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*READ ME* Resources thread


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Hey, everyone.


Well, it's no secret that I have posted some off-the-wall questions cuz it's been forever (1999) since I used Radiant in any flavor...


To wit:


I JUST found out via search (thank the Maker it is fixed) that in order to have MP stuff you have to add the MP_entities.def in the project settings. I was dumbfounded until then.


Model info (how to add them, etc) is another one I must tear the site apart for. I'm going to add a TIE Fighter bay in my next map.


The 'hellfog' pit-of-death (trigger_hurt, dmg, -1) shiznit.


Common shader questions. Lord knows I've posted about 8 of those.





But I'm too busy with my map right now to do it... :(


Somebody go grab the Admin! :D



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as you said in the other post....lets see how long it takes for this pleas eput a sticky of faq and tut sights to get buried...well this was towards the bottom so im guessing its getting buried pretty darn fast......so SHAMLESS BUMP....back up to the top..

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Why dont we all start cutting and pasting some more common stuff in here when we have the time and then, when it has a few posts in it, we'll email a moderator and let them know about this thread? Sound cool?


Ok. I'll start first.





If you are having trouble creating a Multiplayer map (IE: dont know where the info_player_deathmatch entity is) here is the fix:


File > Project Settings has a lot to do with if a map can be used for SP or MP.


Specifically referring to that 'entitypath' field. Either SP_entities.def is used or MP_entities.def. Whichever one is used at the beginning of a map's construction may define its fate.



--> Thanks to FEXX for that answer.

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Ok here are a list of tutorials that you will need....use them as bibles..I know they are for Q3 but they are both edited by radient..


TOOLS YOU NEED!!-youll find them here..



READ FIRST: very helpful if your just learning radient



Good Tutorial:



Good Tutorial:



Good Tutorial:



Good Tutorial:



Heres on on some advanced lighting.



And yet anothere Tutorial:


Those few sites will answer almost all your questios:

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How do I add music to my BSP map???


Answer using Duel of the Fates example:


Find the mp3 file in the assets0.pk3 file, rename it to something else, then place the Duel of the Fates mp3 in there and rename that to what the previous file was.


If that sounded confusing, I'll try and make it simpler


xxxxxxx.mp3 = name of music file you want to replace


Rename xxxxxxx.mp3 to something like xxxxxxxbackup.mp3


Insert duelofthefates.mp3 into same dir and rename to xxxxxxx.mp3


Not sure of that'll work, but it's worth a go, and you can always remove the file and rename the backup one to it's original name.


----> Thanks to Mal Brigand

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How Do I Play My Map??




1. Load your map in JKradiant

2. Look at the tool bar and click on BSP>BSP FullVis, this will open another prog that will automatically compile your map.

It is in a dos style window and will close automatically when finished. DO NOT close it yourself or the BSP will not be complete.

3. Load JK2.

4. In JK2, pull down the console (SHIFT + ~) and type:


devmap whateverthefilenameis


Whateverthefilenameis should be the name of your map.


---> Thanks to Darkest_Knight

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thanks roger...you rock...ok people...only really post if you got something to say for the new mappers...as in a tutorial...or a faq youy keep seeing...lets keep this post uncluttered so its helpful. thanks

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Thanks, Roger. You Da Droid! :D


What is a Hint Brush and How Do I use it?


I'll give this a shot -

the q3engine creates a BSP - the bsp is created by compiling Binary space into square "portals" ( can't remember the size of them, but they are divisible by 64 ). A hint brush forces the bsp to consider any brush withint the hint brush ( read: boxed insode of the hint ) to be it's own portal - thus creating more portals and increasing vis time....but, it's WORTH IT.


Where this helps is VIS. If a single brush within a portal is visible by the player, then EVERY brush IN the portal will be drawn!

But, if you break up the problem portals with hint brushes properly, then only the brushes that can be seen in the portal will be drawn.


This is the SHORT version of how this works.


Let me rephrase a part of what I said there -

"A hint brush forces the bsp to consider any brush withint the hint brush ( read: boxed inside of the hint ) to be it's own portal "


What I meant to say was the engine considers a hint brush to be it's own portal, and any brushes contained within the hint brush is a part of that portal.


