you enter the duel, it limits all force powers but jump and throw. Hopefully, someone will come out with a mod that removes the ability to use bacta and also allows more than one set of duels going on at a time.

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i dont seem to understand some of yall.


1) You cant have absorb on all the time.

2) By the time you turn absorb on you have saved 2/3 of your force bar, thats alot but still.

3) you turn it off, and they instantly drain you again.

4) now your down to 1/3.


5) repeat.


Darkside is mad easy, yea your open to attack but drain has a damn far reach there.


i really don't understand how some of you can just pass it off as no big thing blech.

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Why is every1 hating Drainers ????


i mean how many Lighties do you see using Heal ???

if the Dark Side cant heal why do people think its fair the light side can ???


Also ... if you hate a force power you can think of a counter attack ... if you succeed doing that ur gonna love fighting against drainers ...

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Idea to stop drain whores:


Get better at the game. :vadar:






I agree with PainGod and Vektor, although I am a weak and impetious child who sucks at sabering. I still get my fair share of wins, if only because my opponents suck that much.


Get better at the game.


- Gaeb


PS: The summary of those threads is as follows:


While absorb is up, you can push and pull. He can't. That means you can knock him down and kill him easily, and he can't do a thing to you. It doesn't cost nearly as much as you think. I have a friend who duels me over out apartment network occasionally, and light/dark duels turn into speed and strategy as opposed to the almighty "swing the saber around like mad until you hit him!" which seems to be the attack method of choice for the uneducated. "But he drained me!" Maybe you should have been faster at absorb. "But he ran away after I turned on absorb!" Run away and turn off absorb. Next time you see him, pop it on the SECOND he drains, close with him, knock him to the ground, and kill him. That's assuming he even tries to saber you. A wise Dark Jedi will run like hell when you turn absorb on, especially if his saber style is weak. Amusingly, the Dark Side leads to reliance on the Force, not the lightsaber, which gives the Light Jedi a bit more practice and expertise since they actually have to close with their opponent to kill them. "But... but... but..." This game is well balanced, swallow your frustration and go learn it.

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I have no promblems with drainers. I mean go ahead drain all you like cause I use heavy stance and most of the time while thier draining I get a hit and they die, plus i use absorb. But what does anoy me about drain is that people run while doing it. What I think would be a good patch or something would be...like said before when you heal you must meditate so your forced to go into a quiet corner, or when you use heal make it use almost all of your force bar. For drain In my opinion what would be good is when you use it you are slowed down, that way you cant run away and keep draining, cause drain give you health mad fast so when a person is forced to drain they will get health fast but are slowed down leaving them open for attack that way they are forced to use it only when needed. But this is just my opinion...what you all think.

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Well last night I played on a light side/dark side forced server, Ie in Team FFA everyone on one team had to be either light or dark. Thus blue team was light Jedi, red was dark.


I started on red, jsut because it autoed me there. I had no idea light and dark was forced at that point.


Blue was getting thier asses handed to them, and people where leaving. Honestly nobody was very good on blue with a few minor exceptions.


Well I figured what the hell... I switched. To my amusement my drain and other dark side powers where gone.


So I being the brave idiot I am went in with only push pull and speed active selectively, with full offense defense, and throw and jump as my others.


I configured so next death I would have absorb, heal ETC.


It took me about two kills before I died. But once my new force powers where active so long as I wasn't jumped by 3 or more, or recieved a lucky hit from a DFA I cleaned house.


Now why could that be? Am I that good of a player? I don't think so. I'm decent all things considered, but I'll tell you why I think this happened.


I played religiously on a dueling no force server for about three days straight almost.


This game me one hell of an edge in saber combat. What this meant was even without my force powers, a dark sider was no match at close range saber fighting, at least not on this server, when they did really go for it with the sabers it was either against someone a teamate was gripping, or it was a spammed DFA.


Whats my point? that drain is really not the problem, even when drain is overused. The detrimental effect is minimal if you keep your wits about you. Oh no they grip you... use push or pull... oh no they use lightning, roll away... Will you die sometimes because of it? I sure hope so, because if you expect to never die, it's just silly.


If I turn on absorb and someone runs from me, I CHASE them, or turn it off... End of argument.


People run from others all the time anyway because we are all cheap on some level and don't want to die anymore than you or I do.


You know how many times I have beaten a guy to a bloody pulp with my saber, only to have him roll away for a shield or health up item?


Or how many times a guy who I was fighting saber only suddenly starts hitting heal every three seconds?


Then they whine when I use drain and cut em to ribbons?


Get a clue... There ARE balance problems in this game but not with drain really... drain is fairly easy to counter. If anything just fix absorb so the person using drain doesn't get HP's back when someone is using absorb. As a guy who usues drain now and then I can tell you that if you use Absorb I STILL get my HP's back...


