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Official JK2 1.03 Patch Thread!


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I totally dislike the new patch.


I agree with what most people have posted in here regarding how using timing and technique with the saber has been tossed to the wayside- unless you are using the newest one-hit wonder move like pull/push + backstab. Just learning how to time regular swings to kill opponents with the saber has been totally nerfed with auto-blocking and damage reduction. Hell, I swung a heavy-stance blow against the side of a medium stance user tonight and saw what pre-patch ould have been a killing blow get deflected by someone who was barely facing me. I have been playing this game on average for 2-3 hours a day since I got it like 3 weeks ago- I think I got pretty good at learning stances over that time and well-timed swings that before would not have been blocked or would have shattered saber defenses now seem to bounce harmlessly off opponents.


I also noticed that pull/push + backstab spammers are running up kill scores faster then I ever saw DFA users do it. It was almost like deja vu- someone would be owning groups of people at a time with this move and people would bitch and the reply was 'it is easily counterable' or 'you can block it' or 'just move out of the way'. ROFL just like the complaints people had with DFA. The funny thing is that when the DFA spammers said that they were more or less right(except in terms of blocking it). With DFA you could see it coming, you could force push the person away or move out of the way and you could usually get in a counter attack if you knew how to time your swing. The backstab move doesn't seem to be blockable, it is certain one hit death and try to score a hit on someone who is in the midst of this move without it either a) getting blocked or b) getting owned by their swing. So much for balance. A huge failure on the part of Raven IMO. Speaking about DFA, I love the changes they made to this overpowering move- making it so you can't rotate in midflight and stopping damage from when the saber is burried in the ground was a laudable move; to bad this needed change to DFA coincides with the stripping of saber powers in general and the ascension of the backstab move. FFA saber battles now consist of groups of people trying to back into one another, usually bent over waiting to fire off a backstab move. Don't believe me? Get out and play some and don't post in here about crap you know nothing about since you are an 3r33t du3l3R.


I like the force power changes. I like the invisibility until you are attacked when using absorb. I love the icons for servers and the added maps. As someone who loved saber combat I actually like the changes to weapons as well. But, I cannot stomach the changes to saber combat- the change to damage depending on where you are in the swing, the auto-blocking and the across the board damage reduction.


Let's face it, ass fighters and backstabbers are the only ones benefitting from this patch in saber combat. When people used these manuevers before they did so with some risk, that risk is no longer there.


I am not sure what I will do yet. Either put this game down or go back to 1.02 and miss the changes I actually like in the new patch. If they had just implimented the force changes, maps, icons and changed DFA and otherwise left saber combat the way it was I and many others I thinkwould be very, very happy.

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I totally dislike the new patch.


I agree with what most people have posted in here regarding how using timing and technique with the saber has been tossed to the wayside- unless you are using the newest one-hit wonder move like pull/push + backstab. Just learning how to time regular swings to kill opponents with the saber has been totally nerfed with auto-blocking and damage reduction. Hell, I swung a heavy-stance blow against the side of a medium stance user tonight and saw what pre-patch ould have been a killing blow get deflected by someone who was barely facing me. I have been playing this game on average for 2-3 hours a day since I got it like 3 weeks ago- I think I got pretty good at learning stances over that time and well-timed swings that before would not have been blocked or would have shattered saber defenses now seem to bounce harmlessly off opponents.


I also noticed that pull/push + backstab spammers are running up kill scores faster then I ever saw DFA users do it. It was almost like deja vu- someone would be owning groups of people at a time with this move and people would bitch and the reply was 'it is easily counterable' or 'you can block it' or 'just move out of the way'. ROFL just like the complaints people had with DFA. The funny thing is that when the DFA spammers said that they were more or less right(except in terms of blocking it). With DFA you could see it coming, you could force push the person away or move out of the way and you could usually get in a counter attack if you knew how to time your swing. The backstab move doesn't seem to be blockable, it is certain one hit death and try to score a hit on someone who is in the midst of this move without it either a) getting blocked or b) getting owned by their swing. So much for balance. A huge failure on the part of Raven IMO. Speaking about DFA, I love the changes they made to this overpowering move- making it so you can't rotate in midflight and stopping damage from when the saber is burried in the ground was a laudable move; to bad this needed change to DFA coincides with the stripping of saber powers in general and the ascension of the backstab move. FFA saber battles now consist of groups of people trying to back into one another, usually bent over waiting to fire off a backstab move. Don't believe me? Get out and play some and don't post in here about crap you know nothing about since you are an 3r33t du3l3R.


