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Official JK2 1.03 Patch Thread!


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Originally posted by DarthCobra


I bought this game.. I have the right to complain about whateva the hell i wanna


You paid for the game. All patches are free. Raven could just tell you to go play outside, instead of bothering to do a patch to issue all this stuff. It's a FREE patch, so you have no right to complaint


This patch is GREAT. You guys sould like the CS bunny hopping community when 1.4 came out. "WE WANT BUNNY BACK!". Jeez!



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Originally posted by Felonius

just my 2 cents...


Im not tying to sound like a braggart or anything, but i was a really good player for the pre patch, i only met one person online who was a challenge. I destroyed everyone else, and i never used those DFA crap or whatever, i dont understand how everyone was complaining, i almost never died to those moves, they were easy as hell to avoid and left the other person open for the attack. I also never used force heal or drain beacause they are pathetic powers used by the weak imo.


That's a bunch of crap. I would see someone pull a DFA move and dodge to the left or right with a roll, stand up move away SEE the guy swing and miss and then I'd DIE... with 160ms ping. Granted on most servers I play with 100 or less. But still..


Is it just me or can the DFA move even be done!? I would still like to do it for a finisher!! It seems the timing for the medium finisher has been altered as well... which is cool too.

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Originally posted by Nill the Mean

Well then you can all go ahead and keep whining until Raven gets so sick of it that they don't offer any support anymore.


God damn!


What kind of kinder garden mentality is that?!


We're just giving constructive criticism, which we are entitled to... whining is what you are doing.


It's our right to like or dislike the patch, we don't care to comment about what you think of the patch, we just want to be heard.


So grow up and stop calling people whiners!



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All in all, the patch is cool as beans, I agree with PLENTY of players light style is not as useless anymore, and is faster than before in my opinion.


Sorta the Ninja style attack now with quick slashes and fast spins, combined with light's already top notch blocking abilities. Someone with good reflexes with light should do real well in battles. Yes they will be drawn out, but I THINK, taking someone out like a raving chainsaw is cool if your good.


Medium is still good you can no longer pinwheel about a map like Richard Simmons in a men's locker room. I think that's good. I found that move ridiculous and walking on to a server with two-three people spinning around like Brian Boitano on crack seemed very un-Star Wars like and ludicrous.


Heavy, even though I liked to use it, was too powerful, and with the game being out for 2 months, almost, I was getting to the point that every server was the same thing. A bunch of kids doing DFA and overhead swings. Dumb! Heavy is still strong, it can kill you in 2-3 hits, and is still a faster way to dispatch an opponent than light or medium. Although if your heavy against light, your going to have to maneuver your way around, and be smart about which hits to take... YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T JUST SWING AND KILL SOMEONE EVEN IF THEIR BLOCKING!?!? OH NOS!!


90% of you wanted this according to all the complaints on this forum. Hell, I think Raven read THIS forum and used it to make the patch. I agree with this patch 100%, although I am SURE if it still needs tweaking we will be downloading patch 1.06 or something in the future, again-if need be.


If you want to know who's complaining, here is who they are:


1) DFA monkeys.


2) Drain monkeys, who like to DFA as well.


3) People who like to switch on heavy mode, run in and hack wildly. These people also drink coffee and eat Twinkies while engaged in ritualistic Hacking Combat style.


4) People who like to win games by entering in cheat codes, exploiting bugs, and DFA monkeys.


If you suddenly realize that you DO NOT fall into the above categories, DO NOT be surprised if you LOVE THIS PATCH. If you do fall into this category I await your next post, which should go something like this:


Hey man! Who do you think you are! I loved JK2 before the patch NOW THE GAME IS RUINED I AM HAVING MY NAME LEGALLY CHANGED BACK from DeSANN to Jack Hanna. Medium sucks now!!! I used to use it to fool people to get close to me then DFA. NOT THAT I USE DFA ALOT. NO, I only drained/grip/pull/push then swing wildly in heavy. Well.. that's not true necessarily. I would DFA then medium finish. Hell when I wake up in the morning I DFA my face into the bathroom sink to brush my teeth!! BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT!! I WANT TO KILL PEOPLE LIKE IT WAS A QUAKE3 GAME YEAH!!! I want to walk onto a server and just see bodies... I don't want to think about playing, just push FIRE and BOOM.. people are falling down faster than I can dookie streak my underpants. This patch makes me play, this patch means I have to think and change styles, and that OTHER people can kill me with LIGHT STANCE while I perform a DFA!! THAT'S NOT FAIR ... NYAH NYAH NYAH I HATE THIS GAME


These are the same people that later, when an exploit will be found in 1.03 will be like:





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But you don't get much constructive criticism...

All you get is this and that is nerfed and now it sucks. Constructive criticism would be more along the lines of such:


I feel the DFA has been toned down too much. Not being able to turn has taken away too much of it's accuracy. Having less damage and making it harder to execute would have been better.


That is a voiced opinion. What you usually get is:


It's nerfed. It sucks now. I hate you Raven.


Which is stupid.

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Originally posted by V-tecc

The patch is part of support for the game. He has paid for it.




But Y are you all so angry about? You dont NEED the stupid patch, let the loosers use it and the real players play the game the way it was ment to be....

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So, i've been looking forward to this patch for a while now and am quite pleased. The only thing is why is saber throw now a non-force powerWHAT THE HELL IS THIS Raven gets rid of the a extreamly cheap move( i.e 1 hit kill) and puts in another way for people to be cheap? Why o Why wouldn't they make it optional?:atat: Saber throw= gay

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Originally posted by Nill the Mean

Even though these people are darn easy to kill once you get close, the trouble is still having to get close. Try it when someone is spamming alt-flechette down a corridor and you have to go through it. Completely impossible. It's like walzing through a minefield. With less ammo we won't see this type of behaviour anymore and maybe people will learn how to AIM.


