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This community...

Guest Forceflow

What do you think about this community?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about this community?

    • I\'ve seen Linux Boards that are more friendly
    • Well, pretty bad attitude
    • Could be nicer, but good altogether
    • Really friendly community! One of the best I know
    • You are just a complete moron with now life and I hate you!

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Guest Forceflow

I'd like to get everyone opinion here.


Now, I've been in and out of several communities, Star Wars, Star Trek, all kinds of game communities non game communities. But I must say that the hostility of this community here is only topped by most of the Linux communities I know. (I know forums where no matter what you post you get either of three options:


b) that wouldn't have happened with Linux

c) that doesn't use Linux, it must be bad

Okay, but I am getting off topic... in my own topic, now that is bad)


I mean there are some really great guys in here and I've had a lot of good loughs during the last few weeks. (Which was sometimes a little embarrasing, I really should stop reading this board while I am at work)


I dunno how many people here know the rule

'Don't feed the trolls'


It's really simple, and it actually works! If you see some newbie posting something that you find ovensive, stupid, lame, etc. just don't react to it! Most of those folk just want to get some attention and/or want to piss you off. Once you ignore them they'll leave and you'll actually have time to read through the interesting and friendly threads. Problem I see right now is that people get so fed up with those flame wars (which seem to errupt in about every second thread or so nowadays) that they are aggressive against any kind of comment. No matter what you say or do people instantly come in and start to flame away!

There are tons of people who whine about something, but instead of just letting it go (which would surely burry the topic on page 10 or so, where it will hopefully never be ressurected) everybody feels the need to flame away, effectively keeping the thead on the top of the list.

Then whoever started the thread is pissed, nd most people who posted in the threads are pissed, making it very likely that the next post they'll do will be a post clearly stating: 'I am pissed'


I sincerely belive that there is a great amount of really nice people here, and I'd like to actually get in contact with them on friendly terms, which sadly seems to be really hard.




I guesss now it's time to activate my anti-flame shield and hope it'll survive the blast...

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Depends on the question.


The game having no copy-protection and all, it's easy to assume someone is a warez user, especially if they ask a question that's pretty clearly stated in the manual.


Otherwise, I think the moderators/admins do a great job here keeping things decent - that's the key.


I think it's kind of wrong to judge an entire community on a vocal minority. If you read each thread there are great people responding to some of the rude posts.

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Vote could be nicer.


I like this forum, it was great to meet people I already know from other places like Digital_Ronin and NewBJedi here.


One thing that really bugs me is alot of the people aren't arsed to read previous posts, say - someone asks how to open the console, I tell them straight away, then 10 minutes later someone else says the exact same thing.. it's just pointless :rolleyes:

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had to vote for the bottom one as a joke, i think you put it in there as one no?


anyway yeah I agree with you... i got so ticked for a while at people calling people whiners for things they where having serious complaints about... thankfully my mind is made up that at least where sabers are concerned the debate is futile, and the only truths are that there ARE some bugs, but altogether this is an awesome game so long as nobody spams or exploits something... Heck I can live with DFA just fine contrary to how i used to react to it... so long as nobody spams it... As for force powers? who cares they RULE, ALL of them! don't like em? well they make non force servers for a reason you know...


guns? Me, I don't play on gun servers... personal taste really... if I want guns I play Counterstrike... which I have done to death (was a fanatic of the game since beta 5 all the way till release, and only now have I gotten bored of it).


As for antiwhiners, just let the hate go people... And if your so nuts you feel like saying something like: But I'm a sith, my hate makes me powerful, well then more power too you, but sith arn't stupid, and I would call a sith cold and heartless, but not seething with unrestrained troll like anger... Seriously... Even maul the angriest I have seen in a movie, wasn't forthing at the mouth insulting everyone all the time... he just grinned evily a lot and killed folks...


so if your going to be a role player or a nut, thats fine, but at least be true to the character concept heheh...


Ok thats my two cents... GAME ON! *lights saber and charges back in*

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Guest Forceflow

Thanks for that last vote ;)


One thing I think would make this place a lot friendlier, too, would be if the Admins would find a way to enable the search setting. That would REALLY help.

(Yeah yeah, I know, it's not as easy as cklicking a button)

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All in all I find the community to be helpful and friendly. My main experience is with the Jedi Academy & I have to say I've not yet met a single @$$hole in the group. There are a few whiners yeah, but they IMHO are mainly folks who dont like change or dealing with situations they cant control. I agree, Forceflow. It's best to ignore them & leave them on their way.

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I reckon this community is so bad because so many people suck at this game.


When someone kills themself because they don't stop shooting whilst you are defending... or people who don't think of using pull to get your gun off you? Or about a bazillion 'Padawans'... there is at least one on every server it seems. People who don't understand their DFA will not hit me as long as I just keep moving.

I have even seen someone attack me whilst I was configuring my force powers and he killed himself on my saber...

Seriously... people walking backwards into walls, shooting themselves, falling to their death, asking stupid questions... I have never seen as much of it as with this game. People who use the bowcaster at point blank range when I'm waiting to deflect it, people who roll away from your atatck and plunge to their death, spammers who panic ad run when they realise you've caught on to their single tactic...

I have seen all of this happen on an extremely regular basis. I can imagine why so many people complain then, cause they aren't winning. Then they spam themselves to the top of the list and say "GG".

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People are put off when i verbally eviscerate people who complain, especially when said complaint has been voiced a dozen times before and recieved the same "i dont give a crap" response from everyone and they just ....keep....bitching.


But really i am very nice :D



just dont annoy me, cos then you die. And trust me, dying is painful - ive done it several times. Not fun.




Remember, i am BLACK MAGE!

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