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Unfair Advantages?!?!?!?!?!


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G'day people, as i browse these (and other) JO forums i notice that a large proportion of threads are dedicated to the "i hate this move", "X move is a cheat move" etc... and frankly i'm fairly sick of 'em. Now people are more then welcome to have their say on anything and i expect to see the gamut of topics as i browse these (and any other) forums so it's not unexpected, but it's getting a little old. If someone is using what you consider an unfair move/combination/power you have several options; 1) don't play the game,2) deal with it and continue playing 3) Adapt your tactics to deal with it, cause when you rely on one thing (stance, power, weapon) you will be open to other attacks and maneuveurs, this goes for those who are using so called "cheater moves" and those who are "cheatless" players.


Anyway, i guess i'm saying life is tough, buy a helmet;)



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Hear hear.


I also am sick of hearing this c*** about X move is overbalanced. I agree there are some problems with it (DFA I'm thinking of you and your bizarre hitbox probs), but once those get cleared up it should be fine. If you cannot adapt your tactics sufficiently to deal with something you have seen before, don't whinge about it. Learn.

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Agreed, moves built into the game are not cheats.


However, when I see people killed by a swing that's 20 feet away from him/her, that's wrong. Also, when a lightsaber goes through someone and does no damage, that's wrong as well. And I've seen it happen many times.

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though some might call this an anti whiner whine, it doesn't come off as one, and as I get better and better at JKII, I am finding that if I ever said I wanted strong style taken out for example, I should have my mouth washed out with soap... I DOOOOO sincerely think saber combat needs to be fixed though... it's great as is, but that bizaire hit box thing with DFA and the wierd hit mechanics of strong style in general and the lack of hitting someoine who ran right through your saber so it came out the other side with the other styles, things like this need to be fixed.


So please keep strong style, heck even keep it doing full damage as it does, though maybe tone down the DFA damage a tad but thats not nescessary...


The force powers are just fine, though I might recomend making it hard to use say a strong style whack right after gripping like what was spammed on me tonight (at first I thought it was a great move, one I would emply, but then it was spamed, and I realized it was a tad evil LOL).


I dunno how the guy did it, but he managed to strong style whack me almost every time after he gripped me, and trust me one thing I AM good at is dodging sabers and countering force powers, so it got a little silly till I just sat there once he gripped me and swung me too and fro so fast that Icould lock onto him with push or pull, heheh and let death come so I could respawn and kill him or someone else.


So yes, I agree this forum has been overun by whines... I would say we have heard it all before, and so have the developers, who listened and are fixing the balance issues (we hope), that most would agree exist.


i suggest those whit a brain just wait till the patch comes out, then they can feel free to whine all they want...


so strong stylers across the land, you are no longer my sworn enemy so long as you don't spam anything, I'm cool with it... I had a grewat game tonight, with a bunch of great people who use a vast variety of styles like I try to do, and I for once sat there and enjoyed all 6 hours of it with only one or two moments of table pounding anger heheh...

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Originally posted by Vagabond

Agreed, moves built into the game are not cheats.


However, when I see people killed by a swing that's 20 feet away from him/her, that's wrong. Also, when a lightsaber goes through someone and does no damage, that's wrong as well. And I've seen it happen many times.


Yah. great points :) I hope these get solved in the upcoming patch :)

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*Clears throat.*


Death from above snipe snipe snipe codes of honour b*tch b*tch b*tch smegging spammers grumble mumble moan.


*Hysterical laughter, with a little superiority (for never having complained) mixed in.*


I only multiplay when I specifically want human opponents. The rest of the time, whenever I get the urge for some lightsaber action, I load that player-made SP level Ladder. Excellent choice of music, by the way! If you haven't downloaded it yet, especially you newcomers, do it. Do it now.


I like Kyle better in that level than in the whole SP game, actually. No storyline to drag him down. Think of the final showdown in Blade...

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