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I am sick of it now why are light sabres so bad i mean in genral in this game they are soo weak and all the stances are so laim and the moves you do the people who do the best in the game are people with guns ALWAYS there is no point of even having light sabres all people do is use dark side drain then shoot you and you lose, you just chace peolple and they turn around and shoot you. Light sabres are rubbish comparied to EVERY gun even the basic ones if they ever do an update they need to make them sooooo much more worth having does anyone else feel this is a total let down from dark forces 2 jedi knight .This game is just quake with a laim light sabre instead of gaunlet i am soo upset this game was so laim

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Quote: (Dont know how to)


I am sick of it now why are light sabres so bad i mean in genral in this game they are soo weak and all the stances are so laim and the moves you do the people who do the best in the game are people with guns ALWAYS there is no point of even having light sabres all people do is use dark side drain then shoot you and you lose, you just chace peolple and they turn around and shoot you. Light sabres are rubbish comparied to EVERY gun even the basic ones if they ever do an update they need to make them sooooo much more worth having does anyone else feel this is a total let down from dark forces 2 jedi knight .This game is just quake with a laim light sabre instead of gaunlet i am soo upset this game was so laim


Force long rant! Force bad speller! Who cares! Flame me if you wish!



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I swear, he's probably the type who just got the game, spent five minutes in a FFA server, and assumes it's unbalanced because he lost...


There's a force power called "force pull". Use it. Your lightsaber in conjunction with the Force can block most shots. Use it. There is a movie called Star Wars. Watch it, they actually do this stuff!


If you can get close to a gunner, use force pull and he has one less weapon. Don't be afraid to *gasp* roll towards him! Someone spamming in a narrow hallway? Get out of the hallway and into an open area! Jump. Roll. Dive, if that's what you're into.


Now go...play.

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Only gun I really enjoy using is the E-11. Then again, it probably has to do with my stormtrooper(Hey, you there!) fandom.


Still...if given the choice in an open fight, seeing the enemy spin around from your saber strike is just so much more satisfying than blowing a new orifice in him with laser bolts...


Forget the gun...just pull 'n smack. "Get over here!" *bzzt* :D

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F all uses i have had the game for like a month now and that was my judgment after that month i play all the time and the sabre fights in single player are alot better.The light sabres are unbalanced .i bet that all those who just cussed me have never played dark forces 2 jedi knight and understand what i mean when i say lightsabers suck. they where actually worth using in that game but not this one.


most the time when you are dealing with one person with a gun some else shots you in the back !


what i dont get in game thou which is not really annoying but kinda stupid is people who uses guns then you get close to them and they pull out a light sabre personally i dont care but when they created this game when you go into a server you should choose wither to be a gunner and cant have a light sabre or a jedi knight where you can just use the light sabre and nades . It is unrealstic and dosnt much star wars kinda thing you never see jedi use guns they should get those shock pole things instead lol

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It took me a few minutes to mentally translate that, adding necessary punctuation and spelling...


But inside there was nearly a good idea:


Two classes. Jedi and non Jedi. Jedi get saber and force, non jedi...don't. Keep em separate.


That way on high jumping levels the gun spammers lose out some since they are limited in their jumping capability (OK, maybe let em have jump level 1), and cannot simply respond to a jedi getting close by gripping or pushing (then continuing to fire wildly).


Nice idea. Shame about the attitude.

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Originally posted by crimsonjsg

F all uses i have had the game for like a month now and that was my judgment after that month i play all the time and the sabre fights in single player are alot better.The light sabres are unbalanced .i bet that all those who just cussed me have never played dark forces 2 jedi knight and understand what i mean when i say lightsabers suck. they where actually worth using in that game but not this one.


most the time when you are dealing with one person with a gun some else shots you in the back !


what i dont get in game thou which is not really annoying but kinda stupid is people who uses guns then you get close to them and they pull out a light sabre personally i dont care but when they created this game when you go into a server you should choose wither to be a gunner and cant have a light sabre or a jedi knight where you can just use the light sabre and nades . It is unrealstic and dosnt much star wars kinda thing you never see jedi use guns they should get those shock pole things instead lol





engrish ************ you speak it?:rolleyes::D

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I think...that what you're trying to say is that a class-based system should be introduced like in Mysteries of the Sith,








But all in all, this is just another whine about not being able to adapt to people's playing styles...


If someone keeps using a gun, pull it off them. Don't hand me that crap about getting in close and not having time to do anything when the saber comes out. You just have to be quicker.


-End :guard:

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Originally posted by Xilimyth

I dunno.....a Stormtrooper with a lightsaber and forcelightning always bugged me :)


just imagen its Luke in stormtrooper disguise then!


....after he learnt how to use forcelightning


.......after he became a dark jedi/sith


hmmmmm not too likely then! :mad: unless u want to include comic books to the discussion



Divine Spirit

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