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News Glass map series.


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Ok I just started small a box. It's really fun. Because you shoot it goes all over the place. The next neat thing is that I's going to have tons more add-ons. And even on earth. This will be tons of fun.


Try it out here are some pics first.










and the download is here





If you like to be emailed the updates that can be done just send email to:




and I will send you the newest copy when it comes out.

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u can use Worldcraft for JK2... its jsut very long winded.

First using 1.6 WC (the quake one) make your map with quake textures...

then export as .map

then import into jk2 radiant, and all you have to do is retexture and add entitys..

long winded i know, but probably easier than learning how to use another program

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