I like the force power changes. I like the invisibility until you are attacked when using absorb. I love the icons for servers and the added maps. As someone who loved saber combat I actually like the changes to weapons as well. But, I cannot stomach the changes to saber combat- the change to damage depending on where you are in the swing, the auto-blocking and the across the board damage reduction.


Let's face it, ass fighters and backstabbers are the only ones benefitting from this patch in saber combat. When people used these manuevers before they did so with some risk, that risk is no longer there.


I am not sure what I will do yet. Either put this game down or go back to 1.02 and miss the changes I actually like in the new patch. If they had just implimented the force changes, maps, icons and changed DFA and otherwise left saber combat the way it was I and many others I thinkwould be very, very happy.

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as much as the new saber system annoys me, i also find the forces to be more weighted towards light, ok, both heal and drain have been restricted, but it seems grip has been nerfed BIG time and absorb has been made better. i know a lot of people hate the "pick up, run and chuck" grip kills, but honestly, i cant see the use of it now, because even when you hold them until they have to gasp for breath, the wonderful new saber system means they usually block your blow, so I find grip next to useless now, I really dont think it was a problem before, i mean look how boring a light sider whacking on absorb then going for guns is, most lightsiders just ran around with absorv on all the time so there was no point trying to grip em, and most dark siders you had battles with.


maybe it was a little against the "spirit" of things to chuck people off ledges all the time, and you can still do it, but I feel it was just unecessarily nerfed so that now all you do is just pick em up and wave em around a bit, without forcing anyone to keep on their guard, for crying out loud, if you pick someone up and run with them they have ample time to push you away or jam on absorb again...


i just thought it was a silly nerf to make myself (I dont just get kills from chucking ppl but its fun!;) ) seems the game is being weighted against agressive ppl, i.e. dark side with heavy stance, towards a more lengthy (read boring) game....

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I wish they would fix the exploitable moves such as this classic favorite:


Push, turn around, down arrow, click, repeat.



All they have to do is push you down and then turn around and swing, thats it. At least with DFA you can get out of the way, but with this, you are totally helpless. And if you are moving trying to avoid their rear swings, you'll get your butt pushed on the ground a whole lot quicker...



Raven, I emplore you, dont go back to the way 1.02 was, but dont stay with this latest abomination. Just either:


A) Take out all the one hit kill moves or any other move that will be used repeatedly.


B) Make the special moves have a recovery time that is so great they are only used in special situations, and are not feasible for use all the time, such as what you did with the new DFA (bravo on that one btw).



Also, drain being made harder to use all the time was a great move, but the game does favor lightside at the moment because of the whole "backswing abuse" issue. Darksiders have no defense against push/pull other than putting stars on push/pull, while lightsiders can use absorb.

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Ironically, considering my last post, the best way to deal with the saber backstab/sweep is saber throw, a gun, or just frying them with force powers.


The backsweep does NOT block a throw, it will however deflect regular saber attacks.


Another thing that could be done is slightly reducing the arc which a player is protected when they are not swinging. This would leave someone doing backsweep more vulnerable, especially if someone expects it.

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As you get better the moves become more and more deep and with this patch.. im sorry to say.. there is NO DEPTH..

I agree.


Saber combat has been neutered, ‘washed down’ if you will, across all stances. Our play options have been severely reduced by this patch.


