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Money probably... they were too cheap to build it in the first place they needed a foreign investor. and they quite simply point out hokums razor the simplest answer is usually the right one. She disapeard for half a second. They pretty much had all the proof they needed.

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No no no no no... the ending clearly makes it apparent that the US government, now realizing that the

camera recorded static for the amount of time she said she was gone

is trying to hush it up so they can send their own people through to the other side, run their own experiments or otherwise dominate the technology. Thats how I read it anyway. They never wanted to share with other countries. Thats why they chided Jodie Foster for checking the signal with antenae in other countries.


See? :D

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YEah I kinda saw that too Pvt_Dancer,


A whole X-files type thing going there. But even if they alledged that there was 18 hours of Static to the public nobody would buy it. TO be honest i think everyone felt foolish that they had beleived it and the Old man had tricked them into it. They needed a scapegoat so they used her and said she was delusional.


Anyways whatever the case was Movie was great.

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That was an awesome movie, I didn't really like it when I first watched it, because I was expecting a 'Sci-Fi/Action' movie, because thats kind of how the advertised it, as a special effects movie, which it really wasn't (unless you're an idiot...aka a reviewer :p), but anyway I watched it on HBO much later and it really came to be one of my favorite moviesit has so many awesome idea's and it's like this huge, really cool thought experiment (like Vanilla Sky in that respect).

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