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What is the A-Wing suspose to be used for?


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My thought... and mind you, this is only a guess... but the A-Wing could be very very good if it had a higher rate of fire than a fighter. Imagine, it has a longer range (33%) and less attack. But, if its rate of fire was a bit higher than the Adv. Fighter's, it would tear through a wave of oncoming aircraft before they could get into range. Then, if any were left, the A-wing could run.


Also, don't forget the new Attack-Move command. I imagine the A-Wing will be quite useful with that command. Use about 10 to 20 of then to clear a path.


Just some thoughts,



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We don't but it's clear that to compete it will need some kind of edge over other fighters, bombers, or cursiers. I personly think that rebels won't get the anti air refit but instead the A-Wing will get a huge bonus on air curisers. That or as above it will have something others don't it must do something to be worth it.

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