In 1.02, I liked to switch up lightsaber styles to keep my opponent off guard, but Medium was my bread and butter. With the advent of 1.03, this is not an option; granted, on occasion I will use the medium special finisher as a flourish to end a match—it still rotates unlike the light lunge special--or the silly backsweep if I happen to still be in the style when assaulted by a ‘Bun Backwards’ warrior. Those skilled with the yellow style were immediately surprised at the speed reduction garnered with the patch.


I am still at a loss to understand the new autoblock immunity that plagues light and medium users following the patch. Why was this done? Test it with a friend; he can swing all day long at you with yellow and light styles and NEVER HIT ONCE if you face them and do not swing. Where is the skill involved in that proposition? In addition, they lowered the damage on us and emasculated our ability to assault skillfully with deadly force; that is, you can make perfectly timed strikes that glance off of your opponent.


Yes, I still can kill. No, I do not enjoy it.


They should have fixed the bugs and kept the saber dynamics much the same. The fantastic ‘feel’ of the game has vanished. They were marvelous and complex.


Positives? They fixed the DFA, added some new combinations, and gave us some nice new maps. I thank them heartily for this.


Raven has foisted their new 'vision' on us: multiplayer is now like singleplayer. I find the replay value of the singleplayer to be negligible. Sadly, after being saddled with inferior saber dynamics, multiplayer has little replay value as well.


As Hamlet has it, "our withers are unwrung."

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the collision map seems screwed as well

Collision mapping does need work. Collision detection is SO important for realistic play dynamics. They have gone backwards in 1.03. A perfectly executed strike that is not blocked (rare :p) can pass right through the model without a point of shield or health damage. Tweak this please, Raven.

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Originally posted by Hado

Thanks for your comments but we, for the most part, obviously disagree. There will not be another official patch.


Michael Chang Gummelt

Gameplay Programmer: Jedi Knight II

Raven Software



No further official patching. This is an odd move for a company that wishes to continue selling software in the future. This is a singular approach to product support.


We feel sorry for people who got used to 1.02 and it's exploits and cannot adapt


Michael Chang Gummelt

Gameplay Programmer: Jedi Knight II

Raven Software



Those in the community that are offering data and facts to back up their position should take great exception to such a generalization (not to mention the logical fallacies involved: ad Misericordiam, Converse Accident, etc.). I for one did not like the exploits mentioned; however, version 1.03 is fraught with bugs and poor coding choices. Perhaps Raven feels that its programmers are infallible and the bugs and gameplay problems we have identified are fantasy.


It seems that wanting to see positive changes made to the problems with the patch makes you an exploiter, incapable of adaptation, that needs to be pitied.


What wonderful hubris.

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well, i'm done. this was the last straw. not only will i never ever ever ever ever buy another raven gameever, but i will take my jkii, and soldier of fortune cds outside, **** on them, then set them on fire. hey raven, take a hint from valve: PATCH YOUR GAMES AND APPEASE YOUR ****ING CUSTOMERS. this could have been a long term hit, but you just signed its death certificate. maybe if you never patched at all i might be happy, but 1.02 has problems, too. instead of listening to fans with justified complaints, you chose to completely ****ing ignore us.


i really wouldn't be that mad, but just before you decided to abandon the game, you released a patch that ****ing ruined it, first. thanks. this was my game, man. this was gonna be the game that took me away from counter-strike and half-life in general. but it's totally ****ed now. congrats, raven, you made a game that took me away from counter-strike, the world's #1 online action game. but, oh wait, you watered it down for the newbies who refuse to learn and just want to "swing dem there lightsaberz". 1.02 is still ok, but it's problems are still there, making this game have very limited replay value. without the promise of something on the horizon, people will abandon this games in droves. and the very newbies you designed the patch for will leave, too. newbies do learn after all, and they will realize, "swingin' that thar lightsaber ain't much fun anymo'." oh sure people on this forum will rise to defend the patch, saying they love it and will play it FOREVER. unlikely. they too will tire of no updates, and the "moppers" will take over every server.


i see myself playing on 1.02 servers for at most another month. it may take a few months for 1.03 to grow stale to the newbies, but it will happen. when a game takes no skill to compete in, and the players have no margin for improvement, death is inevitable.


in the end, i guess i really had your company pegged wrong. i thought you were the great 1st person shooter makers of our time. now i see you are just the "make game with someone elses engine, make millions, move on to next project" types. as it stands, you have zero, count 'em, zero games that have a great many people playing them. and now i see why. thanks for crushing my hopes for humanity.

