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Fast Stance Uppercut Slice Underrated?


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One of the Fast Stance special moves, the uppercut slicing thingy (Duck, then Forward+Attack) is something that I don't see people use very often, but I have found it to be an excellent move, especially as a finisher.


1) It's extremely fast. Unless you spam it like crazy or walk around crouched, no one is going to expect it, and there's no time to jump/roll away when you see it coming like with DFA.


2) It does good damage for a fast attack. It doesn't kill people in one hit, but its great for ending a duel once you worn down your opponent a little bit.


3) It breaks defenses very well. Not as much as a strongswing of course, but you're not going to see this move get blocked more than any other fast or medium swing.


4) The recovery is not too bad. Since you need to be facing your opponent to do this move anyways, you never really leave yourself exposed.

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i use it as a finisher after creaming someone with a strong stance swing in duels. it's good, but when you see people spamming it you just gotta laugh. they sit on their arses crawling around the level trying to hit people with it. it's so easy just to sidestep, and then smack em over the head with downward swing in medium stance.

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Yeah, I agree, it can be deadly if it's not telegraphed.


I was dueling this guy last nite, and he used it on me. Splat.


He ran towards me, jumped, and as he landed, executed the move. It was so awesome; he told me the timing is the thing, and that he had to work at it to get it right (as with anything else!).....

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