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Idea for helping people get better at editing

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I include myself in those needy of improvement but my idea is this...


How about all of the experts take on say one person as their "apprentice", who they answer their questions (via email) and generally teach them the ways of editing. Of course the apprentices will probably far outweigh the masters but the apprentices (when deemed ready) could take on their own student to train.


What does everyone think, is it plausable?


Btw I could understand why people might not want to be a trainer of others (but you do get called a master! :D )


Just a suggestion!

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I thought that was the point of these forums, for people to share editing ideas and for newbies to get the help they need. Oh, yours is a nice idea, just not very practical.

Frankly there isn't enough "experienced" editors to go around, you'd probably have to have 5 or 6 students to a teacher. Plus most won't have the time to spend teaching a small group everything they know, that's what tutorials and forums like this are for.

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