/End rant

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I dont know why are are whinnig? Did too many dark side players killed you with using drain and grip combo or anything else.I always play as a dark jedi and I met many light side players that can counter my drain and they never cried when I drained all of their mana.They used their saber skills when I drained their mana.And I cant still understand why are you crying like a baby.


You are playing light side and I am sure that you always push to your FORCE HEAL button on your keybord in a duel, so as a dark side player I must say to you like "Heal masher WHORE", but i wont say like that because the most of the members of this forum are bored of persons crying like you.As written above, the balance in the game is not perfect but it is not because of drain.




Do you know what is the problem?

The problem is backwards run.It is as fast as forward run so if someone drains you and start to backwards run you cant catch him witout force, and he always drains your mana and attack you with lightning...Now do you understand the main problem?If you encountered a dark jedi like this then ignore this text but if you said "DRAIN WHORES" for just some regular Dark Jedi players that use drain but not run like cowards then go and get some training, in time you ll see the drain users will be easy to challenge.But I have last one thing to say to you: STOP CRYING!!!


I dont understand why is everyone that defeated by a force power is coming to forums and crying like babies.I read lots of thing in forums like "SABERTHROW WHORES,HEAVY STANCE WHORES,HEAL WHORES..."


This is a game and there will be just one winner, I am saying this to everyone pls stop crying when you defeated by someone.

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Originally posted by Smood

I believe a perfect way to balance heal, or bring it down, is to make it like single player! Every time you use it, you must meditate undisturbed, and your health goes up. This way you couldnt heal during a battle unless you made some distance between yourself and your opponent, or found a quiet place. THEY should DEFINATELY make this change.


As for drain they should make it drain your own force about 3-4 times faster, and decrease the heal on drain slightly.


These two balances would definately solve some balance problems.


I totally agree with you

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Even though I can handle drainers most the time anymore, I still say that drain should be limited so that it can only be used if you are down on health. I think that would help alot in getting rid of the moronic matches between two dark side players who immediately use drain against each other.

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well i dont know if its lag, or what, but when ever i pop on absorb, to counter drain, it doesnt fill my force meter... if it isnt supposed to, the manual isnt exactly clear on it... then i think it should. thats the only change i would like to see, drain vs heal, it seems balanced to me...

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hmmm.. smoods on to somehting... I think that they should tweak the healing effects of drain ('course I never use it to heal anyhow) and make it so that it gives force to people who use absorb.


I have to say I use drain alot against light siders who use heal. I drain them at the beginning and get stuck in before they get the force energy to heal.

DAMN right! This is how I play duels:

WATCH EVERYONE! Notice who uses heal, who uses drain or lit, and who really saberfights.


Against those who saber fight, ya thats what I do.

Against those who heal, drain, or use lightning I so the same.


The trick for people who heal is to wait until you hit them, then before your done swinging turn around and hold drain on them for 3 seconds (as it takes 1.5 to fully drain some one at moderate range, and most will move to farther range) and then go back to sabering. What bothers me are the people who then run until their force is back, just to have me drain it again :rolleyes:

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If you can't win because you're being drained, there's something wrong with your dueling skills. Play against the bots a bit; you'll notice that practically every one of the Dark side bots uses Drain the majority of the time. Even given that they are much worse duelers than the average human player, it's still good practice to learn to duel without the benefit of Force.


Heal isn't all it's cracked up to be. It takes your full force bar to heal a paltry 25 points, and a good duelist can slice off that just as soon as you get it, and more besides if you don't know how to defend. The Force powers in this game merely augment the weapons, so learn to use the weapons before you start complaining about the balance issues with Force powers.


-- ChrisTheS

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When Zufuss was writing his post, I believe he was referring to the more capable players that know how to use drain in bursts so as to prevent absorb from being effective, and who know not to run into you while you're spamming your offensive swing. Drain is powerful for one reason: it directly interrupts with the other player's ability to do anything that would require force. As far as downsides go, sure, it leaves you vulnerable, but to what? Drain has the longest range in the game of any force power, and if used in bursts, isn't absorbable (just burst the player with some drain whenever he turns absorb off, then stop when he turns it back on.) Since drain doesn't hamper mobility, you can still run all around the place draining him dry. The force cost for drain is also minimal. Thus, there is no effective counter to drain.


-You can't chase the drainer down since you can't move faster than him. Therefore, you can't saber him.

-If he bursts his drain you can't absorb it.


Heal, on the other hand, is only effective vs the players who believe that medium stance is more skillful because it is inferior in nearly every way to the offensive stance. One hit from the offensive stance will do 100 damage, ie: take away your 25 shields and bring you to 25 hp. If you heal twice to get to 100 hp, the second red swing will kill you anyway. And in duels, you can't get shield powerups.

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