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Message to SERVER admins...


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Legitimate posts = legitimately bumped threads. It's a matter of good housekeeping.


Regardless, unless maps are released from Raven by patch or by announcement you risk locking out a fair chunk of players. The only option would be to run outside of pure mode, which is no option at all.


As with everything else this is at the discretion of the person putting his or her time into a machine, players don't necessarily get a vote.



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I'm finally starting to add new maps to the server I'm running. I want to do it early on in the games lifecycle so that players get used to the idea of downloading new maps, and not end up with a counter strike like problem where any server running custom maps was effectively boycotted.


That said I have some fairly specific criteria on what maps I will put up. I am running two servers on one machine from the same directory ( and if you have seen some of my other posts, you may think I'm harping on about this issue, and I guess I am as I feel it is important ) with g_automapcycle set to 1. One server is ffa ( well at least it boots on ffa ) with full voting so it can become whatever. The other is duel only with no voting, so it stays duel. This means that I will not be running any map that has been designed as a small duel map but has support for ffa as well. The two gametypes are really quite incompatible with each other. If I were to include these maps the 20 player ffa server would auto run them as well, which would be even more annoying when they don't have enough spawn points.


Some ideas for mappers :


duel maps should be duel only


ffa maps can be ffa/team ffa/jedi master/holocron


ctf/cty maps can be everything except duel

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The maps do go in your base folder. Then you go to the console while in multiplayer mode and type "map mapname" Unfortunately sometimes the mapname isn't exactly the same as the .pk3 file name. You can also go to create server and see if it will let you select that map in a server rotataion...if so then you know it is installed correct.


If you are talking about single player maps I it must be similiar however since I have not tried loading a single player map I cannot be sure.

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OK..I hope this clears some things up for all of you...I make custom maps for Worms server because i said i would...at the time i had no idea of the nightmare that would be unleased.....

1st make sure the map is in your gamedata/base directory.

2nd if it is a .pk3 file it should load by creating a server and you will see the name...if its a duel map...chose duel and you should see the full name.

heres why names are different etc..

Inside the .pk3 file are a minimum of 3 folders.

one is for the map file itself...one is for a levelshot which is what the person sees as he loads it...and one is for the arena file...

the arena file is the script that tells jk2 what the map name is and map type..you can open the .pk3 with winzip and the arena with notpad if you wanna see this...

anyways...the bottom line is...if you put it into the correct directory and it is a .pk3 instead of a plain .bsp(map file) you should be able to select it...I hope by knowing how it works it takes some of the confusion out of it for you....

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Just as a side note. It helps to restart the server after you put the maps in the base directory. You'll notice when the ded server starts up it "loads" the info from the pk3 files. If you just toss a map in there and then try to load it, you are going to get mixed results.

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