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Official JK2 1.03 Patch Thread!


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I have only played the demo, I am just wondering is it possible to enable g_saberrealisticcombat in MP games? It seems to me the realistic damage effect will ignore the weaken tip/swing start/end damage nerfed in the patch.


Just curious. I definitly prefer a realistically damaging lightsaber as in the movie. Btw in knight/master difficulty, I keep killing the Dark Jedi in demo using blue backstab, while other cool looking attacks seldomly inflict much damage in comparison no matter how I try to "break his defence". If this is how the game works now honesty I am quite disappointed.

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ok, i read the first 7 pages of this thread and the last 2, so i think i have a good idea of what is going on. i have been playing this game since it was on shelves, and i love it. i played it constantlyand got realllly good at it. usually in 1st place with double the kills in gun servers, and way less dramatic but 85% winning in no gun servers. i was a lightsider, and i will still be. i havent played the patch yet, i am in 56k hell right now, but i will be on the servers relearning the game in 3 days (cant wait) as for the changes, and what i have read about them in this thread:


kickflip- great move. one of the more fun parts of the game was to get kickflipped to death, then follow the guy around in the map kickflipping him until he logged to show him that you are a better kicker than him. i have had intense kicking matches. all good fun. and how awesome is it to kickflip a drain gripper off of ns streets? i always thouht the kickflip used a double kick to do, like you jump on them, then off them, so i guess i wont have to adjust there.


saber combat. awesome changes from the sound of it. i was on a server once (tffa) and we all agreed to duel with light side only and no force. there was one fight that was like 7 minutes long. the fights looked so sexy, and straight from a movie. so, anyhting to balance the stances kicks ass. blocking sounds cool, too.


light force powers- they are just different now. the stealth absorb seems a little cheap, but so was heal pre-patch. heal will still kick ass as a power. instead of hitting heal whenever you get hit, you will need to save force for it, and decide whether to try to push a fool of a bridge or to heal yourself.


dark force powers- grip and drain are harder to use in conjunction- yay. no more dfa drainer spam tards? yay. i might actually get sabered once in a while when i get the patch, instead of getting gripped and hacked to bits by the grippers buddies (tffa, i like it because you fight groups).


maps- who cares


bye bye DFA- dfa just weeded out the newbies from the people who actually knew what they were doing. i never used dfa, but if you dont know how to kill a dfa spammer then you deserved to get splatted.


it will be very fun to try to catch up to patched players after not playing for two weeks. new challenge :)

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One more question.

People are saying that backstab is unblockable and 1 hit kill. Is the "unblockable" part a bug? And does it 1 hit kill merely because it always connect, or because its damage is unnaturally high too?



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You're under the impression that the longer saber fights are a result of improved saber combat. You also believe these longers fights will be fun like the ones in 1.02. They aren't. Long fights in 1.02 were fun and exciting because if a fight lasted long it was because you were fighting someone of equal skill to you. This made it very rewarding to win this kind of fight (or even lose). In the new patch, however, fights last long only because blocking is so wildly out of whack and because a lot of the time sabers don't even make contact (even if they actually do). This makes the fight long, but instead of it being action-packed and rewarding at the end, they are highly frustrating. You may think it was a close fight until you ask the person how much health they have, and it's like 85. These fights are also devoid of any skill. In 1.02 well timed swings were rewarded. Not so in 1.03. You're honestly better off swinging wildy hoping to get a hit. Also DFA has been replaced with the "janitor technique". This is where you force pull someone to you knocking them down, then doing a backslash, or simply just running around backwards until you get to someone then hit attack. Expect to see a lot of this going on. Also expect to see a lot of people in light stance freaking out, swinging crazily. Of course if you don't like the game as it is now, you might like the patch, but if you do like the game right now, I suggest not patching, considering the patch changes the entire game.

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The only problem that i see with the patch is the fact the light and dark sides aren't balanced. Light has the clear advantage. Tell me how to win with dark forces and I will have no complaint with the patch...


