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1.03: New Game Type? Jedi vs. Mercenary


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I just noticed while looking at the server vars for a 1.03 server this var:



I wonder if this might indicate a new type of gameplay for CTF and Team FFA games: Jedi vs. Mercenaries.


Anyone want to try it?

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Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]

Jesus, that was fast... how did you find it, look at the executable with a hex program or something? It's completely hidden on the console...


lol, looks like you really got raven's attention and response very quickly on that one boy (less than a day = world breaking) ;)

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Chang, is this something you guys were just putting in now so you can fully implement it at a later time, or is it complete and you just expect us to use the console for it?

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Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]

that was fast... how did you find it, look at the executable with a hex program or something? It's completely hidden on the console...


LOL, well, Chang, it may be hidden in the cmdlist, but it's broadcast by servers when you bring up their server stats. :) It's the last var listed, so it's not really hidden amongst others. I just happened to notice it. I was looking for a 1.03 server, and the only way to find out when you're using the in-game browser is to click Server Info and look at the version, and I saw it while looking at the stats.

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