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Personaly, I think sabers should do MORE damage, not less.

Ten Tigers

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This thread is opinion based. It is a statement of opinion, NOT mindless bitching. If you are looking for bitching to bitch about, seek life elsewhere. But if you want to agree, disagree, or make a completely different point go right ahead...




So Raven is gonna patch the red style huh? If they drop the damage from red style what is gonna be the point of even using it then? It already has a monster wind up and recover time. If they dont lessen that in tandem with toning down the damage red style will be obsolete. And at that point they might as well just totaly redesign the saber system all together.


In my opinion ALL red moves should be one hit kill moves. Two hits if you have FULL health, and FULL shields.


Yellow should kill in 2 to 4 hits depending on health and shield strength.


Blue should be lethal in 3-6 hits.


Why do I feel the damage should be upped? Because you should be rewarded the extra damage for using a melee weapon. If the guy with the gun cant kill you in the time you close the gap, he should be struck down with one or two blows. Besides, at close range, guns are nothing to laugh at. I can kill someone with normal repeater fire as they are winding up for a red slash. Same with the stormtrooper rifle. You shouldnt have to hit more than twice with the red style.


Now the saber throw should be excluded from this. Realism aside, it should, but for game balance, no.


So if they arent gonna up the saber damage accross the board then, I kinda like things just the way they are. If anything does get patched it should be collision detection, and how the game buffers saber commands. Again both just need to emulate single player.

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1.) Sometimes gameplay takes priority over realism. This is one of those cases. Besides, for what it's worth, heavy swings all do 100 damage, which will one-hit someone with no shields.


2.) All they said was that it would be tweaked to balance it better. The damage is fine in my opinion, but the hit detection needs to be less buggy and blocking shouldn't be so erratic. The best solution I can think of is that movement be limited while you're doing a heavy swing, especially turn speed. It's ridiculous that you can just spin around while swinging to cover all areas.

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Originally posted by Zek

1.) Sometimes gameplay takes priority over realism. This is one of those cases. Besides, for what it's worth, heavy swings all do 100 damage, which will one-hit someone with no shields.


2.) All they said was that it would be tweaked to balance it better. The damage is fine in my opinion, but the hit detection needs to be less buggy and blocking shouldn't be so erratic. The best solution I can think of is that movement be limited while you're doing a heavy swing, especially turn speed. It's ridiculous that you can just spin around while swinging to cover all areas.


I totaly agree about the blocking. I dislike how I can be using the blue stance, not attacking or using the force, and holding completely still (except to rotate to keep my saber between me and the person Im fighting) and still have a move hit me. That happens far too often.


One thing I will mention about the DFA move is I SWEAR I have seen people survive that move. I have executed that move, hit someone (the green hit orb surrounds them and the hit sound plays) but they will survive. Now it doesnt happen often, but it does happen frequently enough to think it is more than a glitch. They really need to make a decision about the DFA move. Im not sure what should really be done, but I do feel it needs tweaking...

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The main problem as I see it is that it is very difficult to design ANY game with different weapon/style choices and make a balanced game.


People have differing preferences when it comes to play style. Designing a weapon system that accomodates all those preferences fairly, is extremely difficult.


If you make one weapon overly powerful, then more people will use it. The more people use it the more others will be forced to use it in order to stay competitive.


If the "second string" of weapons aren't balanced properly this just exacerbates the first problem.


The trick is to make all the weapons the "same" yet different enough so that we don't end up with everyone literally using the same weapon, which also devolves into the first problem.


How do you make weapons unique enough to incite user variety yet keep the effects of the weapon roughly the same for each one?


Even with this dynamic there will always be people that gravitate towards one extreme or the other.

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Ten Tigers, the DFA move has never been a one-hit kill. It does 125 damage. This isn't a one-hit in games with shield pickups in them, and in duel servers if you hit them before their life has drained to 100.

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Originally posted by TrUeFoRcE

i think they should have redone the whole thing.....any saber swing should take out the same ammount of life....but they should have given u more moves..not different speeds of the swing...


Amen. That is one of the best ideas yet.

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Originally posted by Zek

Ten Tigers, the DFA move has never been a one-hit kill. It does 125 damage. This isn't a one-hit in games with shield pickups in them, and in duel servers if you hit them before their life has drained to 100.


Refreshing. At least I now know that it wasnt just my imagination.

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i totally agree, i think the three different stances producing diff damage was the worst thing about the game, each stance should have its own set of moves, all doing the same amound of damage, with their own distinct styles... well, maybe not all the same damage, but close to it, sort of like SBX3.xxx primary and alt fire produce different swings, but only a few have different damage, ie the figure 8 swing which is run+back+alt fire... different swings for different speeds(running and wlking) would have made for better duels also i think, but hey, this is what we got, so we gotta work with it :D

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