Since they made reg blocking random, they should have made blocking when knocked down (just before someone is going to back stab you) random as well, so that people won't just use absorb (as to negate dark powers) and then use push/pull to move in for the kill (180 spin... back stab:(). You know? Kind of like a roll and block making the back stab only hit (1 hit kill) less often (instead of 100% of the time. I know that you (some of you) will bitch about this idea saying that this wasn't the way that 1.02 was, but the fact remains.. this isn't 1.02 and I think that this idea would help balance the game...

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Originally posted by flippo

You're under the impression that the longer saber fights are a result of improved saber combat. You also believe these longers fights will be fun like the ones in 1.02. They aren't. Long fights in 1.02 were fun and exciting because if a fight lasted long it was because you were fighting someone of equal skill to you. This made it very rewarding to win this kind of fight (or even lose). In the new patch, however, fights last long only because blocking is so wildly out of whack and because a lot of the time sabers don't even make contact (even if they actually do). This makes the fight long, but instead of it being action-packed and rewarding at the end, they are highly frustrating. You may think it was a close fight until you ask the person how much health they have, and it's like 85. These fights are also devoid of any skill. In 1.02 well timed swings were rewarded. Not so in 1.03. You're honestly better off swinging wildy hoping to get a hit. Also DFA has been replaced with the "janitor technique". This is where you force pull someone to you knocking them down, then doing a backslash, or simply just running around backwards until you get to someone then hit attack. Expect to see a lot of this going on. Also expect to see a lot of people in light stance freaking out, swinging crazily. Of course if you don't like the game as it is now, you might like the patch, but if you do like the game right now, I suggest not patching, considering the patch changes the entire game.


Well time in 1.2 was easy, you sjtu had to run by and hit, al lthey ahd to do was hit. Have you seen any jedi in the movies being kileld while they're guarding :rolleyes:

The true fact is that you have to time much better than in 1.02. I mean you gotta hit em whiel they attempt to hit, maknig much closer combat and more saber locks.

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Has anyone mentioned the typing console that appears above a typists head (sorry if they have)? It was one of the most considerate additions they could have made. Little touches like that are what makes patches worthwhile.


The saber combat was always going to be hard to balance.. and they haven't got it right yet. Big deal, only the first patch (of course they'll be others!). If you hate it that much, why don't you go outside and get some fresh air until the next one?

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DFA is useless because you rotate in the air, any newB can take one step left or right.


Heavy stance is useless, it seems slower, and it weak at its points of greatest advantage. Heavy was usefull for its reach both to the left and right, now that swings are only powerful at their midpoints any newb can avoid great damage by moving an inch to avoid a slow (slower now thanks to the "update") swing.


Blue is too good and this ridiculous backstab is now the srongest hit in the game. Its always full strength hits because of its speed, making it easier for non-skilled players to do damage. I've noticed players engaging groups !!backwards!! because the backstab kills you in 1 hit 80% of the time.


Thanks to weakening of swings the saber throw is used more frequently than before because its take a large toll per hit compared to the average swing. Duels are now frisbee wars, thanks to this.


Yellow stance is garbage, its harder to spin and it generally does not do much damage.


This "update" is a bone tossed to poor players that needed to slow down and handicap fast reacting skilled competetors.


Oh and if you want to know the definition of useless try to use the updated red stance against a newB that likes to throw his saber a lot. You won't score a hit if he knows how to run away.


Next update maybe they'll replace heavy with a spitball and a straw.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator


"Have you seen any jedi in the movies being kileld while they're guarding.


The true fact is that you have to time much better than in 1.02."


Are you serious?! Luke gets thrown all over the place while guarding, by Vader swing strength, he breaks Lukes guard all the time!! That was the positive of heavy stance, its slow but it is stronger and harder to block. As far as Jedi's being killed while guarding, how many Jedi's actually die out side of episode II?


As to your timing statement, this just makes Blue that much better, the timing is unimpotant because of the quick swing. So basically you are left with a game that encourages players to use weak stances. oooh what an improvement, lets all use the rookie stance.


