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Official JK2 1.03 Patch Thread!


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First off, it's a damned shame that the backswing/stab players have ruined the multiplayer for those of us who dig the intense saber battles. Well, that's a done deal because there seems to be NO new patch in sight. If LucasArts is pulling the strings on the patch business, then they still haven't learned some VERY important lessons on how to keep a good game alive and how to truly support their product with quality updates. As smart as they have been in terms of letting great development houses like Raven and BioWare run with the Star Wars license, they obviously have not used their heads when it comes to supporting their titles with quality patches.


But enough of the negative. There still might be a future for JK2. Let's revisit the past......


Back the JK1 days, we saber players were limited to a very poor saber combat engine out of the box. A small number of moves with a colored pixie stick for a lightsaber. Remember?


Well, along came Episode I. Granted, a lame movie BUT it did give us a breathtaking duel with intense saber action. Not long after, the JK1 mod community started sprouting saber combat mods.


The first one that I can remember that really stood out was Spork. It added some new moves and a better looking saber as well as the lightstaff. Things started to look better.......


Then, along came Glowsaber. This mod kept the original saber moves but added the "look" of the sabers in the movies. Motion blur, glowing core, etc. Things really started to look better.....


Then came Guardians of the Galaxy. This mod came packed with the best set of skins for JK1 but was a little off-kilter in terms of the "enhancements" to the saber combat. Not bad, but then came the mother of all JK1 saber mods......


SBX (Saber Battle X). This is when things really started to cook. Rolls, flips, lightstaff, new moves AND the killer look of the Glowsaber mod to boot. There were several revisions of the mod. Each got better and better. By the time that the last version of SBX was released, us JK1 players had an amazing way to play saber combat that was geared towards sheer skill and comprehensive knowledge of the SBX enhancements. As a matter of fact, a lot of JK2's saber combat is similar to the SBX mod for JK1.


SBX, in my opinion, really seperated the men from the boys. In the JK1 community, the hardcore saber players seemed to gravitate towards playing SBX. You could hop on the Zone and see dozens of SBX games running. This mod really turned up the volume on the original JK1 saber combat.


What JK2 needs is something like SBX. A "pro" mod, if you will. A mod geared towards the hardcore Jedi (or Sith) who likes nothing more than to go "toe to toe" with other players in a dazzling display of saber technique. No one-hit kills or other cheese.....just you, the saber, the Force and your skill.


It's just a matter of time. Hopefully, the game won't be dead when such a mod is released.


BTW, thanks to all on this forum who have supported the idea that this game is all about skill and not about one-hit cheese kills. We will be the ones who will keep this game alive.

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This Ghoul 2 thing, is it really the answer that we have been waiting for. Will it make MOD making easier. Since this handles most of the sabre fixes the only big thing really left to do is fix the force powers (amounts lost and time active) to make the light and dark sides more balanced. Am I right on any of these fronts?

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Official statement from Kenn Hoekstra of Raven - LucasArts has been very kind to Raven Software and it's been great working with them. From what I gather from talking to them, they seem very happy with Jedi Outcast and we're pleased that we could meet their expectations.


Lucasarts is happy, so when you throw your saber and it disappears-- THIS IS NOT A BUG!!! It is a feature that you should be pleased with, just like Lucas is!


Lucasarts is happy, so when your sword passes through models doing no damage-- THIS IS NOT A BUG!!! It is a feature that you should be pleased with, just like Lucas is!


Lucasarts is happy, so when you freeze standing up after being knocked down-- THIS IS NOT A BUG!!! It is a feature that you should be pleased with, just like Lucas is!


Lucasarts is happy, so when we don't patch the game, and release buggy sourcecode, while telling our customers, HEY! FIX IT YOURSELVES BECAUSE WE WON'T-- THIS IS NOT A BUG!!! It is a feature that you should be pleased with, just like Lucas is!


I could go on... but you get the idea.

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I might be out of the loop here, but who said officially that there will not be another patch? Of course there is going to be another patch! Its NOT lucasarts who makes these patches anyway, its RAVEN. Raven is in charge of all the master servers for JK2 mp.


