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Missing stuff you expected? Unexpected surprises? Other...? [poss. spoilers]


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This is meant to be a ‘friendly’ assessment of the game - what you didn’t see that you were expecting, what you hadn’t expected, what was different (for good or bad) and so on. I hope we can avoid ‘I had hoped the game wouldn’t be crap’ type things. I am using a + for good, - for bad.


Expected but not seen

- Force ‘sense’: some means of identifying what is waiting on the other side of a door. I thought I had read about it, but I think it ended up as multi-player seeing. For me this is a bit of a gap - everyone else senses my prescence, but I can't sense sh*t! I can block 1000 blaster shots without a scratch but can't have a clue I'm about to get a missle enema?

- Civilians: where were they? I can see them not being some places - but there were cities that *should* have had civilians.

- Force throw: Thought it would be there, not a biggie though ...


Seen but not expected

+ Stormtrooper conversations / personalities - so much fun!

+ Dark Forces III - the first few levels felt like DF '02, some hate that, I loved it!

+ Puzzles - again, I know this is a love/hate thing. I loved them, from end to end.


Different than expected

+ Force powers - so much better than I expected ... I can't even describe it.

+ Saber combat - same thing. By the Doom_Shields level, I really feel like a Jedi Master ... so much more so than with JK1.

- Weapons: I would have expected more / better weapons starting off, or at least some reasonable explanation (like, after talking to Mon Mothma, they had said ‘now I wish we had grabbed more than just a blaster ...’ or something)

- Weapons II: I would have liked better weapons sooner. I don't know which, but getting both the saber and scoped disruptor at the same time (my 2 faves), was a drag.

- ‘Lethal’ push. Sure you can throw people off ledges, but you have lethal Pull at 3, but not push.

- Ending cutscenes - would have liked more depth / detail.

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- Civilians: where were they? I can see them not being some places - but there were cities that *should* have had civilians.

I have a thread that discusses whether Raven should still add civilians and few possible creatures into levels or not(don't forget to vote). I personally think that wouldn't be impossible and in that case they would really add much more life into few specific locations. Most of the locations though are inhabited only by imperials, so those levels are fine as they are. :D

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