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Lightsaber Spin Trick . . .


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Use light or medium stance. Throw the light saber and hold down secondary fire, make it go far, when it comes back, hold primary fire while dodging it 'once' .. be sure to keep holding down primary fire.. the light saber will begin to spin around you as you stand still. You can move around like this as well, but not jump or fall. You must keep holding down primary fire to keep it spinning.

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also.. if you taunt while it's spinnin' around you, it will stay where it is, and you can move away while the saber still spins at the place you did the taunt.. (dont forget to keep primary pressed though)



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Originally posted by power_ed

agreed.. and you can still use the kickinthehead move.. i have actually managed to kill 2 dude with kicks while my saber was spinning at the other end of the map :D :D :D


i guess the :mob: doesnt quite work on everyone :)

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