Also how is a defensive move like a back stab (blue stance) going to be a near one hit kill. Now players use pull and turn and kill you. I guess a backstab is much stronger than a hit you put your back into and all of your strength (red). Ever seen a jedi do that?!

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I got the patch.

1) They fixed some issues that needed fixing.

2) They screwed around with good things (ie. They completly ruined the medium stance, that stance was perfect the way it was, I used it all the time, now it is worthless)

3) Blue spammers are everwhere now, the overpowered the backstab.

4) SOme force nerfs are ok, but they screwed up others by over nerfing, like force heal.


In short, they fixed somethings, ruined others, but I think that they caused more problems then they fixed. I like the post by artifix that outlines what needs to be done. In addition to his suggestions, they need to put medium stance back EXACTLY the way it was in 1.02. Because of the problems they made with medium, I think I am going to go back to 1.02, medium was perfect, it worked fine, not too fast, not too slow, decent damage. Now it's too slow, I can't do some of the moves, the spin move is **** now, it's too slow, the otehr spin move in 1.02 was FINE!!!! Why mess with things that work fine, no one complained about medium stance, it was the only perfect stance and raven ruins it. Oh well, 1.02 here I come.

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O M G.


I just got back and tried out this 1.03 patch.


What the hell. What's the point of even playing this game now, they've absolutely nullified one of the most unique elements of this game. Force. EVERY SINGLE PERSON I used push/pull, drain (which is now nicely gimped it seems,) grip, lightning, WHATEVER they *always* had absorb on. Why even PLAY dark side when you can go light side, put on absorb, pick up a gun, and play Quake 3. And then I'm not totally sure what happened to sabers, but every screwball seems to be doing that behind sweep move like there's no tommorow. Who in the name of god is responsible for this living piece of **** they call a patch? Welcome to Quake 3 with force speed and sabers.

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there will always be losers who exploit certain parts of the game just so they can get a higher score. deal with it.

if you don't like the way the weapons are, play on a saber-only server.

if you don't like a lot of the force changes, play on a no-force server.


saber combat has only improved with 1.03. blocking is more accurate than in 1.02, where sabers would often pass through each other. adapt, that's the only advice i can give.


and if you're too impatient to adapt, there are still plenty of 1.02 servers out there.

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ok heres my opinion of the new patch (althought its a little late i just found this site :) )



they have COMPLETELY screwed up saber dueling, the blue stance is way to weak, its good they sped it up tho, they shouldnt have touched the damage, yellows stance you seem to stop sabering after a while and sorta lift your saber up a bit for a second or 2, leaving you extremly vunrable, redstace is ok, good that you can do combos.

Its WAY to easy to block most attacks i do get blocked even if im on the side, you either have to wait for the to attack you, leaving them open, or go 2vs1, no jedi is that good at blocking :)

1 hit kill moves are horrible, there are so many of them now, instead of putting up a proper saber battle they just keep on doing 1 hit kill moves and nothing else, its too easy to hit people with 1 hit kill moves too, and the non jumping ones are to hard to aviod in a tight situation (with like 3 or more people going at it), you can just randomly do it and probly hit one = no skill.

there are too many idiots you just use grip/lightning + 1 hit kill moves its really annoying

1 more thing, heal is completly **** now, change it back, it used to be a good defence against grip on a saber only servers, now grip is far too powerfull and heal cant do ****, as far as im concerned its useless now.

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Steef, obviously you're bad at this 'reading' thing for someone complaining about impatience. All the servers might as well BE no force servers, everyone basically turns on absorb or be pushed into a pit of hell. Instead of being on potentially equal force grounds, you either have absorb on and live, or don't. There is no room for a dark force user. There's move abuse in every game, but one that basically nullifies half the game attacks? Hum. A noforce server would run even MORE counter-intuitive to what I want, and I never said a thing about weapons or saber being bad, but commented everyone was doing some sort of sweep move.


