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Pics of characters we need modeled...

Ten Tigers

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If Raven released a few more model files, apart from Kyle/Stormtrooper it would be easy to make the imperial commando, just stick the rebel head on the Imp officers body and use the tie pilots arms, it'd just need some new textures.

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Aurra sing Model is already in game, me and cheshire was testing her last night so it wont be long before she's ready to be released. As I'm sure you know Bloodriots boba and Sithlord 2's Vader are almost at completerion to.

as for the others on your list, I was considering Zuckuss, but you'll just have to wait.

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There are already a few Maul ones out there. I think the best one so far has been the Ultimate Maul model that has a new taunt soundbite from Ep 1.


Some of the first Maul's done though were just reborn models with the faces done as Maul's tattoo's.

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That Aurra model looks pretty sweet.:D


One thing I must say however is that is a pretty flattering pic of Dengar I posted. I dont remember him looking that badass. But then again the pic does seem like someone photoshoped it. It looks kewl none the less....

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Sorry spacermonkey, when I looked to my answer, it seems to be a little angry but it's not that :)

I just want to say that I'm a beginner under max, I only know about modelling, I try to skin and to apply skeleton but it's not a big success now

and if u think that modelling is easy, it's impossible for me to apply animation :)

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What you need to do is search the modelling forum for two post I made with tutorials in them. They will help with some aspects.


but heres a brief list of the things you need to do in order to get it in game.

UVW map the model.

Skin the maps.

Segment the Model.

Cap the segments, add the tags

link the model to the skeletan weighting the verts and making sure it deforms well.

Make sure the hieracrhy is setup.


I can guarantee you will spend a hell of alot of time weighting the model so that it deforms nicely.


I've almost finished working on a complete tutorial - on how to get a model in game so you can expect it about the end of this week.

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Thanx spacermonkey, I've already seen your tutorial.

It was a great help for me for making good tags and good hierarchy.

I began weighting my model and I see what u thouhgt with spending time :)

but one question what is the bone called ...._eff is. The other bones I see but with _eff at the end of the name I don't know

Thanx again for your help :)

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