Raven already has full intentions of releasing another patch. When the master servers went down not long ago, I sent an email to raven tech support to ask what the problem was, as at that point I didn't know what was wrong. I also asked if there is going to be another patch.


I got an email reply from "Kenn" a Raven Administrator who replied with the answer to the problem and also stated that Raven is working on another patch.

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Raven makes the patches, yes, but you are completely wrong about this: Lucasarts calls the shots.


The one patch we got was part of Raven's deal with Lucas. Lucas is 'happy' with the game as it is and has not instructed Raven to make a new patch; therefore, as Monroe says, "Lucas currently does not have any plans to release any more patches. (But we released the source code so users can make the changes themselves.)"


Sith Menace, you keep posting the same misinformation in thread after thread. Write the lead programmer and find out for yourself. No new patch. I wish it were not so, but that means nothing. No new patch.


E-mail is:



He is the lead programmer on JK; you can find his .plan here: http://www.webdog.org/plans/168/

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we all know how badly we hav been screwed here, but there is good news, in the short run we have ghoul2(thank god) but coming up are sum decent looking total conversions like this 1 called the kaiburr saga which allows combat using 2 SABERS AT ONCE and the double blade as well as the classic style.


theres is also gonna be new moves, new stances(classic:saberb: gets the most powerful ones cos its unfiar otherwise) and loadsa new stuff in general.


looks to be very exiting, also check MODcentral which is in a link off http://www.jediknightii.net where they have reble strike a team based combat mod , no jedi or sabers but looks very very kool.

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I have to say I am disheartened from my recent game play. Its sickening to see some little jerk run around with absorb and Force pull whore you and backswing you. (I don't mind Force push as much cause its alot harder to kill someone with it, and you can avoid it)


I like many others on these boards am an old school JK player and before the patch sabering war really kicked ass!!


It was fun and challenging, you really needed skill in sabering to actually win a battle. Now with this miserable patch, thank you again for screwin us Lucas, its all absorbers with Force pull and backswing.


The only thing you can do to beat them is use absorb and kick them till they fall. Cause if you try to fight them, they'll just turn their back to you real quick and backswing your ass. Very annoying:mad: :mad: :mad: .


At least with old school no one could totally 0wn you with the Force. There were COUNTERS!!! Now its so unbalanced its kinda sickening to play. I get so fustrated at times I just want to uninstall JKII all together.


The sad part is its normally one jerk on a server that comes in with a couple of his buddies and use it all over the place and make the server a living hell. Then when you try to get the jerk kicked, either the server disabled the function or you can't get anyone to side with you.


What really ticks me off is I uninstall JK II and reinstall and multiplayer won't work without the patch. Whatz up with that? Geez, sux to be an old rogue.


Guess its back to ole Team Fortress till LucasArts gets their head out of their backside and balances out JKII

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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I totally Agree!

WTF Raven get the next patch out!

this is freaking terrible!

I actually want to break the CD, this patch made it soooo bad.

Oh well, hey Warcraft 3 comes out soon!

dont want to make a new patch? I'll take my business somewhere where they will!

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I read on another forum I use from a fellow poster than Raven is indeed releasing another patch. He posted a link to this information of which I checked and its true. Although I don't recall the thread it was in so unfortunatly I cannot post the link here. So I guess people will either take my word for it or they wont of if I'm telling the truth, however when the patch does come out (as I know it will from an official source) then this post will be proven to be true ;)


I have nothing to gain for lying....

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And yet again, Sith Menace, you keep posting the same misinformation. F your 'source.'


Write the lead programmer as many of us have and find out for yourself. FACE THE FACTS. No new patch. I wish it were not so, but that means nothing. No new patch.


E-mail is:



He is the lead programmer on JK; you can find his .plan here: http://www.webdog.org/plans/168/

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Originally posted by omses

I totally Agree!

WTF Raven get the next patch out!

this is freaking terrible!

I actually want to break the CD, this patch made it soooo bad.

Oh well, hey Warcraft 3 comes out soon!

dont want to make a new patch? I'll take my business somewhere where they will!


