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Jango and Boba Fett


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although the skin is very acurate at the moment it seriously lacks any decent shading. I know that jk2 does a lot of shading ingame but really if you want it too look just that little bit more realistic get some decent shadows in there. Also it is very blurry atm (i don't know whether you will add details later absath) but since jk2 has the ability to have bigger texture sizes than nearly any other game (up to 1024 in some cases) there is no excuse as to why the skin doesn't have sharp, crisp lines everywhere. On the whole though it is an amazingly welldone model (in terms of looks) and the skin is coming along very nicely, please just do a LOT more work on it.



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damn, i'm only a few days offline and find this threat at the bottom of the page. shame on you :D

okay, well the model seems perfect to mehead-body proportions are extremely well done!!! Boba's texture is amazing, absath.

Jango is looking good as well, but the armor could look more metallic, that would make him look ... hm, can't find the word. (in german you would say Arsch-geil!!! or something like that)

Impressive, guys, most impressive!!!

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Alot of you guys seem a bit unsure a bout the jango textures, I agree that in the pic the sky blue/white armour looks a bit crap, but is is only a beta pic. I've seen a bit of Absaths skinning, he posted a few maul skin pics a while back, and beleive me Absath is the man. His skinning is top notch. Please no more comments bout the colours or lack of detail, have faith in Absath. I'm certain the final model is gonna be peachy.

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hmmmmm. No you are wrong. Ingame lighting will make a bit of a difference but really there needs to be MUCH more definition and detail.. it can be done due to the LARGE texture size. and yes absath is a good skinner but his stuff is still only a little above average. I really do love the skin so far it just needs more work and i am sure absath knows what he needs to do and is more than capable of doing it.


hope that didn't sound to narky... i am only really trying to help.



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well im a tad bit dissapointed. you're judging my skill as a skinner on a work in progress that was done three weeks ago? have any of you actually taken a moment to go to the general editing forum and look at the latest updates? here ill save you a trip:




(for some reason the board code says its off, so you'll have to either click the link, then clich refresh or go in the address bar, or cut and paste the link)


dont make final judgements on art in progress. is a pencil sketch better than the final product after its been colored, painted or inked? not usually. skinning is art, and in the same sense, it is a process. the picture you saw linked to above was merely the beginning of the work. the placement of colors, armor and wrinkles etc.


i dont think im the best skinner, but i would prefer my work to be judged on the final product.




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Originally posted by Absath

well im a tad bit dissapointed. you're judging my skill as a skinner on a work in progress that was done three weeks ago? have any of you actually taken a moment to go to the general editing forum and look at the latest updates? here ill save you a trip:




(for some reason the board code says its off, so you'll have to either click the link, then clich refresh or go in the address bar, or cut and paste the link)


dont make final judgements on art in progress. is a pencil sketch better than the final product after its been colored, painted or inked? not usually. skinning is art, and in the same sense, it is a process. the picture you saw linked to above was merely the beginning of the work. the placement of colors, armor and wrinkles etc.


i dont think im the best skinner, but i would prefer my work to be judged on the final product.





I think you have done an excellent job :D And it will be an honour to use the models when they are released (hopefully on or B4 episode 2 premieres) :D :D :D :D

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WOW, this new picture of the Jnago skin is really looking fantastic.

nice reflections!!! makes the armor really looking metallic.

well, it's very exciting with Jango and Boba nearing completition and Vader released.

gonna try vader in-game now...

you're doing such great models and skins, Blood and Abs.

i'm looking forward to your Maul!!!

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hmmmm. I am sorry if i offended you mate. I was just making a point because you might have gone the way raven did with their jk2 skins and done flat shaded crap with some texture overlays. I did say that you were probly going to add in the shading but about the sharp details how would you do that if you didn't do them in the first place? To me it seems like to much work to go over the whole skin again. Also that link you posted doesn't work for me and I REALLY wanted to see what improvements you have made as i am sure you can do them.



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ok, fyi what you've done so far looks great, can't wait ill it's released, but i have a few things i'd liek to throw into the wish bowl. animationwise


-when either of them force jump, make their jetpack go off since they don't really force jump

-when they pull, make a zip line formt he armor pull him towards, sicne they don't really use the force

-things scuh as this, i'm sure someone else can think of better things than me, i'm just trying to make your model the best it can be, hope i'm helping:)

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in reference to the last post.. *short giggle*... you want him to poop you a gold bullion too? lol those you suggest lol.. a whip line muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!! umm bwahahahaaaaaaa... ok im sorry hehe that would be very time consuming

and i dont think he could make a whip line retract and shoot out because well he would have to create a new animation.. something that is very difficult to do and impossible if you dont have the tools

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nearly 24 hours nothing new? well, i hope this is a good sign and you have just been busy... maybe with finishing the models and skins? anyway, take your time, just wanted to keep the thread alive.

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The model is absolutely brilliant.

Although i have a few questions.


1. Are you doing the Jango Fett, Boba Fett and Jodo Kast Colour schemes?


2. Are you doing two versions of Jango with the different jetpacks


3. Are you doing a version without any jetpacks?


Thanks for creating this miracle in itself.

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Originally posted by Dark_One

Will the jetpacks have the same animation that they have in q3. I mean when they jump a flame comes out of it. And when i fire a blaster will it come out of his arm?


The jetpack will not have animations.

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