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The ugly whale unit - identified !


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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

Wow! its not a whale guys! that's just its nickname that all of us have given it...it's a dunsenn flop...i assume dunsenn is some type of creature that LOOKS like a whale silhouette..but is obviously something entirely diffeent...whethere its air or helium in its body, i suppose it is just able to keep its self in the air somehow..just like the zerg guardians did. You didnt see wings on the Guardians did you? They werent on Devourers either...they were just able to float cuz they're alien creatures and our rules of physics dont apply to them. It's not a whale...its a Dunsenn Flop!

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Guest Admiral Odin

although not pretty unit I think it fits the GunGuns. If you noticed the "whale" part is belly up=ie dead. Seems the take a Dussen, kill it and use it to make their air transport.






You can see the "whale" unit in this screen shot. (It doesn't look that bad if you ask me.

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

I dont think the gungans killed it.. In the screenshot it says air comes in through the gills and shoots out like a jet...so i assume that is a natural function of the creature like breathing. Im bettin its still alive, just that the gungans have tamed it and the beast(whatever it is) has allowed them to attack personnell carrier device to its belly!:D

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Guest Tie Guy

The whales not "belly up" It looks just like a normal living whale.....FLOATING IN MIDAIR!!!!!!!!!!


It would be a really cool unit if it was in the water, but they had to put it in the air, surely they could have made something better than that.

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Also, have you noticed that the develpoers are making units look similar? They say they want to make each race as accesable as possible so that means making buildings and units look similar. You already know this but what im getting at is that the dunsen flop is probably modeled after the wookie carrier so they couldnt use a bird. Proof of this is the very similar looking ships. Im talking about those round ones that every race has. Just look at the screenshots. So far ive seen a Gungan, impirial, TF versions. Tell me if ive missed any.

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

Jeez...ok one more time it seems...look at hte concept art. First off it has a beak, or a bill...whales dont have a bills or beaks. Second the they said the tail had feathers...how many whales you seen with feathers,..the times when you werent on weed i mean. So its not a whale, it some kind of species that unique to Naboo. I didnt say it was belly up i siad they prolly tamed the creature which in turn prolly didnt put up a fight when they attached a troop carrier to its belly somehow.

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Guest Tie Guy

Its a whale man!!!! Look at that thing and tell me it's not a whale. They can say it has feathers and all, but it's still a whale. Did you think it was a whale, or at least looked like a whale before the concept. The only reason they put that screenshot in is coz they had to find some way to justify that that whale wasn't really stupid looking. They had to explain it too us so they wouldn't look stupid. Still, there's no way around it, that is a giant whale that is floating in midair. Call it the "wind fish" if you want, but it's a whale.


And about all the units looking alike, Booya, where are you getting that from?!? None of the units look alike, did you even look at the screens, they are totally differnt. The rebels have a bulk transport, and the gungans have a whale that looks nothing like a rebel transport. Some of the resource centers may look similar, but what do you expect?

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

wa? You honestly think that thing is an earth whale? hmm...i got a new game...its called guess the drug that tie guy is on!!!

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

Plus they said that the building silhouttes would be somewhat similar but they never said anything about the units looking the same... How can you find a similarity between a droid, storm trooper and a gungan warrior???????:confused::eek::mad:

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Guest Admiral Odin

The only similarity I can determine is that, those three units basically preform the same task, but then agian that would be a given.


Could you explain it a little better, if you still disagree.

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

No i dont disagree..i was talking in terms of graphics...all three of those are the basic infantry unit and they all look completely different. I know what that guy was talking about though..in AOK, they used the same silhouttes for buildings but gave them different skins kinds...look at the archery range for asian, european, and middle eastern civs...they all are designed the same but have graphic/skin differences...Lucasarts supposedly stuck with that, but units are completely unique.


Also i wonder how earth whales made it to Naboo...did a Naboo settler bring some whales with them from earth? But then how did hte whales learn to adapt with the lack of cuttlefish..their main food supply? Does Naboo's oceans have cuttlefish too or did they Naboo get smart and bring cuttlefish species with them to Naboo as well? If its an earth whale, why did Gungans use them as units instead of the Naboo? Did the Naboo see flying whales as useless? How did the Gungans get earth whales to fly? Did they cross breed them with blowfish? Implant helium glands? Are the feathers an act of evolution or did the Gungans surgiacally graft the feathers onto their bodies???

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Guest Admiral Odin

Thanks I wasn't sure what he meant by all looking the same.



I think this was said before but I will repeat it. We call the thing a whale because it ressembles a whale. That doesn't mean we actually believe it is a whale.

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

Tell that to tie guy!:D


Also..maybe it's a Naboo whale..and Naboo whales can fly! Its possible Naboo is close to never never land and Peter Pan may have made a pit stop at Naboo once or twice and maybe him and tigerlilly talked to the whales and the whales told them they wanted to fly.:o

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Guest Gamma732

*cough cough* Zerg Overlord!!! *cough*


Ahem, excuse me. ;) Its just like an Overlord from SC. Its basic shape, its purpose, the fact that its just floating for no appearant reason are very similar to the Zerg Overlord. It kind of looks ok with the Gungans, and if it was dead and used like a balloon, then it'd make sense. But just the idea of a whale looking organism flying...whales look like they do to be able to SWIM, not fly.(ie: shiny, rubbery skin, flippers) So I have to say I don't think it was a good idea.


And I liked the Wind Fish reference tie :D

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Guest Gamma732

Ahoy, matey! Thar she blows off the port bow! Sorry, mention a harpoon and there has to be at least one corny sailor impression ;)


Well, I just thought of something...the Zerg Overlords were explained by saying that they floated because they had a pair of sacs on their sides that contained lighter-then-air-gases, so a creature just floating like that can be explained.......I guess. But still, why does it look like a whale??


*I'll just take that out of there. It wasen't intended to be thought of in that light.*

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Darth Maul Jr.

wa? You honestly think that thing is an earth whale? hmm...i got a new game...its called guess the drug that tie guy is on!!!


No offense, but your the one that's high if you can't see that that is a whale.


Plus, why couldn't their be whales on Naboo? There is water, maybe they are native? They have giant shrimp, why not whales? The wouldn't need to bring over whales, that would be stupid. The thing is a whale, it looks like a whale, we call it a whale, its ugly, get over it.

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Guest Admiral Odin

you bring up a good point. The Vong are into self mutalation and there units would have to be more ugly then this air unit....

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Guest Tie Guy

if thats possibe ;)


Yeah, the vong would only have troops and different sizes of round pieces of rock, that would be great. :rolleyes:

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Guest Gamma732

Well, the Vong's units would at least make sense. Huge pieces of rock flying around would make a little more sense then the whale thing. Its like I said before, whales look like whales because they need their bodies that way to swim and live underwater. Having something that looks like that flying just doesn't seem right. And the Vong ground units would make sense because for the most part, they look like giant beetles and such.


I just think it'd be a better if it didn't resemble a whale as closely as it does.....I'm not saying its bad because it's ugly, I'm saying its bad because it makes no sense.

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