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I don't consider Raven to be the kind of company interested in building a solid community around they're game. Or at least whatever formula they extracted from the success of Q3 they are failing miserably at. Its just not in they're interests like it was ID software to build such a community. With ID software they also wanted to license the engine and as such make money by patching and upgrading that engine. But companies like raven care about no such thing. To them they want to put as little money out and get as much back in return, and if fixing some bugs we all hate doesn't accomplish that to they're liking then yes we as players are up a creek. But it's all quite simple, don't buy they're games, boycott them, talk bad about them. But the last thing you should do is buy they're game then complain. Cuz hey, after you bought it, they could care less what you say, they've got they're money.


Sadly, your statements seem accurate. Building a solid community is not a priority for them. Each time I hear Mr. Gummelt's responses, I am forced to agree.

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Originally posted by Hado

Thanks for your comments but we, for the most part, obviously disagree. There will not be another official patch.


Michael Chang Gummelt

Gameplay Programmer: Jedi Knight II

Raven Software







We feel sorry for people who got used to 1.02 and it's exploits and cannot adapt


Michael Chang Gummelt

Gameplay Programmer: Jedi Knight II

Raven Software




I have my doubts about the validity of those quotes, although it does seem logical in a way, and I have seen something along those lines in another thread, worded differently, in a response to a different question.



I have been in the Jedi Knight community since 1997. I loved JK, and when Obi-Wan was announced, I was extatic. Then it was cancelled for the PC. Jedi Outcast turned it all around, but now, too, because of complete ignorance and/or disconnection from the real world, the people working on this project have chosen to abandon it to the dark fields of the software graveyard, populated by such titles as Obi-Wan, Armada, Oni, and Halo. Fortunately, unlike many, this game has a group of dedicated fans that really want it to be more than it is, and to be the next BIG game.


Half-Life was played in multiplayer a LOT until Counter-Strike came along. I KNOW that there will be mods for this game, but what we need to do is get a group of mod makers to make a mod that simply fices issues with the game as it is, then, as a community, CHOOSE THAT MOD as the defacto standard.


I know there are a ton of mod makers out there working on many different patches that will do many interesting things, but I fear they will get too involved with their own agenda of making the "ultimate lightsaber combat system" with 10 buttons for blocking and 50 some odd attacks (Art of the Lightsaber mod....).


I beg of you, talented, brilliant mod makers, come together, form a team, fix the base game. Help this community stay alive. All of my friends that I had recruited to play this game with me, in my clan, for league play, etc as a replacement for Counter-Strike have all gone back to CS simply because the game is now "lame". Don't kid yourselves... It is. I am willing to donate my time to organize this if need be.


Off the top of my head, I would like to get the likes of Artifex and the team working on the Kaiburr Saga on this. I know there are many more people that could help. Please -- do so.






email: jaled@sigma1.cc

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I sincerely doubt that those were valid quotes, for Raven to ignore the fact that a large portion of their community would be rather silly, if they weren't prepared to make more balance changes they would have only fixed the bugs and left the gameplay the same.

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I really hope that is the case. I do think, though, that we should be prepared to fix it ourselves if this patch doesnt come so we dont lose half the community.


What we need right now is official word on this issue: will there or will there not be another patch.

