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GRIP Force


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:lightning Can anyone help me? I'm having problems using the GRIP force.


All my other forces work, and I have GRIP with full points (multiplayer) but when I press the middle-mouse button (button to use selected force), it does nothing. I've tried holding it and tapping it, but nothing happens!


Am I doing it wrong or is there something else wrong? PLease reply as I really want to use it.



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From my limited experience with grip(mostly from when I was using a really bad Vader skin and making the breathing noises to myself while giggling like an idiot), I've found that grip has a pretty big lag time sometimes... Best thing to do is just hold it and keep somewhat near the enemy...but far enough so you don't get sliced.


Also I've noticed a bug sometimes where your force powers won't change until you've respawned several times... I'd suggest looking at the force power menu, and clicking "apply" over and over...one of them usually registers and the next respawn the settings are changed...


If not that, then your computer is fully devoted to the light side, and won't have any part of your gripping evilness. You bad person type.

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Originally posted by Pseudonym

Release your anger and hatred and join the light side. It is more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


Ha! You cant be serious. Trust me, I know its bad to be all on the dark side and such, but o man is it powerful, wayyyyy more powerful than the light side. If you only knew.. :p

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Originally posted by StormPooper

...but when I press the middle-mouse button (button to use selected force), it does nothing.


I had exactly your problem. For some reason force powers that require you to hold the key down don't like my mouse buttons, or yours either it seems.


Bind it to a keyboard key. I bet it works.

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yea, i have found that if you dont get your powers after one death, you usually dont get them until a new map pops up, so i just spectate, wait 5 sec, cause you cant change teams more that once per 5 sec, then join again... i get all the ones i selected... the force power menu also has a nasty habit of dropping throw lvl 3 between maps and such... maybe in the patch :D

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