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Cheat method (*lots* of dismemberments, gives you a somewhat unfair advantage over NPCs due to the more powerful saber):


Open Console (shift `)


HelpUsObi 1

g_saberRealisticCombat 1


Close Console


Non-cheat method (fewer dismemberments, doesn't alter gameplay)


Open Console


g_dismemberment 3

g_dismemberProbabilities 0


Close Console

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all a autoexec.cfg file is is a plain text doc, that go's in your 'base' dir.


the content is not anything diffrent then what you put in the console.


so step by step, is : 1 open notepad, type whatever commands commands you want oone line at a time like this;


command 1

command 2


save as "all files" and call it autoexec.cfg


and thats all.



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Ok, I said it before and I'll say it again.

Using "g_saberrealisticcombat 1" is not cheating.

Yes the saber is more deadly - thats because it should be!

Its a friggin' trapped, powerful, lethal laser. In the Star Wars Universe it cuts through people, steel, anything. Why shouldn't the game be the same way?

As for being unfair against NPCs, why? Reborn can cut YOU in half just as easily as you can them...right?

And shouldn't a trained Jedi have an edge over misc. bad guys and stormtroopers? Why of course, he/she has The Force!

This option should have been enabled by default - its much more fitting. And it sure as hack should be in multiplayer - you miss a saber block, you lose something (hand, arm, leg, head). Saber duels would be alot more about skill than running around swinging wildly with heavy style...so there :)

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Originally posted by Last-ReBel

Ok, I said it before and I'll say it again.

Using "g_saberrealisticcombat 1" is not cheating.

Yes the saber is more deadly - thats because it should be!

Its a friggin' trapped, powerful, lethal laser. In the Star Wars Universe it cuts through people, steel, anything. Why shouldn't the game be the same way?

As for being unfair against NPCs, why? Reborn can cut YOU in half just as easily as you can them...right?

And shouldn't a trained Jedi have an edge over misc. bad guys and stormtroopers? Why of course, he/she has The Force!

This option should have been enabled by default - its much more fitting. And it sure as hack should be in multiplayer - you miss a saber block, you lose something (hand, arm, leg, head). Saber duels would be alot more about skill than running around swinging wildly with heavy style...so there :)


Exactly. I guess people don't understand the variable g_saberREALISTICcombat do they? 1 means ENABLED , 0 means DISABLED . Why is this called cheating? What's so hard to understand?


I think the reason this isn't the default setting, is so they could get a teen ESRB rating, similar to the way blood was left out of MOHAA.

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g_saberrealisticcombat 1 is a cheat because it makes the game easier. That all there is to it, really. Yes, it's a more realistic portrayal of the lightsaber; yes, the baddies can cut you up too; but for the most part you have so much of an advantage over any given baddie that giving both of you the extra power helps you more than it helps them. Plus, all those stormtroopers become even more saber-bait than they already are.


Mmmmm, trooper-chunks...parts is parts!...Drooool...


What I'd like to see is a mod that combines this cheat with improvements to the badguys' accuracy and shields, to restore the overall balance of the game while allowing a dismemberment with every fatality.

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Another "this is a cheat" thread.


Guys, as someone said before me, it's mainly because of rating problems that this function isn't first allowed.


It is realistic, it is Star Wars, so please wake up. Needing to strike ten hits to an oponent is simply non Star Wars.


Btw, it's for SP. So until my computer tells me that I'm cheating and shouldn't, I don't care. Well, in any case, I don't care at all, because this is the way it should be played, otherwise Jedi and Sith wouldn't use these weapons, and the movies we would never see so much dismemberments.


But now, there must be a way to only hurt someone without necesseraly kill him. This is called wounding. Realsitic combat doesn't take care of wounding. Nevertheless, I still use realistic combat. It's better, it feels like SW. Thx.

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Dismemberment in MP is bugged. Don't bother because the game will crash every trime someone gets dismembered.


g_saberRealisticCombat is not a cheat. It's a cvar that is disabled by default. You don't have to enable cheats to use it. It was included because Raven and LucasArts wanted you to be able to have the experience of using a lightsaber close to it's movie counterpart, but still get that 'T' ESRB rating. In the game's default state (dismemberment off), the representation of dismembering living beings would have gotten the game an 'M' rating and lost LucasArts and Activision a large share of the gaming public (ie money). That's why it takes a slightly entrepreneurial player to find out about it and play with it on. It's the same situation as the blood and nudity patches for Giants. PlanetMoon released these themselves after the offical game release and told everybody about them so those who wanted to could play the game as it was originally intended.

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Originally posted by Last-ReBel

Ok, I said it before and I'll say it again.

Using "g_saberrealisticcombat 1" is not cheating.

Yes the saber is more deadly - thats because it should be!

Its a friggin' trapped, powerful, lethal laser. In the Star Wars Universe it cuts through people, steel, anything. Why shouldn't the game be the same way?

As for being unfair against NPCs, why? Reborn can cut YOU in half just as easily as you can them...right?

And shouldn't a trained Jedi have an edge over misc. bad guys and stormtroopers? Why of course, he/she has The Force!

This option should have been enabled by default - its much more fitting. And it sure as hack should be in multiplayer - you miss a saber block, you lose something (hand, arm, leg, head). Saber duels would be alot more about skill than running around swinging wildly with heavy style...so there :)


Agreed. Thats why it is called SaberRealisticCombat. I noticed that when I had it enabled it was not that much of an advantage. Reborn still took the same amount of time to kill as with it not enabled. IMO it is not an advantage cheat as it is a cosmetic cheat.

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That's because unlike what was posted above (g_saberRealisticCombat is not a cheat. It's a cvar that is disabled by default. You don't have to enable cheats to use it.)

it IS a cheat and you DO have to enable cheats with the helpusobi 1 command BEFORE you can use it! This contrasts with the dismemberment commands which do NOT reguire that you enable cheats. As much as those that like the "realistic saber" want to dispel the notion that its a cheat, the fact that you have to enable cheats to get it to work tells the story.

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I gusse skins are scrpits are cheats to after all they add to the game stuff that wasn't their at frist.


Really when did a few new effects added by a console commmand become a Cheat full health and ammo are cheats. 6 or 7 new neat looking effects arent a cheat. I gusse enabling some new effects after upgrading a vid card is a cheat to. I don' t use it but those who do are not cheaters in my book.

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As has been stated on and on and on the "realistic saber" changes the way damage is done in the game, it doesn't just add "new effects"...Graphic effects from a video card aren't even close to the same thing. Now if you have mod that gives you unlimited ammo and health then YES that is a cheat too, but getting more ammo and health in the game through pickups are again not the same thing. Skins are not cheats either. They don't change the way the game plays, just add new characters. Scripts??? I don't know anything about them but they could be a cheat. I don't know. Console commands could be a cheat or not. Depends on whether you have to enable cheat mode. If you have to turn cheat mode on with helpusobi 1 or devmap in order to use a console command then logic would seem to suggest that the command is a cheat. You can argue against this all you want but you would be wrong :)

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