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well, i didn't have the patience to read through all 12 pages of this thread ... call me lazy. with that said, please don't flame me if i ask a dumb question that's been asked already ... i don't think it has b/c most of what i actually did read was related to the changes in sabering.


anyway, has anybody noticed that fact that taunts are no longer accessible? i've binded a key for the taunts, and ever since i installed the patch it doesn't do anything. i unbinded it and rebinded it, and still nothing. does anybody know why this is, and how to get them back?


i miss laughing at people in game. and btw, don't know if "binded" or "unbinded" or "rebinded" are words or not. ;)

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More literary legerdemain from Ravensoft:


In general, some work was put into making sabers more likely to hit - both the other players and their lightsaber. This was not so much a problem with strong attacks because they are so long and slow, but often medium and fast attacks would miss or pass through. --Michael Chang Gummelt, Gameplay Programmer: Jedi Knight II

The work put into this problem was counterproductive. It takes only a cursory read of the forums to see that individuals are frustrated by the new propensity for the saber to pass through models without shield or health damage.

Medium was not meant to be the whirling dervish style, so it was made so that, if you do the same exact move over and over again, you cannot chain as many attacks as if you mix it up a little. "Spinning top" fighters should use fast style. This is the *only* change to medium style. --Michael Chang Gummelt, Gameplay Programmer: Jedi Knight II

Even a casual examination of 1.02 Medium in comparison to 1.03 Medium will reveal enormous changes in the style. Mr. Gummelt claims that there has been a single change to medium: reduction of chain attacks. If there was *only* one single alteration to the style, then why is medium radically changed?


The answer is simple and undeniable. The core gameplay adjustments made were not made in a vacuum, as it were; each time the code is altered it influences other variables causing enormous change to the whole. The medium style is almost unrecognizable due to the impact of the new saber mechanics. This single change to Medium appears small, but not when examined in the context of enormous alterations to the whole.


After delineating the changes Mr. Gummelt says:

Regardless of what you feel is different or other posters say, these are really the *only* changes to saber combat...

Since a large portion of the JK community see this patch as a dramatic conversion: why patronize us by saying that what we feel or read is wrong; to contend that the changes are minor is astounding. Whether you enjoy the patch or not, it is obvious that saber dynamics are tremendously different. The realization becomes more acute relative to your knowledge of the intricacies of gameplay. Idle saber damage tuning, parries, deflections, knockaways, hit probabilities, etc. This sounds revolutionary to me. Raven wants Multiplayer to be like Single Player. But we are Ravensoft! Our official view is that despite what you clearly see ‘these are really the *only* changes to saber combat...’




Complex systems created by simple deterministic programming rule sets must be thoroughly understood in order to make predictions and effectuate control of the final product. Perhaps, since the Raven programmers are using a canned engine (Quake 3) their excellent alterations have gotten unmanageable for them. They are not the creative genius behind this remarkable engine; Raven has modified the Quake III Team Arena software. Perhaps the complexity inherent in the system has gotten out of their control. At first, they modified the tune to make a pleasant melody. Then they began tinkering with it and some of the notes have soured. If you have a good ear for music, you are going to want them to clean up the score.


As Byron has it, "a change came o'er the spirit of my dream."


And you are quite wrong, Mr. Gummelt, what we feel and discuss and can clearly see is not invalidated because you say so. Your Jedi Mind Trick is useless against us. These ARE the droids we are looking for. ;)

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Originally posted by Neo Honor

Well, I guess that it is settled... Play or don't play. Adapt, or put the game on the shelf (or whatever you use to store your games).


Why should we have to put it on the shelf? We bought the game, and Raven decided to alter it, and when they made that alteration they basically stated 'we are going to make this game better.' If they had only fixed the bug issues, then almost no one would be complaining, and they would only be expected to patch bug problems.


As the completely changed the gameplay basically overnight, and essentially pandering to the whims of the people who complained--they are expected, and rightfully so, to continue tweaking the multiplayer aspect.


If this is the last patch, this is the last Raven game I will buy, because that would suggest to me that they are irresponsible and rude. I've already seen a thread from a hardcore gamer who's only ever played the patch, but researched into the game heavily and won't buy it because of this patch, and complainers are kind of like cockroaches--if you see one, there are many hidden...

