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LotR Action Figures

Boba Rhett

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For the past few months I've been waiting patiently for the Aragorn figures to come out here. On Tuesday I went to my local TRU to rummage through the latest SW merchandise and also to check the lotr figures out. Low and behold, they had gotten in s slew of Aragorn figures! I excitedly grabbed the one nearest to me. The next reaction I had was one of total horror. The lotr Aragorn figure is the ugliest figure I have ever seen in my life! At first I thought it was just a messed up one, so I checked the others....they were even worse! :eek:


Here are his ailments,


1. His face. It's the worst part of him. The right side looks as if he's repeatedly been beaten with a mace of some sort. His eye is sunken in and the whole side is kind of domed inward.


2. His beard. I don't know how they're painting it on but it doesn't work at all. You remember that scene in "Ernest Goes To Jail" were he chews on the pen and it leaks all over him? Well, Aragorn looks exactly like he's been doing some pen chewing himself....


3. His Arms. They're almost as distorted as his face is. With various globs of color thrown about.


4. Overall body. It doesn't look very natural. More like the "He-Man-Luke" figures of years passed.


5. Weapons. It almost looks like they just stuck little scraps of plastic in with him.


Final: He seriously looks like one of the zombies from the Resident Evil game series.




Anyone else got any of these things? If so, can you confirm that this is a widespread problem?


Well, that's enough ranting and raving outta me for today. ;)

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