In conclusion, read before you post flamer.

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Do this Raven:


#1 Beef up the Dark Side


#2 Nerf Absorb somewhat, (No godmode plz)


#3 Remove Saber Throw from No force duels (You can't throw a saber like that without use of the force, and it ruins the duels, boomerang saber fight sucks)


#4 Backstabs shouldn't be a 1-hit kill, knock em down and it's over now


#5 Adjust Saber blocking and damage, currently a Red Stance user can hold still in a corner and fear little from any other stance.



Is that so hard? One little patch? Blizzard would have been all over this by now. This game is seriously messed up.


But good idea in bringing it to Gamecube, they definitely need more Teen/Mature games. Sure, no online multi and you have to use a crappy controller but it's there for them now.


Speaking of Mature games buy Resident Evil for Gamecube guys, best looking/scariest game I ever played.

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PLEASE, let the backrun speed be SLOWER then forward speed!


It's totally unrealistic and unstrategically in duels having a player only running back at same speed of someone running against him!




Please can't u give a little advantage to walking people?

I dont mean " I LOVE TO WALK" but i thinks it should add a lot of interests and tatics to the duels!


Allow runners to use logical-running moves, and maybe longer range, slower speed and slower % to block!

allor walking player slower range, faster speed and more % to block!


As u devided the game in STANCES, u can devide the game with more strategy.


In the patch i noticed a GREAT things, the FEEDBACK, when u 'r in heavy stance, u can knoc down the enemy defense if your blocking allowing u to swith in blue and strike an fast slash!.. but... i cant do that all the times couse most times when i knock down a defense, my enemy run 30 metres away!!!!


Just try to balance it better!

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Originally posted by ArmchairAthlete

Do this Raven:


#1 Beef up the Dark Side


#2 Nerf Absorb somewhat, (No godmode plz)


#3 Remove Saber Throw from No force duels (You can't throw a saber like that without use of the force, and it ruins the duels, boomerang saber fight sucks)


#4 Backstabs shouldn't be a 1-hit kill, knock em down and it's over now


#5 Adjust Saber blocking and damage, currently a Red Stance user can hold still in a corner and fear little from any other stance.


Good idea. I agree that the changes are as simple as this. They could change this and have it patched in a few days. Lets not bother them about it though. They are people and can get mad and not change a things. But Team Raven. As you see , what we want is simple and easily changed. Just one last patch and you can be done with us....

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i found some bugs with the newest patch.


you cant kick forward now.. you used to be able to walk into someone and jump to kick them. now you can not. but you can still strafe into them sideways and kick them. either fix it or remove the side kicks too. cause its silly to have side kicks and no front kick.

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i have played the new patch for several hours.. and have decided i DO NOT like the changes. its stupid, everyone runs around backwards hoping for backstabs.


and its super hard to hit anyone with red mode.


kick should be fixed back the way it was. sure you get people kicking alot.. but thats not near as many people running around backwards. and now people have hotkeys for double jump, so theres no reason to have changed it.


i read a comment above about making people run slower while running backwards.. that would be a good idea.

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"Well time in 1.2 was easy, you sjtu had to run by and hit, al lthey ahd to do was hit. Have you seen any jedi in the movies being kileld while they're guarding

The true fact is that you have to time much better than in 1.02. I mean you gotta hit em whiel they attempt to hit, maknig much closer combat and more saber locks."


good idea.. mabey you should make backstabs blockable. because currently, they are unblockable, and insta death.

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"All the servers might as well BE no force servers, everyone basically turns on absorb or be pushed into a pit of hell. Instead of being on potentially equal force grounds, you either have absorb on and live, or don't. There is no room for a dark force user."


um please. do you want to just kill a whole group of people with lightning? you do know drain drains a light jedi's force power right? it drains it fast..


and you do know that you cant get pushed hardly at all when you are standing still?


i play a light character, and believe it or not.. you cant leave absorb on all the time. well unless you got a ton of people lightning you.. but that is not the usual case.

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