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Is Kyle Katarn going to be in the editor?


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  • 2 months later...

He would have made a great toybox unit and excellent promotional tie-in for the Dark Forces II game (or as they insist on calling it, Jedi Knight II...but we all know its really part 3). I'm genuinely surprised that Katarn, Jan Ors, et al weren't included, given the relative closeness of the CC release date to Jedi Knight II's.


And while I'm on the subject of other LucasArts games, has anyone found if Max of "Sam and Max" fame is hidden anywhere in the game? For a while there nearly every game had him hidden in it somewhere, from "Shadows of the Empire" to "Dark Forces II"...Max was there. I don't imagine he would be a unit, maybe just a topograpical feature shaped lie him or some weird, Max shaped item or arrangement of buildings in some level.

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