Take your business else where. How will you do that? You already gave them your business when you bought the game. They don't care about your business anymore. We're all useless to them now. The evidence is the lack of steady game support.

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most people just don't stand and block, they slash like maniacs leaving them open, giving you time to get in a couple presision hits in. the game now looks alot like the single player game, whats wrong with that? its great the way it is

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Are you on crack? No wait you're a newb thatz right. Its obvious you just bought the game and know nothing about playin JK. 1.02 had issues, but it was realistic sabering. It was great, and required actual SKILL to play.


Your wonderful single player sabering, which it isn't. Is not even close to real sabering. Its a bunch of newbies running backwards with absorb on and using Force Pull like a bunch of retarded dislexic Jedi.


Then they run around sayin they're masters of the game when they could get beaten by a bantha in the original version. Whatz the matter? You get whored in 1.02 cause you got no skill so you whine till LA gave in and granted you stupid wishes.


Thanks to ppl like you, the game is ruined, its become the ultimate n00b spam game. So enjoy it, I hope ya choke on it. No wait you can't use choke cause its blockable by absorb!!!


You weren't one of us that were sittin and waiting forever for this game. You prob weren't there when there were two moves in JK, when you had to base your skill on how well you knew lag in a game. All the old JK players know what I'm talkin about.


So you guys come into our community and disrespect the real masters, the original community of JK players and then you act like how dare we say something against you, well sorry to say we were here first. LA should pay attention to the RETURNING CUSTOMERS. Not the stupid n00bs that will buy the game and play it for about two months, get bored and go play Quake IV or whatever the hell is out.


Wake up Lucas you are losing customers left and right. You are dragging a good company's name through the mud, to what? To satisfy a bunch of n00b whiners.


Fix the game dammit. You owe us for Obi Wan. If ya have any decency just release another patch and listen to your returning customers for a change.

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I have been gone for about a month now and when I finally get back, still same old complaints.

If you think the patch is perfect, your WRONG. It definately needs tweaking. Some things are a little bugged IMO and other things are in need of adjustments for added playabilty.

Those who say the patch sucks are WRONG. It has certain things that 1.02 didn't have that would be a shame to lose out on. Also, it does require more skill. IMO, it requires too much timing which takes away from the action making it less fun.


Now before one of the super familiar bashes is used on me:

I do not "whore".

I do not "backstab spam".

I do not swing like a "headless chicken".

I play for fun, not competetion.

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Same old complaints? Well maybe you should observe the complaints. The patch blows here are the reasons why:


1). n00bs (thatz reason enough)

2). Backstab

3). Backswing

4). No counters

5). Force heal has significantly been nerfed

6). Force Absorb makes you a god

7). Force Pull used all over the place

8). Force Push used all over the place

9). Requires, I repeat requires no skill to play

10). Autoblock - lame as hell (fits in with n00bs)

11). Ridiculously hard to be a Dark Jedi

12). Gun totting light siders (need I say more)

13). Kickin is only move against a light sider (cause of backswing)

14). Ppl runnin backwards

15). Yellow has been nerfed

16). Blue extremely easy and powerful

17). Red extremely hard and useless

18). No real saber battles anymore

19). Cheap players are considered masters

20). and most important of all IT ISN'T FUN



Whatz more annoying when you go into a server and expectin somebody in there to know a lick about saberin, but no they're filled with n00bs.


Now you might just be a minority expert, but I see no reason in hell why you would like this miserable piece of garbage. Its not fun, its more annoying then fun even when you come into a server just to have fun. It becomes a pissin war when some little 12 year old n00b keeps huntin you down with absorb and force pulls you all over the place and backstabs you.


Autoblock ruined the real good saber matches that were in 1.02. Sure 1.02 had problems, but they were significantly less important problems than the ones they have created with this patch. How can you have a good saber match, when you know that every turn you make is one turn closer to that idiot gettin his back to you and its all over then. I'm sorry the Fun has been drained out.


If ppl want fun, good matches with this patch, well the admins will have to hunt these little jerks down and start bannin them from servers. But they won't, cause they don't care. So we won't get anywhere till they find it boring.