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So that means that you decided to play it then. That's why my thread gave options. People will either play the game as it is (with the patch) or refuse to play the game ever again therfore effectively "putting it on the shelf". I know your upset, to a point I am too, but please read posts more accuratly before you proceed to argue it.


BTW: I do support your ideas, but I would buy more games by them. Alot of game comps don't even bother to patch once. I think that quake has really spoiled people. You have to remember thought that one of the reasons that Q3 was patched so much (other than for the fans) was so that they could iron out problems for other games leasing the engine.

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1.03 Propaganda:


In general, some work was put into making sabers more likely to hit - both the other players and their lightsaber. This was not so much a problem with strong attacks because they are so long and slow, but often medium and fast attacks would miss or pass through. --Michael Chang Gummelt, Gameplay Programmer: Jedi Knight II


Now a demo showing this to be false and utter nonsense. Keep in mind that Mr. Gummelt claims sabers are now more likely to hit as you watch the demo.


1.03 Facts:


Originally posted by Hado



This is the first version.


There's a lot more clipping issues where sabers go right through people without damaging, especially after a victim is knocked over.


I'll come up with more demos soon.


Let me be clear. We post so that fixes will be applied to the current patch. Raven released an eminently buggy patch, now hopefully they will tidy up the mess.

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Originally posted by adillon

so does anybody know how to get the taunts to works again? the patch got rid of them.


Huh :confused: They work fine for me...


So that means that you decided to play it then. That's why my thread gave options. People will either play the game as it is (with the patch) or refuse to play the game ever again therfore effectively "putting it on the shelf". I know your upset, to a point I am too, but please read posts more accuratly before you proceed to argue it.


BTW: I do support your ideas, but I would buy more games by them. Alot of game comps don't even bother to patch once. I think that quake has really spoiled people. You have to remember thought that one of the reasons that Q3 was patched so much (other than for the fans) was so that they could iron out problems for other games leasing the engine.


Not to be rude, but I am afraid that it is you who should read posts with a little more accuracy before you proceed to argue it.


I read your post, it did not 'present options,' it presented the old argument of 'you don't like the patch? Don't play' which is bull.


If Raven didn't change balance issues in a patch, it would be silly of me to expect them to patch it again and fix the new issues. The fact is, though, that Raven changed the game dynamic, and their changes brought with them a whole host of issues that need to be addressed, and if they leave it where it is--it would be beyond idiotic, because it would leave a big chunk of their community angry and annoyed, and for many of us it has made the game very annoying overnight. I would not wish to buy games from idiots who's support exists, but is really horrible. If this is the only patch, Raven's support is horrible--it would be like they went out of their way to piss off half of their players.


I know, I know--don't play with the patch if you don't like it. That, too, is a stupid argument. The patch addressed a number of balance and bug issues that make sense, and I don't want to lose those, and I shouldn't have to, Raven should fix the new round of unbalances they created, and bring back the flow and pace of the prepatch game.


I wish to clarify the point of my earlier post: IF this is the last patch Raven makes, Raven will be treating its community poorly, and I want no part of a company that would do that.

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With SoF II now gold, one wonders if "the grass is $greener$ on the other side of the street" will have an impact on any future patching for JKII. Especially if there are unforseen bugs that emerge once the public gets it's hands on SoF II.


The intent was good with 1.03, it's the execution that was awful.


IMHO the game in question is of little relevence when it comes to "one shot kills". Every game, regardless of genera, will have any one shot kill whored online beyond belief. In JKII saber fighting, formerly it was DFA. Now its the backstab. (and at every stance no less!!). If you are going to include any O.S.K. At least *TRY* to balance it somehow with a defense or something.


My .02¢ , your mileage may vary.



"This post is not meant to offend anyone it is not directed at anyone or any clan. The authors opinions expressed here are valid only at the point in time he is writing it. The Author reserves the right to withdraw any comment or change his opinions entirely."

Have a good day!!! :) -© 1998, R.Hunter Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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