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help a n00b out please


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Originally posted by waazzuupp

how do you open the console? i press "`" and it doesn't pop up.


and when i find out how to open the console....what is the command for fps?


i searched the forums for a bit and couldn't find anything on this


press shift + "`" (the ~ character) to opent he console. As for the FPS I forget.. I think it has something to do with cg_showfps.. but I'll be damned if I remember how to do it :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by digl

another question about the console

how do I bind tilde to the console (without shift)?

If I press the key the console closes (do'h!)


I dont know offhand, but i'd guess that you'd have to look in the main cfg(looking now, pls stand by.)


ok it looks like you need to change the "bind ~ "toggleconsole"" in your jk2config.cfg file to read "bind ` "toggleconsole""


but i'd back it up first.... i have no idea if this will work. but it should;)


edit: yes this WILL work. just looked in my EF config, and its the same as my moded code.

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Sure, I know that

I'm interested in MP, because I use shift for a force power so sometimes when I call the console I accidentally use the power

All the sorroundings of WASD are binded to something :D

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Originally posted by digl

Sure, I know that

I'm interested in MP, because I use shift for a force power so sometimes when I call the console I accidentally use the power

All the sorroundings of WASD are binded to something :D


ok just making sure ;)


heh yeah that might be a bad thing... thats why i put force powers on the mouse wheel:D

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bah beleave me, i'm very quick on the wheel... and i have push and pull bound close at hand ;)


i dont have to move my hands at all.... at all....:D esp. with this new 5 button mouse.... still trying to find good uses for them...:cool:


edit: wanna go sometime anybody? prove that its not a handicap...:cool:

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