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Star Wars: Alternate Universe

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Originally posted by Rogue15

hey red, remember when you took ME serious...no wait that was Jared...i did that yahoo people search, and jared blurted out 'THAT'S MINE AND REDWING'S ADDRESS!!!' hehe and u promtly got on aim and told me to edit it out. :D


I never did any such thing...it must have been Jared lol

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Sadly, it seems that you ingrates do not truly appreciate the scale of this project. You lack the vision to be revolutionaries. Secondly, any good author has to start somewhere. Most don't just get paid the first time they pick up a pen. If that were the case, then anyone could be an author. (Shudders) You were right though. EU should be pronounced Ewww... For all the myriad of trash it has brought to such a noble and forerunning genre. I am nearly ashamed to call myself a Star Wars fan, simply for the Novels that have been published recently. We were supposed to be different, but we're falling into the same old traps that have plagued science fiction writers since Orson Wells. So, you blind fools, laugh now, but I warn you. When you have seen that opportunity has passed you by, and you regret your decision to close at her knock, don't come crying to me.

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so you think a billion dollar corperation is going to sign us up to do SW novels.. .HA!!!


little do you know, Lucasfilms decides the general plot of the novels, and then offers it to an author thru his agent. you don't jsut gop up and say "hey i want to do a SW novel" then get the rights, THEY haveto come to YOU.


Lucky are the few that are choosen.

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SuperThrawn here are the problems about your idea.


1.Lawsuit, if you started this most likely you would be sued. A SW mod for half life was stopped because of this.


2.Up coming authors eventually want to have money come from their work, and if they did your project they wouldn't or they could lose money.


3.The reaction of SW fans have been less then suppotive.


4.Do you know what kind of organization you would need for this project. You would need a cohesive timeline, which EU does have. Various idependent writers might not like your idea or somebody else and if they are doing this for free why can't they do it their own way.


5.You came to the wrong place, to even broach this subject, even if you did pick the wrong community you could have at least pick the book forum.


6.Join the insanity or leave. We won't really care which you do.

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