Here's the best example I can give about the use of hint brushes:


Lets say you have a map that is a battle field and in that battle field are a lot of trenches that players can use to move around the battle field undetected.

What I would do is use hint brushes IN the trenches and ABOVE the trenches. This way, the polygons that make up the trenches will not be drawn until you reach the point where you can SEE the polys that are covered in the hint brush....thus, speeding up FPS by decreasing your r_speeds. Same goes for the hint brushes on the areas ABOVE the trenches...if you were IN the trench, you can't see the polygons that are above you ( BUT the engine draws them anyway because you CAN see the portals that said polygons reside in ), so cover them in hint brushes

so the engine will NOT draw them until you jump OUT of the trench


Make sense? It takes a while to grasp the concept, but hint brushes are there for a reason....use them wisely my son.


You also should ALWAYS remember to use r_showtris 1 in game when testing your maps - that's the best way to actualy SEE what the engine is drawing and can help you find the spots that NEED to be covered in hint brushes.


----> Courtesy of twoshadows


More detail: http://www.planetquake.com/spog/stuff/technical.html


---> Courtesy of Vorax



Thanks, again, Roger

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To set up your project settings. Open up radiant and go to File>Load Project and then find the Tools directory and select the .qe4 file that you need. If you're gonna map for single player, then select StarWars.qe4 and if you're gonna map for multiplayer, select StarWarsMP.qe4. This will setup your project settings correctly for you assuming you have the game installed into the default Program Files directory. You'll need to restart Radiant afer you do this.

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Having problems with misc_model?


When you add a misc_model, a folder tree that let's you select the model appears. DO NOT USE IT!


Instead, add the model info manually using the "model"-key of the misc_model entity.




key: model

value: models/map_objects/ships/tie_fighter.md3

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heres another good tut



also i have compiled info on fog


1: fog can only have one VISIBLE side

2: fog that touches a sky shader doesn't show up

3: for volumatic fog with skys on three sides you need to split the walls into two brush a top and bottom like so


1= the top brush, 2= the bottom brush




the bottom cover with a say grass texture make a fog brush and have it be as tall as the bottom brush of your wall in the game the grass texute will be blured by the fog so it will just look like trees

4: make your sky box large

5:use yavin_white for thick fog and steam

6: hold shift and mouse1 on a fog shader to edit it chage the color number at the bottom of the fog you want to change to make diff colored fog

7: lot o fog eats up frame rates

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heres stuff to people woh get an error like this


Exceeded MAX_MAP_LIGHTGRID_ARRAY (1317888 >= 1048576)


look at this thread, i had the same problem (its no problem, but more a restriction)




the errormessage means that all of your rooms (inclusive: skybox) are too large together to be processed by the light compiler. Easiest solution: you have to decrease the scale of your rooms for some hundred grid units on all axes in your radiant editor.

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Is there any way to get the sodding camera actually pointing back at the bloody map? *tears hair out* Why is this interface is so flippin' clunky?



Apparently, the 3D view is supposed to move with the left mouse button... Nope. No matter what the mouse sensitivity is set to within JKIIRadint, the left mouse button does nothing whatseover in the 3D view... If I so much as touch the right button though, the whole 3D view disappears 3 miles into the far distance! Gaaaaah!!! Are these WinXP problems or am I doing something wrong?



Of course the other problem is that, JKIIRadiant seems to crash every 5-10 minutes (from all sorts of different bugs) so I can't actually get a map going, even if I could keep it on the screen long enough...



Ho hum... I never did any mapping for Q3A, as it really didn't inspire me that much so I'm a 'Radient n00b'. OTOH, I've made many levels for Half-Life, TFC, CS, DoD etc. but I never thought I'd be wishing for Worldcraft back!



What I really need is a proper introduction tutorial to JKIIRadiant. The one at http://jk2ed.jediknightii.net/bookofnoob.htm kind of ends just when its getting started...


Any help would be much appreciated! :)





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