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Ra2 mission

Guest crazy_dog

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Guest crazy_dog

I'm stuck on the RA 2 Allied mission were you have to take over Washington DC. I'm playing it on "easy" but it's still hard. Can anyone help me out here.

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Guest Tie Guy

Three things


1: Be patient


2: Build ALOT of harvesters


3: Just keep building GIs, never stop. even when you are attacking. Then attack when you have about a hundred or so. Nothing can stop that. When you meet up with something heavy, just deploy them.

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Guest xwing guy

I build up about 12 or so grizzly tanks and about the same number of IFVs with GIs in them and put em' in two separte groups and wreak havoc and you might want two have a third group with a few IFVs with engineers in them so you can repair your veihcles and build prims towers all around your base and some patriot missles too b/c the soviets will use there V3s and a few harriers to take out the V3s.

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Guest Tie Guy

Twleve grizzlies will get taken down like that. Your gonna need alot more to use that strategy. The IFV's are a good idea, but ultimately futile IMO.

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Guest xwing guy

No its not b/c I've done it a hundred times! And with engineers in IFVs you can repair your veihcles and make them last longer. It might not work for you Tie guy b/c I'm probably better using veichles than you are and you are probably better using infantry than I am.

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Guest Tie Guy

Oh, and try to get a spy into the Barracks and the War Factory. Use harriers to take out dogs around the area just before you get your spies in, works every time, and then you get automatic veterans. That really helps.


And, your right xwing, but i still think you need more than 12, do do tank rushes also, but it just isn't as effective IMO. I used to use tanks all the time, but then i saw how much more effective GIs are. Too each his own i guess.

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Guest xwing guy

Anyway when you use a veichle force like I do you have to go after critcal enemy structures like the con. yard, war factory, and barracks not the enemy units.

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Guest Tie Guy

What, then their units kill yours. You have to take out the enemy units and defenses first, then move on to the helpless buildings. The only exception would be tking out barracks or war factories so they can't put out units. Besides, that's what harriers are for.

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Guest xwing guy

No they don't all get killed what I do is take out some powerful defenses and units then move onto the war factorys, barracks, and con. yard, then I clean up all of the enemy. Its quite effective considering I usually use 12 or so prism tanks with back up grizzlys and IFVs and GIs. And the Soivets can't do nothing about it!

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

He doesn't play, simple as that ;) I always build a ton of infantry to support my tanks in RA1... both groups are better this way




I forgot all about that game..."Cruiser";)


RA2...If you have a bunch of Islands then use the Aircraft Carriers...build up as many as possible then decimate their entire island

(p.s.- you may want 1 or 2 Aegis cruisers and about 6 to 10 dolphins no need for destroyers once you have aircraft carriers)

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Guest Admiral Odin

Take Jump Jet infintry. Harass soviet Harvesters.


Places GI's in buildings


Grab some harriers and spies. get the spies into the enemy base. Launch an air attack taking out the con and war factory. Launch the fighters then send a spie (already at the base) into a power planet.


Or take 3 Chrono legionares and erase their harvesters consantly.

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Guest Tie Guy

Yeah, i forgot about them. In like he first couple missions they are very good, but after that the soviets have alot of flak troopers and flak cannons, so they aren't nearly as effective.

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Guest Tie Guy

Yeah, they were pretty expensive, and had low HP, but in big groups they are pretty good, and watch out when they get elite, they're deadly in groups.

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