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I'm being a sore looser rite now


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'sniff 'sniff 'sniff


During lunch today, I hoped on my new fave "Saber Only CTF".


There was about 16 players - 8 per team. Warring Factions level.


Early in the game, I got the enemy flag about the same time as the opponent. Each of us returned to our base.


We both held the flag for 29 minutes, defending the enemy - the score remaining a 0:0. Finally, at the 30 minute mark, we agreed to a duel. This is on a public server mind you.


So, after confirming with my team that it was okay to decide the outcome of the battle this way, I proceed to the enemy flag carrier, with my saber down. All the while, my trusty teammates were protecting me along the way, as a few of the blue team were trying to change the agreement. It was awesome. My team surrounded me to the other base.


Then, ALL 16 palyers were gathered in a circle to watch the desired outcome.


I go and bow, with saber off. My opponenet bows himself as well.


Then, before I even turn on the saber, he full out drains me to 2 bars before I can even get my absorb going!!!!


I mean come on - no honor. I hadn't even fired up old BETSY BLUE yet.


Then, with no force power, I get the grip treatment and a few kicks to the face and a DFA to end the match.


Alas, I was hoping for a good well fought match.


Normally, I can hold my own against a drain user, but right off the bat was a little bit "cheap" in my book.


We've all read the countless posts about the ballance - I won't attempt to revive the threads. I just think that specific strategy is not one the L33T use, but use it as healing and to wind you down at the end for a kill - not right out of the gates before your saber is up.


Anyway, it was overall pretty cool that EVERYONE was circled about watching the outcome. Of course it would have been more fun if things had gone my way ;)


I love this GAME!!! Oops better get back to work...




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LMAO, you shoulda turned on absorb as you were finishing your bow. If he said anything about it, you could have said 'oops'.....


IMO, he used a strategy that beat you. No shame in that....he was probably pissed because you held the flag for so long...hehe..

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It was only cheap and lame if you had agreed to "No Force" beforehand. You had enough witnesses....


Otherwise, I think it was a fair enough move, he just outsmarted you.


I wish I could have seen a demo of that though!


David and Goliath, anyone?


Oh well.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

It was only cheap and lame if you had agreed to "No Force" beforehand. You had enough witnesses....


Otherwise, I think it was a fair enough move, he just outsmarted you.


I wish I could have seen a demo of that though!


David and Goliath, anyone?


I should have recorded that for sure, I was just sooo excited when I got up to the platform that it slipped my mind.


I failed to mention that ALL the players, while spectating from a surrounding circle, had thier sabers off - with the little handle just standing erect in their hands. It really would have made for a great screenie and a great demo - dang it!


David and Goliath!!! That is EXACTLY the scenario, but even though I was no giant, I think the DFA did decapitate me if the graphics would have allowed it.


What a game this is. I'm going back for some more right NOW.



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Originally posted by IBFukn

What server and what was the players name? Sounds like this guy that I've played with before.


I honestly don't remember the server name, there are several out there playing CTF sabers only.


While I do recall the opponents name, as it is burned in my mind, I think I will keep that out of a thread, as to avoid any frustrations or some lame flame war.


I had a great time today even though I lost earlier. I repeated this event (0:0 for 20 minutes then a face-off)tonite. This time I had absorb on immediately after the bow, remembered to record, and won the match. I wasn't about to repeat the loss from a failure to turn on absorb immediately.


There were 2 guys who were awesome on my team and did an INCREDIBLE job protecting me during some difficult times.


Since they were so awesome, I will post thier names: Jebus 101 and Errant! I hope to meet up with those guys again.



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Yeah cause I played a guy on a saber only ctf server that like to drain and liked to kick. His tactics sound similar to the ones described. My counter was just to drain him before he drained me. After that he usually just backed off until he had more force to repeat his little tactic.

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i've grabbed the enemy flag, returned to my base to found our flag missing, gone back to their base, killed their carrier, then returned to cap their flag. it was only a 3 vs 3, saber only, so no real challenge, but im still impressed with it hehe :)


one thing i do love however is chasing down flag carriers, it's one hell of a challenge, especially with the rest of their team trying to stop you. i just wish my team mates could do it as well when i cap :(

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I take it there is no 'duel' mode in CTF (haven't played it much).


That would have restricted things nicely, and left you both on an even playing field.


Couldn't you have just kept rolling around while your Force built back up? If you've got your 'sabre going (and I assume you would as soon as he Drained you) you can defend against kicks easily, as long as you keep moving.

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OOOHHHOOOHOOOO! You're right, that IS bad!


he full out drains me to 2 bars before I can even get my absorb going!!!!


Holy, sh*t. That happens to me all the time (well, not specificly) but I'm always getting killed.


I hate it! Somebody please tutor me!


I'm with ya pal, defanatly.



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the secret is to close your eyes as soon as someone starts draining you. that way you wont see yourself die, and you can pretend that the person only drained you a little, then sabered you to death, instead of drain/grip :)


it works for me

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you can't be serious; can you? :eek:


but really, i (that is, possibly both of us) are looking for something that teaches you skills with the lightsaber.


something that shows you how to master all those techniques and use them real quickley (like they do on MP).


Is there anything like that?

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