The only weapon that needed toning down was the repeater the Flechette and rocket alt-fire (or primary) can be deflected with push. That corridor scenario all you had to do was run in pushing and the balls would go back to the shooter. Pull is tough on a repeater spammer because as you mentioned, which is a good point, its hard to get to a spammer.

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Originally posted by Territo

Selling my JK2, who wants?


Now that is just silly...

Why? Why do you want ot give this game up? Tell me, honestly... what is it that makes you hate the game now? Please, not "because X force power is useless, DFA nerfed, etc..." but get down to the core of what is bothering you... Could it be, because you are no good at it?

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Although I havent saber throw spammed.. I believe that can be dodged, jumped over, and blocked quite easily, especially with light style...


Also a saber throw doesn't kill in 1 hit. Try a push or a pull when they saber throw to confuse the bejesus out of your opponent.

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Originally posted by Cerebral


But Y are you all so angry about? You dont NEED the stupid patch, let the loosers use it and the real players play the game the way it was ment to be....





- You are home watching Star WArs Episode One in your Jar Jar jammies waiting for JK2 to come out so you can trade in your Pappa Rappa games for it at EB.


- JK2 comes out. With no public beta, Raven and LucasArts reap the profits.


- People start to write guides on how to play, all say the same thing, heavy is the best, do a DFA, and finish with a medium hit, or something, it doesn't matter heavy rules.


- Noobs who got the game die horrible deaths at the hands of DFA monkeys. Raven takes notice.


- People complain. Raven takes more notice.


- Servers are all about the DFA and the heavy stance. Through e-mails, Raven states that heavy will be tweaked, and other components will be balanced requiring more finess than mindless spamming (as Star Wars is in the FILMS).


- More people complain.


- Patch comes out. Chaos erupts.


- You decide Star Wars JK2 should be your own private game. Not like the films, but more like one-hit spamfest. You become frustrated that one click.. DOES NOT do it all. You find your Jar Jar panties and slap them back on.


- People praise the patch! All three styles become important.


- You decide to play JK1.




Where exactly on the timeline are you?



By the way Chub Rock, what in the world is a looser?

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Well, if the community does split into two, original version and patched versions, then I bet all the n00bs and the lamers are going to be the ones that stick with 1.02. Even then, almost all the servers WILL be updated if you like it or not so having the original version means you'll have to search forever to find a server. And when you do it will be full of DFA spammers.

People who are good at this game will continue with the patch and get increasingly better. We'll all have loads of fun as Raven helps us out with other patches/fixes in the future making the game even better than it is now (which is hard).

Soon all the n00bs, lamers, whatever, will get lost and we'll have an outstanding community with lots of good players. After all, SoF2 and UT2003 are practically here, that should get rid of the people without any skill.

I'm am soooo happy that I won't be seeing anymore people who just bunnyhop across the map with DFA hoping for the best. And if they do, they will soon realise what a bloody stupid way to play the game it is. If you just want to jump into things and instantly kill them, go play Sonic the Hedgehog or something. Maybe it's simplicity will correspond well with your brain.

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Originally posted by Nill the Mean

What was annoying was people spamming the alt-fire like crazy. Nothing but alt-fire. Even though these people are darn easy to kill once you get close, the trouble is still having to get close. Try it when someone is spamming alt-flechette down a corridor and you have to go through it. Completely impossible. It's like walzing through a minefield. With less ammo we won't see this type of behaviour anymore and maybe people will learn how to AIM.


Use push. You can counter almost every projectile weapon, except the repeater's alt-fire with push. Including thermal dets and rockets.


Push and pull are my best friends :D . Mind trick is fun, too

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Do'h... thanks, but I figured that out the day I bought this game... about 5-6 weeks ago now. The problem is that force push can't keep up with the rate of fire of the weapon. I only have two force binds and they are push and pull. V.v.v.v.v.v.very important. Admittedly though, push makes a world of difference if you can send at least half of what he is shooting back at him. And you can push back the repeater alt-fire, it just usually doens't go very far back because of the arc it travels in.

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Originally posted by Dvlos





- You are home watching Star WArs Episode One in your Jar Jar jammies waiting for JK2 to come out so you can trade in your Pappa Rappa games for it at EB.


- JK2 comes out. With no public beta, Raven and LucasArts reap the profits.


- People start to write guides on how to play, all say the same thing, heavy is the best, do a DFA, and finish with a medium hit, or something, it doesn't matter heavy rules.


- Noobs who got the game die horrible deaths at the hands of DFA monkeys. Raven takes notice.


- People complain. Raven takes more notice.


- Servers are all about the DFA and the heavy stance. Through e-mails, Raven states that heavy will be tweaked, and other components will be balanced requiring more finess than mindless spamming (as Star Wars is in the FILMS).


- More people complain.


- Patch comes out. Chaos erupts.


- You decide Star Wars JK2 should be your own private game. Not like the films, but more like one-hit spamfest. You become frustrated that one click.. DOES NOT do it all. You find your Jar Jar panties and slap them back on.


- People praise the patch! All three styles become important.


- You decide to play JK1.




Where exactly on the timeline are you?



By the way Chub Rock, what in the world is a looser?


Well Dear Mr Foolish.


Im on the same timeline as most people on earth. You on the other hand seem to think you come from Hoth or somewhare.. People that complain that the game is to hard, (you) should try SIMS och any Tycoon game,, maby you can make it without a walkthrue. This patch is 4 loosers that are to lazy to get skilled at it.

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