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The trailer of episode II look better than episode I, I hope the movie is much better than the first one. It looks like there is much more jedi action and the storyline is said to be better. It has better actors too like Christopher Lee playing the bad guy!!!


Whats your opinion of the trailer???

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Originally posted by gonk-raider

Hint, you see billy d williams in this, he kills count dooku at the end with a cold colt 45. It works everytime


What the hell are you talking about, dooku gets killed by jawas using the DFA move on him. Then he goes to the Jediknight forums and complains that the heavy stance ruins the movie :D

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What the hell are you talking about, dooku gets killed by jawas using the DFA move on him. Then he goes to the Jediknight forums and complains that the heavy stance ruins the movie


Dude whatever, I don't know who he is to be complaining, Dooku is a drain/grip whore...


And yeah, Ep II looks AWESOME

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for reference, here's what really happens to dooku =)




dooku, aka tyranus for those of you who didnt know, does not get killed in episode ii. he fights obi wan and anakin, and after obi wan gets cut up pretty badly, he throws his saber to anakin, who battles for a while...then he gets half of his arm chopped off...then yoda shows up and starts 0wning him...dooku tries to throw a crane thingy on obi wan and anakin, but yoda uses the force...then dooku runs away, and the movie is over...heh..

the battle in one paragraph =)



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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

for reference, here's what really happens to dooku =)




dooku, aka tyranus for those of you who didnt know, does not get killed in episode ii. he fights obi wan and anakin, and after obi wan gets cut up pretty badly, he throws his saber to anakin, who battles for a while...then he gets half of his arm chopped off...then yoda shows up and starts 0wning him...dooku tries to throw a crane thingy on obi wan and anakin, but yoda uses the force...then dooku runs away, and the movie is over...heh..

the battle in one paragraph =)



Damn y00....you know I cant handle not looking at spoilers.....besides I would own them all with the DFA move anyway nuff said :D

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*reads spoiler* I'm happy...


glad they're not doing to Dooku what they did to Maul. A kewl character needs more than one movie to evolve, and I never liked the idea of Lucas just throwing out one disposable villian after another until Anakin finally becomes Vader.


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If I had had more time, I would have written a more thorough description of


<-- hehe if you consider THAT a spoiler, you need help....




while this isnt entirely related, episode ii focuses a lot on politics and economics (the underlying plot is wholly about the two), which i thought was awesome...


at the beginning of ep2 (it doesnt give this info in ep2 movie, maybe the scrolling text @ the beginning - i got the more detalied info about ani and obi's mission from the approaching storm (prolude to aotc) by alan dean foster...

many systems are threatening to pull out of hte republic, and anakin and obi juan (hehe) have just come back from a mission to ansion, which is a key planet that if seceeded to the republic, would bring LOTS of other systems with it....


but more immediately in the actual movie, there is a uprising in the senate to create a military with the Military Creation Act to combat the increasing risk of bouts and even war with the secessionists...at the head of the opposition is amidala....





i have to go to class, so ill continue this at a later date =)

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Well I have never doubted that it will suck (cmon, Lucas never could direct and his script for EP1 was AWFUL!), and it seems Im not the only one (granted this guys an idiot and I doubt that he saw the movie, but its a fun read :D ).


Not to say that I wont go see it. After outcast Im so hooked on starwars that Id watch Ep1 again (ok, maybe Im not THAT hooked). However unlike with ep1 I am not expecting ANYTHING out of it. Im only going to see Jango Fett (Bobba rocked, even if he died in a truely pathetic way), dual lightsabers, and Yoda kicking ass (that SHOULDNT be a spoiler for any one on this forum).

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Three reasons why SW2 is gonna blow SW1 away:

1) Jar Jar is in the movie for all of two minutes

2) Anakin Skywalker is not a "yippy" screaming kiddie, he's a bad@$$ biker with a lightsaber.

3) Natalie Portman in a leather corset.


That should be 'nuff said :D

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Well I have never doubted that it will suck (cmon, Lucas never could direct and his script for EP1 was AWFUL!), and it seems Im not the only one (granted this guys an idiot and I doubt that he saw the movie, but its a fun read ).


