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JK2 Radiant FAQ


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i know it has to be somewhere, but ive looked and cant find it. i tried to compile my map (named test) using the fullvis extra, and it pops up a window, and closes, and thats it. the map isn't made and i can't figure out whats wrong or how to do anything else. if you can help, please do, i would apreaciate it





-Winning: the art of not loosing-

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Hmm, that looks like a patch error message, I was getting that just before I patched (similar anyhow) when I was connecting to servers. But I don't see how you could have patch conflicts when you are hosting your own server... :eek:

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I was going through it and found this to the most helpful guide to mapping. Here is an idea that might help a little. For example Caulk. I had a time finding it so I had to ask where to find it. Perhaps with some of the topics could have explanations to help locate items in question. (Example: textures/system)


You know relitive path to the item.



K my 2 cents

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Hey, how about some fun :(


Uh, my compiler told me to speak with John Carmack, do you know his number?

It means something is really, really wrong, and Radiant is telling you to see the boss. To find out your specific problem load the map and you will be getting booted, take note of your error message.


Well, whenever I try to start up my map I'll get a reboot, so there's not much good in trying to find the error-message. Personally I really would like to find one, because then I would know where the heck my error was, clean the mess up and have a working map again. But with the only error-message I being "Unspecified error- Contact John or Rick"-during VIS or Light- there's quite a bit room for guessing where my mistake is :p


Anyone knowing any help for such a problem?

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great FAQ


im new to jedi mapping. but i mapped for half life a while back so i have a tiny bit of knowledge. but one thing.


How do you add music.


if this is simple i havnt looked at the editor yet so this is off the top of my head.


but how wuld i put music in and what format does it need to be??mp3? etc.


thx in advance

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Hubris


How do I use my own textures?

Create a folder under your base/textures directory, drop your textures in there, the next time you load radiant you should have a new textures category which contains the textures you dropped in that folder.


They still aren't working

It can be one of a number of things:


Try the following:

A)Make sure your texture is saved in an increment of 2, 256x256, 512x512.

B)Make sure it's saved in a 24 bit jpeg, or a 32 bit tga.

C)When you load your map to try and test the textures make sure you input sv_pure 0 into the console, this is the only way JK2 will recognize the textures if they aren't in a pk3.

If else fails try this site: which contains a number of Q3A textures, and try applying them first before you try your own textures.


Ok I need some more information on how to import my own textures. There was no textures folder to begin with, so I created it, and then, when I tried to load the jpg, it said: "Loading textures/arkh_wall...failed". By the way, how do I know iit's a 24 bit jpeg?


Help would be greatly appreciated.

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Salvor, check your instructions for installing JK2 radiant, sounds like you didn't unzip your assets0, which will give you any number of problems, or if you did, you didn't do it with folder archiving enabled, which is basically the same. Check on that, you should then have your various folders created. Paintshop pro, and the most current version of photoshop allow for 24 bit jpegs and all that goodness. I'm not sure on a freeware/shareware version of a paint program that allows for it.

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