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Sweet, Sweet Violence


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I love this game so much that as I peruse the forum threads I find myself reminiscing. And I want to know what were the moments that made you shake your head in awe and say F*! Yeah!?


Here's my favorite, I think. (Mild spoiler, but nothing critical to the plot.)


I there's a place in the Yavin swamp where Kyle has to climb into a hole in a stone wall, fight a couple of shadowtroopers in a dark hallway that switches back on itself, then exit a hole on the other side that leads back to another part of the swamp.


My fight with the 2nd shadowtrooper was vicious. We hurt each other pretty bad with sabers, then knocked ourselves into a deep part of the swamp. Our lightsabers fizzled out and we clawed for air. He lightninged me. Ouch! I pushed him back and applied a force grip. He hadn't enough juice left to break the grip, but Kyle had run out of air and was gasping, dying. But wait, so was he, so I held the grip a little longer, and...yes! The trooper's body crumpled and slid into the black murky deep as Kyle sprang to the surface.


Good graphics are one thing. Awesome decapitations another. Bloody clouds of ricocheting gibs something different still. But I've never been in a PC game fight where it felt so much like I was desperately crushing an enemy's equally desperate will to live. And as horrible as that sounds, in gameplay terms that is just incredibly, incredibly cool.


So. What things happened that made *you* sit back and say "Whoa!"?

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Dude.... This may sound gay but i do get SO into SP... i LOOOOOOOOVE Walking into a room with 5+ Stormies and Scream at my PC "WASSUP BIZATCHES!!?" Then pull the all to me and grip one and throw him into the air and watch him come SCREAMING to the ground

then ill slash afew sorry little freaks and push the lastone into somthing heh... then close my saber and walk out... *so Smooth*


One Cool thing is when you see trip mines is to Grip a Guy ( Must have GRip LV3) and Push him right into the Mines :D

So fun....

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And I thought I was the only freak!

My favourite trick involves force pull level 3, and force grip level 3.

What I like to do, is step into a room full of stormies, force pull them, and kill them all one by one.

However, I always keep a single one alive. Now, I force grip this last poor trooper (if it's an officer the effect is greater :D), while screaming "I FIND YOUR LACK OF FAITH... DISTURBING!" and smashing the trooper from wall to wall. Notice that this is only possible with force grip level 3, since you can't throw troopers across rooms on the previous levels.


OK, I'm officialy crazy ;P

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I like to use grip somewhat like that too. Depending on the enemy, I like to either play "Cannonball" or "Catapult". I'll grip an enemy, and if I am playing cannonball I will either look up and let go then hit force push, or if I want real distance Ill leap up to full height first, THEN hit force push. Or just let go. Depends on how sadistic Im feeling at the moment. For catapult, Ill force grip, jump straight up, swing the enemy and see how far I can pithc him.

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My favorite moment is when I dueled that reborn at the top of the Bespin shaft (where Luke got his hand chopped off in ROTJ). The first few times, he would pull these ridiculous moves to decapitate me. At this point, I was furious.....


We locked blades at the edge of the catwalk. After winning the blade lock, I chopped his left leg off. He screamed in defeat as he fell backwards, tumbling off the catwalk. I quickly ran to the edge and watched him fall down the shaft. Partway down, he bounced off a pipe. It looked so sweet. :D :D :D



~Fettish :fett:

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Originally posted by Fettish

My favorite moment is when I dueled that reborn at the top of the Bespin shaft (where Luke got his hand chopped off in ROTJ). The first few times, he would pull these ridiculous moves to decapitate me. At this point, I was furious.....


We locked blades at the edge of the catwalk. After winning the blade lock, I chopped his left leg off. He screamed in defeat as he fell backwards, tumbling off the catwalk. I quickly ran to the edge and watched him fall down the shaft. Partway down, he bounced off a pipe. It looked so sweet. :D :D :D



~Fettish :fett:


Ahh, you never forget your first time.... (That is the first reborn, isn't it? I *think* it is, anyway.) :-)))


Yeah, that was a sweeeeet duel. I didn't know what the F I was doing, but I got lucky and scored one of those leaping, spinning decapitation moves. So cool in slo-mo, so gratuitous, so perfect. Made me say to the rest of the grunts, "What? Did you not *see* that? Why are you even still here, you cretins? What part of 'I will cut you and your faux-jedi punks to pieces at will' don't you understand?"


<happy sigh>

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well, if you turn on full dismemberment, so you can even cut them up on the floor, then sabre throw a lvl 3 sabre at stormtroopers, they just fall apart, head, both arms in two spots, torso, sometimes legs, its awesome to see 15 parts fall to the ground :D then for effect i will force push the body parts around :evil3:


i also enjoyed mind trick 3 -ing the swamp troopers and then they run over and stand around you so they can defend you, then you pull out your sabre and cut them up from behind... hehe, im sadistic, i know, but they are the retards that stay in the empire :D

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My favorite duel was with the first reborn on bespin level.I killed him like darth maul it was incredible, he was standing near edge and made a wrong attack and i cut him like obiwan.Both of his parts fell to the darkness.But I am so sad that I couldnt take an SS, i tried it again and again to take a pic but hell i couldnt :(

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A part that made me actually shout "HELL YEAH!" was in the Bespin air shafts jumping into those updrafts from platform to platform. I jumped into a draft, it carried me up and I smoooothly swung straight down leading into the enemy on the next platform. It was sweet. It might not sound impressive, but the timing was so incredible, it kicked ass.

Also, taking on the 2 reborn and 2 shadowtroopers at once by myself was pretty intense at the Academy towards the end. My Jedi buddies got hacked up pretty quick.

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It's a good thing the galaxy (as far as we know) isn't really that violent, eh? :p It's bad enough that the just this ONE PLANET is so violent. I know that wasn't the point, though. ;) It's still true. And I like carving the stormtroopers a new one with the lightsabers. I also like using g_saberrealisticcombat 3 and having the Reborn leap high into the air only to come down at mach 13 and impale themselves on my lightsaber. ;)

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