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the need of fps...


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Have you guys seen the benchmarks for the new GeForce 4 ti4600 cards? Dear lord I nearly wet myself when I saw what they were pulling at MAXIMUM resolution with EVERY feature turned on. The damn thing still pulls over 100-120 fps!!! I would highly recommend getting one. Imagine playing Max Payne with it. *drool*

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Have you guys seen the benchmarks for the new GeForce 4 ti4600 cards? Dear lord I nearly wet myself when I saw what they were pulling at MAXIMUM resolution with EVERY feature turned on. The damn thing still pulls over 100-120 fps!!! I would highly recommend getting one. Imagine playing Max Payne with it. *drool*



Boo hoo, I hate you!!! *runs off and cries with his GeForce 2*



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I run at least 25 fps even in messiest battles etc , and find it hasnt affected my performance.


in HL i would know i would be dead in a second or two, with that kind of fps in a fight

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I hate to bring this up guys but the human eye can perceive 220 Frames Per second and possibly more, it has been proven. its at 24 fps that we start to perceive fluid motion. I believe even John Carmack has brought this up in some of his post about a year ago. because manufactures know we can perceive the faster frames they design more powerful hardware. ex: geforce 4

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The more fps, the better it is. Movies have "motion blur," where frames are somewhat blended together to give a more fluid appearance, but game engines don't really compensate well for motion blur, since things are constantly changing. Thus more fps = better.

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geforce 2? JK2 runs awesome on a geforce 2!!! i have one machine running at 1ghz with 256sdram on a geforce 2, and it runs beautifully. my other machine is running at 1.54ghz with 256ddrram, but only a voodoo3 hehehe. you think you're bad off? try voodoo3 :( my sky is screwed up and blurs everywhere, so that if someone jumps above me im screwed, cant hit em. i can get up to about 90 fps, but often in maps like ffa_yavin and ctf_ns_streets, my fps drops to 10, which is unplayable (for me anyway). 40fps is fine, 30 is pushing it for me hehe :)

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