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Am i doing something wrong?


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i must be.


I don't get it. The purpose of ANY game is to have fun, right? But lately, i don't know, i've not been having any fun in this game with multiplayer. When it first came out i had a GREAT time playing with people. But now anymore i log into, get called a ****y by some kids because i chose to go light instead of dark.


I'm tired of looking at names such as , "Gonads" , "i suck" , "The guy with herpes", or "i sleep with men".


It isn't enjoyable for me to log into a server and just get Force Pushed all over the map by 12 people. Its frustrating to be constantly knocked down every 30 seconds. Today someone actually dug me halfway across the map with force grip JUST to throw me off some ledge. I put up force absorb but that drains my force power. Every server i join just has a bunch of kids holding the attack button down and running around until someone dies.


So i have some questions.


Anyone know of ANY server that is populated by normal people who are just looking to have fun?


If not, is there a utility i can download that will search for games with NO force powers?


And Lastly, can anyone give me any pointers, tips, or suggestions for sabre combat? I'm not very good, but i don't want to run around like a spas. Any tips on how to maintain control of my character during those precious few moments when i'm fighting someone before they toss me off a ledge?

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If I had more time I'd probably make a longer post, but if you hadn't thought of doing this already, it might give you some satisfaction from time to time heheh... Just don't forget that when someone is holding you with grip, they're vulnerable to all force powers, so if they're about to drop you off a ledge, you can at least force pull them when they're close enough and take them with you :) If you do it enough, they *MIGHT* even try a different tactic, not very likely though .. some people get pretty close-minded as soon as they find something that works halfway decent for them.

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maybe I shouldn't post this, cause the normal people all play it...


but here goes:


try Capture the Flag!


Normal people play it, it's slighty structured gaming, not just "oohgahboogah kill all I see, kill". There's a bit of teamwork in CTF. If you get lucky, sometimes you'll get people who will coordinate attacks (steals).


I find CTF FAAAAAAAAAAAR more fun than FFA, and more score is much better in CTF than FFA: I can get top or second place each map in CTF, but with FFA I'm lucky to get 10th or 15th (lol). Also, with CTF games, teams of 4 to 6 each are the best, people actually stand a chance at getting the flag, etc. With teams of 10+ each, you go to the other team's base and there are a strillion guys camping, waiting for you to come, you're dead before you ever even see the flag at all.


Just my two cents. The week JO came out, I played FFA and was slightly dissapointed (too many Q3 Deathmatch gods playing). My friend & I switched to CTF and haven't gone back!


Look for Ruby Bleils (me) and [RA]Jay!


--Diavo (JO callsign Ruby Bleils)

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I like CTY better than CTF... it has the added fun then of disabling force powers on whoever has the Ysalimari.


That way, whoever makes the capture has to rely on the team, and the team has to protect him/her with their force powers etc. until they return to their home base.


It just makes it more team based, while also preventing the person with the Ysalimari being gripped or pushed off a cliff.

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Originally posted by Arawyn

i must be.


Anyone know of ANY server that is populated by normal people who are just looking to have fun?


If not, is there a utility i can download that will search for games with NO force powers?


And Lastly, can anyone give me any pointers, tips, or suggestions for sabre combat? I'm not very good, but i don't want to run around like a spas. Any tips on how to maintain control of my character during those precious few moments when i'm fighting someone before they toss me off a ledge?


The Whiner's Guide (don't take it personally):




I put in a post about ASE and using it to find what you want.


Here are some guides that have great information - I recommend reading each one:







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Originally posted by Arawyn

If not, is there a utility i can download that will search for games with NO force powers?


I would recommend The All-Seeing Eye! (http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/) I use it all the time, for all my MP games. It rocks! There you can search for servers who has force disabled or weapons disabled or both.


And BTW... you can see the names of the people who are on the server before you connect to it. If you want to avoid those stupid names that is :)

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