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Special moves in the 1.03 patch...

Ten Tigers

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Lets compile a list of changes to the old moves and any new ones that may have been added.


First and easiest, I found that the blue lunge is largely unchanged. No special tweaking required.


What happened to the yellow special? I try and try but cannot get the overhead acrobatic thingy to work.


Last but not least, the DFA. Anyone find out how to do this yet?

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Well so far the DFA is still there but u cant move while doing it. I could never do the DFA i dunno *shrug* search the forum in here and and in the multiplayer strategies section and im sure ur bound to find out what u need.



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To do the DFA now:



Wait until the animation is halfway finished.

Press Jump and Swing at the same time.


In other words, it's the same as before, except you have to press swing AND jump, whereas before you just pressed jump.

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can you go a little more in depth on the new dfa? I dont want to spam it... just see the changes. only done it twice, and nither time was I intending to do a dfa and i missed it.


its gettin to me now... cant do it worth ****..... must be something simple...


I hit fire1 then halfway hit jump then attack again, and all that happens is this nifty jumpy slash(NOT dfa... trust me;))


how does forward facter in? at all?


thanks guys



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THANK YOU!!!! got it at last... geez no more spam eh? got up to 7 in a row... also found new combo and as a thank you i am throwing it to the masses:


the RDFA (reverse dfa)


heavy stance. run backwards jump into a backflip, and when you are in the air, hit fire1 once.


when you land you will do a hard overhand chop.


never seen this before and dont know if you have either.


enjoy:D :cool:



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Been doing that for a while now SPY_jmr1, even before the patch. (I think we played a bit earlier... Dunno, I'm not good with names. Does Vulkan -SC- ring a bell?)


You can do the DFA off of anything as long as you time your attack right, even wallruns.

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Guest Kensai

You can do the DFA as you used to, but now you must be sure to keep the fire button from the "pre" swing held down until after you press jump. You can press fire a second time, but holding the button down once is reliable

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

tigers.. when i tried kicking someone and attacking at the same time in a game, it did it. so try that


go up and try to kick someone, but attack as u do it...


Sweet, I will have to try that...

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I think he means the spin-swing you executed so much when strafing and attacking then changing direction, before the patch. Thanks to the patch it now easier to time a 4-slash attack in medium without accidentally spinning. Medium has gotten an extra degree of contol basicly and I think it is even better than it was.

The heavy combos look really cool and I can't wait for an oppertunity to test them!

It is still easy to break through our enemy's defenses if you time it right, but there is more collision detection so it is just more realistic. People wanted this for ages and now they are complaining... Boo! Naughty whiners!

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Here's how I have gotten off the medium special move EVERY TIME I try:


WHILE going forward, hit attack and jump.


And I want to reiterate that to do the DFA, HOLD THE ATTACK BUTTON after the initial swing, then at the right time hit forward and jump.

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Originally posted by Vulkan

Been doing that for a while now SPY_jmr1, even before the patch. (I think we played a bit earlier... Dunno, I'm not good with names. Does Vulkan -SC- ring a bell?)


You can do the DFA off of anything as long as you time your attack right, even wallruns.


ya we did play last night... that was a crummy server, but the only 1.0.3 server to be found...


btw I have since learned the new dfa...:D

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Originally posted by Mr.SaDiStiC

Sorry i never used this forum lingo before but what is DFA i am sure i have done it before


DFA= Death From Above.


It is the special move of the red style. The old command input was launch any attack then when both hands hit the saber or the move was midswing, you would push forward with the jump button in unison.


The execution is almost identical except now you have to hold the attack key from the moment you first press it to the moment you press forward/jump. And you can no longer turn in midair or once you land with it...

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An easy way to do the middle stance cartwheel is this.


Run toward an opponent, before you get in range press forward+attack. Just as the swing comes down press jump.


You had to attack early before the patch to avoid a swift kick, but now I'm not sure....

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So any luck in stringing heavy slashes together for combos yet? so far, I've found 3 2-hit combos.


1: While running backwards, hit and hold attack. Once the swing is being executed, run forwards. As soon as the overhead swing is complete, you'll immediately do a fast forward swing.


2: While running forwards, hit and hold attack. Once the swing is beign executed (or is nearly done), hit and hold backwards, for a quick swing forwards.


3: Execute a sweep (either by strafing and holding attack, or by hitting strafe, then attack and letting go of strafe). Once the sweep is nearing completion, hit forwards + strafe (same side as you were originally strafing) for an added attack with the saber in an angle outwards.


Supposedly, someone in another forum I frequent found a 3-hit combo, but I've yet to discover it.


Oh, and for the medium stance special, I run towards my opponent. when I'm close and the crosshair's red, (while still running) I press jump and then attack as soon as the jump animation begins. There's a short delay on maybe 1/8th of a second between the two keypresses. Hitting them both at once doesn't seem to work very well.

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the heavy combos seem to come out when you chain 3 directions that have at least 1 direction in common together. For instance...


Let's say this is your directions:






well you can get a 3 hit combo out of any 3 numbers that are connected. Just wait till the first move is executed, keep holding the attack button, then press the next direction for the next move. NOTE: This will ONLY work if the 3 directions are connected on the chart. So attack+1, att+2, att+3 is a combo...BUT att+1, att+2, att+9 is NOT a combo...get it? I hope so.:)

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