As for timing, timing for what? The backstab of course the most wonderful move that was ever created right? I'm not here to bash, ya seem like an old pro at JK, but dude look at the facts. There is no timing in the game anymore, there is only backstab.


Honestly I'm prayin for the moders to fix this mess, cause it looks like LA is leavin us up the creak once again. Gee what a shocker

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hehe, i'm no newbie sorry. i was at this forum months before the game came out. I bought the game first day it was in the store. sure the patch isn't perfect, but its still alot better then 1.02. I didn't play much multiplayer until i got cable, but i did play some. I've been playing for about a week now and i can but down newbies no problem. and i don't get backstabed much either, its usually easy to see it coming and doing, especially when idiots are doing it. I can usually doing the pull/backstab move too, you just have to be quick about it. when your getting up you can kick then sideways before the hit you with the back stab. I use yellow 85% of the time, its great, red is good against newbies and suprise attacks. at least everybodys not running around with heavy stance all the time and killing people while there saber is in ground. They could still fix the backstab, and maybe the guns a weeeeeee bit, but other then that its great.

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LOL get up, you must have moronic backstabbers attackin you, cause as you can see by the boards, once you are down, you are dead.


As for bein a n00b, just cause you bought THIS game on the first day and were on the boards for a while doesn't make you a pro.


If you had JK I and played it till JK II came out then I'd be less hesitant from callin ya newb.

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For those of you out there who are into the skilled saber combat and sick of the backstab/swing cheese, I highly recommend that you check out servers who are running the Ghoul2 collision command variable.


Luckily, one of my favorite low-ping servers is now running this and it is making a difference with the backstab/backswing players. However, the Ghoul2 collision might turn those of you off who don't like the hyper auto-block because it does ramp up the collision detection and it does make the blocks a bit more intense.


The nice thing is that, in my opinion, this little command variable make the MP game a better one. No, it's not the "ultimate" fix and there are still things that need tweaking but it works (at least for me) for now.


The best way to experience this is on a "No Force" server or a server that's configured to only allow Jump. It's funny to see the backwards-walking goofs walk into a crowd only to have the cheese BLOCKED. With this variable on, the worse thing that can happen to you (if you're on your feet) when someone executes the backstab/swing is that you'll be knocked open for a second. No damage taken and no one-hit kill. This gives you enough time to reposition and take the cheesehead OUT! I haven't tried this out on a full Force server because I'm currently very happy just having max Jump and the saber.


I'll take what I can for now...........


Anyone else posting here enjoying the Ghoul2 MP collision?

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Misery is 100% right. Ghoul2 rocks. It is what the community is waiting for. Some people think that this is what Raven would have put in the 1.04 patch if LucasArts would have allowed them to release another patch. In so far it's quite nice that this topic made it to the "this is the official patch"-post :D


The only problem is finding a server. We really should spread the word. It is a huge challenge to make server admins enable this on the servers. It is way more difficult than it would be with an official patch.


In some other posts that popped up concerning this matter, people suggested to add a tag to the server name that appears in the servers list. According to the concerned vars the tag should be [GSD]. G for Ghoul2, S for SaberTraceSaberFirst and D for Dismemberment (only cosmetic). It could also be [G] or [GS] or [GD] depending on if all or only some of the vars are set.


The concerned vars are:


g_saberghoul2collision 1 >> G

g_sabertracesaberfirst 0 >> S

g_dismemberment 300 >> D (about this one I am not 100%sure)


All Vars are server side and have to be set by the server admin.


I happen to know a few servers that I collected:


**IIRockyMountain JKO1.3x [sG]NF Duel II

**Dueling (Ghoul-2)**No-Force, 3Arenas (this is Jedi vs. Merc)


Note: These are servers that were posted on the forums to have enabled the Ghoul2 settings. There's no guarantee that these are up or still have these settings enabled. I don't know the Admins or anything so don't blame me... ;)


I also heard that some servers require auto-download enabled so if you cannot connect, try that. Don't ask me why though cause all should be server side...


Keep posting about your experiences with Ghoul2 here and


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