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i am so sick of.....


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oh for the love of god.


i am so sick of all you dark jedi that only use the move Grab Lightning, and Drain. In fact most of you dont even fight with sabers anymore, you have either a rocket, and flechette launcher, or the heavy repeater. You people cannot understand how furious i am because while im fighting (always agaisnt 2 or 3) im being shot at with undeflectable rounds, and then i get force grabbed again and again and again. then after fighting hard for a good 5 minutes with some people while i have fulll health i am always hit from behind by someone using strong fighting style. This wouldn't bother me so much if i had a fighting chance, but i don't. I'm sure many other Light jedi's will agree with me on this. I personally feel that if they ever decide to make a patch that they include extra bonus's if your a light jedi, and i hope they bring in more reasons to duke it out with someone saber ala saber. PLEASE MAKE THERE HAVE TO BE SKILL INVOLVED IN KILLING SOMEONE, THIS GARBAGE IS GETTING RIDICULUS! i am so sick of all you dark jedi that only use the move Grab Lightning, and Drain. In fact most of you dont even fight with sabers anymore, you have either a rocket, and flechette launcher, or the heavy repeater. You people cannot understand how furious i am because while im fighting (always agaisnt 2 or 3) im being shot at with undeflectable rounds, and then i get force grabbed again and again and again. then after fighting hard for a good 5 minutes with some people while i have fulll health i am always hit from behind by someone using strong fighting style. This wouldn't bother me so much if i had a fighting chance, but i don't. I'm sure many other Light jedi's will agree with me on this. I personally feel that if they ever decide to make a patch that they include extra bonus's if your a light jedi, and i hope they bring in more reasons to duke it out with someone saber ala saber. PLEASE MAKE THERE HAVE TO BE SKILL INVOLVED IN KILLING SOMEONE, THIS GARBAGE IS GETTING RIDICULUS! i am so sick of all you dark jedi that only use the move Grab Lightning, and Drain. In fact most of you dont even fight with sabers anymore, you have either a rocket, and flechette launcher, or the heavy repeater. You people cannot understand how furious i am because while im fighting (always agaisnt 2 or 3) im being shot at with undeflectable rounds, and then i get force grabbed again and again and again. then after fighting hard for a good 5 minutes with some people while i have fulll health i am always hit from behind by someone using strong fighting style. This wouldn't bother me so much if i had a fighting chance, but i don't. I'm sure many other Light jedi's will agree with me on this. I personally feel that if they ever decide to make a patch that they include extra bonus's if your a light jedi, and i hope they bring in more reasons to duke it out with someone saber ala saber. PLEASE MAKE THERE HAVE TO BE SKILL INVOLVED IN KILLING SOMEONE, THIS GARBAGE IS GETTING RIDICULUS!




come and join T.P.T.S.G.P !!!


Tired of People Too Stupid to use Goddamned Paragraphs

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Originally posted by power_ed


Was that whining?... I think that was whining.. so here ya go:





:D :D :D


Actually that wasn't whining. How is light force sucks and needs reform etc whining?


Maybe that would be whining if I actually used light force, this is a suggestion.


Whining usually doesn't offer suggestions.


Furthermore since I wasn't whining to begin with I guess that makes you guys idiot whiner followers. Go ahead and say I'm whining, fine you guys are idiots anyways, anyone can do it!

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Originally posted by Darth Seph



Violin is the best instrument.

It's so not "blah"


If you are good at it, it sounds so friggin' cool.

It's like an infinite range of sounds...


Anyways, back on topic:


Nothing in this game is cheap because everything can be countered.

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If it's in the game, it's not cheap. Cheap is what low skilled people call better players when they get there @$$ handed to them.


If you looking for sympathy, you can find it in the dictionary. Right have symphony, i believe.



And, just for good measure





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If it's in the game, it's not cheap. Cheap is what low skilled people call better players when they get there @$$ handed to them.


There are situations where someone can be cheap within the boundaries of the game and not be displaying any sort of skill. For example on a Duel server (and I mean that specifically) if the Duel has just started and the other person is bowing or doing some other show of respect it is rather cheap to kill him while he does that, and it requires no skill to do. I believe that the distinction is important on Duel servers because a portion of the time is spent chatting and if you're continually doing rude things, the chatting while waiting for the next turn can be much less fun :(

For the record I don't think bowing and all of that is required or some silly thing, I simply think that a skilled player would be more interested in a bit of competetion than an easy kill.

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That's a good point. I meant more with the use of things, such as guns and strong saber or pull/push. That to me is not cheap, your just taking advantage of the strengths of the game. But yeah, killing some1 while they are bowing is cheap, or if that person is facing a corner with his saber turned off. But some people don't care about that, (usually these are the same people who call good players cheap, who need all the kills they can get)so you should be prepared for that, and don't leave yourself open at all, or at least only once.



raxius.gif \

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