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Team based Mod Idea.. Rebellion versus Empire


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Just wanted to throw this idea out i had for a Teambased MP mod..



Probably not something i'm going to do but for anyone looking for ideas


Title: Rebellion versus Empire


the basis of this Mod is team based tactical warfare


the imperials are forced to use Either officer or Stormtroopers and the Rebellion are forced to use the Rebel Trooper ( or officers if any are made)


no force powers no jedi, no sabre.



depending on the map each team is either Defence or Offence.

The defenders have to defend the object or area and obviously the offenders would be trying to destroy or take the object.





an example:



Endor Shield Generator.


its the Imperials job to defend the shield generators at all costs ( an object representing generator). there can be more than one all needed to be destroyed for the rebels to win.


The rebels on the other hand are trying to destroy it. The level ends in either A. the imperials defended for the time of the level or the Rebels have destroyed the object(s). And then onto the next level.



anyways just an idea.

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Yes, been tossing around the same kind of idea, except it includes jedi and bounty hunters, just as an example.


But, it would need to weapon damage be upped quite a lot, along the lines of one shot kill, and movement speed and such slowed down, shooting while moving less accurate and such.


BTW Antilles, I haven't been able to scan that AT-AT pic due to the lack of a scanner, I'm currently trying to wrangle a digi camera from somewhere.

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I wouldn't makeit anything like CS either..



it would be simply pitting the forces of the Empire against the rebellion.


i personally wouldn't change much about the game, a la.. instakills , slow down running, anything like that.



it would simply be.. as the game is now, only object oriented team play.


the thing i like about it is it would be change from the usual kill kill kill to something more along the lines like CTF.. where team work is a little more encouraged.

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As soon as the game source is released I am going to look into working on a class based or some other form of team mod. I would love to see something like the battle of Hoth or similar, but I don't think the Quake3 engine would be suited to that many players in one wide open room.... it would run very poorly I suspect.

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( now i'm home)


you don't necissarily have to have large number teams to have good team gameplay like this..


Rainbow 6 did it with just 16 players. ( albiet not exactly what we are after here)



infact a team of 10 v 10 would be pretty intense. And ofcourse some maps would be designed for larger ( 16v16) groups having multiple objectives ( ie: multiple generators) while other maps might be small team oriented ( only 1 objective, ie: a single droid containing critical deathstar technical data).


in either case we are just looking at simple objectives.. nothing too intricate requiring teams of 32.

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I guess the number of players isn't the problem I am worried about. I would think that the style of the level would be more of a problem. I believe a game where all 20 players can see eachother can cause some serious lag. I am really interested in putting my talents to use in making a kickass JK2 mod, although I haven't had any Quake3 experience, I know plenty of C.... enough to go around. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I just wish we could have some indication when the game source would be released.

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have anyone of you played the q2 mod "gloom"? it worked with teams (aliens/humans) with different player classes. Everyone starts out as the most basic unit, and as you kill people, you use the kill points to 'buy' a better player class.

You could do this with your team warefare mod. Start out as a lowly Stormtrooper/Rebel Trroper, move up the ranks until you become a Sith/Jedi. Rewards like this keep the game balanced, so everyone cant be Jedi all the time, and while you're a jedi, you wont get enough kills to be a jedi after you die.

Great ideas on the objectives tho.


PS. CS for JK2 will suck badly, Ive never heard of Terrorists in Starwars, have you?

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Gnarf. Pitting Rebels vs. Imperials with the damages the blasters do now would be...silly? Just a huge, chaotic, circle-strafing fest where you have to hit your enemy 10 times to kill him, or, it would turn into a huge flak cannon fragfest, ala Unreal Tournament. Now that would be teh sUck.


BTW who the hell mentioned terrorists?

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Originally posted by eziz

Gnarf. Pitting Rebels vs. Imperials with the damages the blasters do now would be...silly? Just a huge, chaotic, circle-strafing fest where you have to hit your enemy 10 times to kill him, or, it would turn into a huge flak cannon fragfest, ala Unreal Tournament. Now that would be teh sUck.


BTW who the hell mentioned terrorists?



it depends, look at the Team FFA right now, it isn't all big weapons, i mean you can limit what weapons they have available..



Just play RTCW or make a mod for that.


Great way to kill JK2's best features.


hehehe which is easier? to mod JK2 just a little bit, or take RTCW and increase your work 10 fold


and yes you could have sabres or force powers, but then it wouldn't exactly be like the rebels versus the empire now would it?


storm troopers don't have sabres or force powers.



if anything i would force a subset of weapons also, like no crossbow, no rocket launcher... ( just examples)..


and i'm not disagreeing that the force and sabre are strong points, but in this mod they would not work.



maybe some are missing the whole point of what my idea is.


in its very very simplist form it would be like a 1 sided CTF mod, where 1 team's goal is to do nothing but Defend the flag, where on the other hand the other teams goal is to do nothing but get the flag. now substitute the flag for starwars oriented goals in a setting that would be appropriate.



in fact one perfect scenario just came to my mind:


The opening scene of a New Hope..


blockade runner being boarded by the imperials: Blast door down. stormtroopers trying to capture the princess, rebels in hallways holding back the stormtroopers..



this would be setup exactly like that


you have 2 characters( ignore vader for a sec)


stormtroopers and rebels. Rebels Goal is to defend Princess, stormtroopers goal is to capture princess.. Stormtroopers start in the stardestroyer bay, rebels start in the blockade runner. it really is that simple of a mod, no change to weapon damage, no change to running speed. Simply a change of pace from the current multiplayer games to a more team oriented play.

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