Not to say that I wont go see it. After outcast Im so hooked on starwars that Id watch Ep1 again (ok, maybe Im not THAT hooked). However unlike with ep1 I am not expecting ANYTHING out of it. Im only going to see Jango Fett (Bobba rocked, even if he died in a truely pathetic way), dual lightsabers, and Yoda kicking ass (that SHOULDNT be a spoiler for any one on this forum).


If you think Ep II sucks already then you're gonna walk out and immediately try to figure out why you should hate it, thats no fun :(.


Also be careful about what you think isn't spoilers about Ep II, some people actually thought the color of Mace's lightsaber was a spoiler...I didn't understand either...

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Originally posted by Jedi_Monk

Three reasons why SW2 is gonna blow SW1 away:

1) Jar Jar is in the movie for all of two minutes

2) Anakin Skywalker is not a "yippy" screaming kiddie, he's a bad@$$ biker with a lightsaber.

3) Natalie Portman in a leather corset.


That should be 'nuff said :D


Anakin is still quite annoying but its an arrogance type of annoying that makes you want to punch him in the face if he was standing right in front of you.

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Yeah anakin definately has increased in annoyance, but in a 'badass' manner. It seriously is the type of guy you would like to punch if you saw him. He is a kid trying to act all 'badass', and that is what bugs me. Obi wan was not like this at all when he was with Qui gonn.


Also, the guy who wrote that review (linked in one of the previous posts) is a complete idiot. He is trying to explain how a landspeeder is not scientifically provable. At that point, i stopped reading as a review and started reading just to laugh at the guy. He also talks about how he is a 'professional' and tries to tell holywood stars how to act. Granted, Obi wan's actor is really bad (i mean, was i the only one who NEVER heard him say "you overdid it" in the gungan submarine when Gui gonn 'tranquilized' Jar Jar?).


However, obi wan's actor is a very good swordfighter, and that is why i go to watch starwars films :D Now when i heard Yoda was using a lightsaber...i was really scared. It would be like the Jar Jar messup multiplied by 100. I mean, we all see Yoda as a comical yet extremely wise Jedi Master. I never expected him to fight with a lighsaber. Oh well, i guess desperate times call for desperate measures.


ps: Natalie is smokin' hot

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2 weeks to go and I have yet to see one trailer for starwars on t.v., besides the doritos commercials or whatever. (I live in Ontario). Wondering if it will do as good in the box office as the 1st one? Cause this one doesnt seem to have very good marketing, beside the internet.

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Originally posted by Caldera

Yeah anakin definately has increased in annoyance, but in a 'badass' manner. It seriously is the type of guy you would like to punch if you saw him. He is a kid trying to act all 'badass', and that is what bugs me. Obi wan was not like this at all when he was with Qui gonn.


Also, the guy who wrote that review (linked in one of the previous posts) is a complete idiot. He is trying to explain how a landspeeder is not scientifically provable. At that point, i stopped reading as a review and started reading just to laugh at the guy. He also talks about how he is a 'professional' and tries to tell holywood stars how to act. Granted, Obi wan's actor is really bad (i mean, was i the only one who NEVER heard him say "you overdid it" in the gungan submarine when Gui gonn 'tranquilized' Jar Jar?).


However, obi wan's actor is a very good swordfighter, and that is why i go to watch starwars films :D Now when i heard Yoda was using a lightsaber...i was really scared. It would be like the Jar Jar messup multiplied by 100. I mean, we all see Yoda as a comical yet extremely wise Jedi Master. I never expected him to fight with a lighsaber. Oh well, i guess desperate times call for desperate measures.


ps: Natalie is smokin' hot




Obi-Wan is nothing of a swordfighter compared to Dooku and basically most of the Jedi Council. Yoda is amazing.



By the way, I didn't think that Obi-Wan's actor was bad at all, and his lines are much better in Episode II IMO. Also, just because you have heard 2 lines read badly by Hayden Christensen, you cannot simply assume that he is a bad actor. Most of the lines you have seen in the trailers are out of context. Not only do they not play the right video to go along with the appropriate lines, they do not play the lines in the correct chronological order. Trailers are not made to tell all, only to get you curious about the movie.

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