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Canyon Oasis v2


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For those of you who haven't downloaded this, it's in the file database now and it's absolutely fantastic. Easily my favorite of the usermade ones, and it's a lot like JK1 Canyon Oasis but with updates that make it look like it could have come with the game. There are some changes, but none of them hurt the map at all. Kudos to the maker of it. Give it a try.

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its a decent map...but i dont like it that much...it hardly reminds me of canyon oasis except for the catwalk.....if it was like to original just a little more detailed it would be great...also the water is really weird...couldnt it be set to use swim like it is in sp?

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This is by far horrible. This Canyon Oasis isn't right at all. The way you created the water was wrong. As was the winding walkway around the lower part of the level. Not to mention the item placement is off. And the corner where the Rail was in the first game. Look at the orginal CO before you attempt to creat CO next time. Wheres Malorkus when you need em.

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SirBanshee.....STFU you critical bastard.


Constructive is certainly NOT what you were.


It is a good attempt, but I concur; the map is three times too small. Everything else is detailed and good. Not exactly the same, but great detail for a general map.

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Personally, I think the problem with the water is NOT the level author's fault, but a flaw in the MP engine.


Think about it. We did not see a lot of water in even the SP game, and what we did see was only deep enough to completely submerge Kyle. We did NOT have the deep water we got used to in JK1 and MotS. We did not get ANY water in the MP levels, except that bit in BGJ that doesn't really count (not even splash sounds!)


The water effect problems are not the fault of the author, but are the fault of the people who adapted the engine. Sorry Raven guys; otherwise you did a great job. But even Quake 3 handled the water better.

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I think a better respones to SirBanshee is "Please - Do better, or just sit down and shut the f**k up".


We did not see a lot of water in even the SP game, and what we did see was only deep enough to completely submerge Kyle.
Did you even finish the second half of the swamp? After exiting the V Shaped tunnel, the water is very deep.
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Simplex, your a nobody, sit down, boy. Con. Snake, same for you, do the world a favor and hang yourselves.


I'll be critical if I want. If your gonna remake an orginal level, then do it right. JOradiant just came out, this isn't about who can put out the levels in the fastest amount of time.

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Telling people that they're nobody and they should hang themselves is pretty sad. But anyway...


[edited by digl - if you post something like that again you will be banned]


It has a SORT of lightning thing, it's these red panels in the ground and if you go over them (even jump over) they take some of your life away

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Originally posted by [D12]SirBanshee

I'll be critical if I want. If your gonna remake an orginal level, then do it right. JOradiant just came out, this isn't about who can put out the levels in the fastest amount of time.

I agree.

It was a good effort by the author, but that simply is not a canyon oasis remake. I'm sure in some time there will be almost perfect remakes of most JK levels.

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I'm just glad somebody got this map out of the way, so there will be no need for more or for people begging for it!


Now let's see some of the other (JK, MotS) levels converted, now that my two least favorite JK1 maps are done (Canyon Oasis and Battleground Jedi)! ; )

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What is it with internet forum posters, that they decide to be so mean? I think it's due to the fact that because they're not right up in the face of whoever they decide to insult, they figure they can get away with it. That shows true and extreme cowardice. Telling someone to hang themselves my dear, sweet, rotten, immature SirBanchee, is inappropriate. It makes people think less of you (obviously, however, you don't care or you wouldn't have said it). Being critical is all right, just as long as you're nice about it, and are constructive. If you want to act like a child, then you might want to do it elsewhere, because I'm sure there are people who would appriciate it.

As for the map, I thought it was done well. It has its good and its not so good quirks. I would have liked the water to resemble the first construction of the level, for example. I also think that the size of the map could do with an increase. But, over all, I think it was a good attempt to re-create one of everybody's favourite maps. :)

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Just played it... Not too bad. The trap is a bit overpowered compared to the JK one, though, and the level as a whole is a bit off on scale. But I liked the new touches to it... would have liked it better if it weren't for this blasted problem with bots in 3rd-party maps.


-- ChrisTheS

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