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Air Cruisers...do they suck?

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IMO I think seeing a Star Destroyer that's been shrunk down to the size of an AT-AT would be pretty silly. If you want Star Destroyers or Mon Cal crusiers, start asking Lucas Arts for a space based RTS. Even those proto-Star Destroyers from the Ep II trailer are really too large to be used, as you can tell from the parked versions you see in the game.


I'm all for commanding capital ships in a space based RTS, BELIEVE me I am, but I don't want to see them in THIS game.


As for the look of the Imperial Air Cruiser.... it doesn't look too bad to me. Not the best looking Air Cruiser... but not too bad. Looks like it belongs in the Imperial Army instead of the Imperial Navy, which it should.


:atat: Join Imperial Vengeance: http://telhazen.home.att.net/

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I already have a SW absed space RTS well alright it's a mod for homeworld but it looks as good as the orignal movie. You can even have your Star destroyers chase around blockcade runners thou they get away fairly quickly (if they live that is). Ah it's good fun.

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Originally posted by General Nilaar

IMO I think seeing a Star Destroyer that's been shrunk down to the size of an AT-AT would be pretty silly. If you want Star Destroyers or Mon Cal crusiers, start asking Lucas Arts for a space based RTS. Even those proto-Star Destroyers from the Ep II trailer are really too large to be used, as you can tell from the parked versions you see in the game.


I'm all for commanding capital ships in a space based RTS, BELIEVE me I am, but I don't want to see them in THIS game.


As for the look of the Imperial Air Cruiser.... it doesn't look too bad to me. Not the best looking Air Cruiser... but not too bad. Looks like it belongs in the Imperial Army instead of the Imperial Navy, which it should.


:atat: Join Imperial Vengeance: http://telhazen.home.att.net/


ok but did i say we need stardestoyers?


this one has whings THAT Sucks!


only a little bit difrend is ok!

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