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I hate the patch!!!!!!!!!!!


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I'll prolly get flamed but dear god cant you see the patch sucks raven. Wake the hell up or your gonna lose a large fanbase. BTW duels take forever now and hvy is usless and no its not only the lunge that is usless the whole style is. Blue = gay nuff said!!!


I'll be playing Morrowind and the soldier of fortune 2 multiplayer demo till you morons correct this huge mistake.:fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett:

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Want some cheese with that!?


Why don't you **** off and make your own patch.


The game was good before the patch and it's still good after it.


Christ, at least offer some constructive criticism

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YAAAAAAAAY!!!! I was hoping someone would say something like this!! LOL!!!!!! Ahhhhhh that's classic.


"and no its not only the lunge that is usless the whole style is"


So your saying the whole style was the lunge attack? *sigh*


By saying stuff like what you did, it just screams out to the world about how much of a n00b you really are. Learn the other stances ya f00. And maybe, just maybe you'll discover how useful they really are.

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Actually i used yellow more and when someone would strafe or run by me i would switch to red and do the strafe swipe attack that what i always did. DFA was lame, but god the style sucks now and its the truth. Wow Raven should name the patch EP2 Attack of the LLAMAS. LOL!:atat:

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Originally posted by MARKUSPRIME

I'll prolly get flamed but dear god cant you see the patch sucks raven. Wake the hell up or your gonna lose a large fanbase. BTW duels take forever now and hvy is usless and no its not only the lunge that is usless the whole style is. Blue = gay nuff said!!!


I'll be playing Morrowind and the soldier of fortune 2 multiplayer demo till you morons correct this huge mistake.:fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett:



:violin: :violin: :violin:

Be a Winner not a Whiner

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I've been playing with the patch for a few hours and I gotta say that the gameplay is worse now...

Heavy has been nerfed a bit (DFA tweaking = VERY GOOD!!), but the slowdown you get while swinging ruins my timing.... altho that is something I'll have to get used too (not too much of a big deal then...)


Medium now, in one word, BLOWS, it's a little too slow to my taste, and it barely connects, not to mention the fact that it seems to do far less damage now either.


Blue is tweaked properly, no comments on this (altho due to the nerfing of the other stances it seems to be even more overused by the "twirl-spammers" and seems to be promoting the "headless-chicken-style")


The heal has been nerfed too much, half your force-power for 50hp, fair enough, but double or almost triple the force-power-usage AND half the hp seems a bit over-nerfed if you ask me.


Drain has been adjusted perfectly, no comments.


What REALLY gets on my nerves is the blocking percentage tho... about 9/10th of all the swings you do get blocked, and even if you connect you seem to do a lot less damage. This makes for very long fights, AND (wich is imo the worst part) since everyone is pretty confident that he/she will block most incoming slashes, you'll have everyone fighting at very close range, effectively grouping into ONE HUGE BALL of players, wich are dogfood for the incoming DFA guys, who get 2 or 3 kills each time they do a dfa. Yes, they'll get slashed, once or twice, but 90% of the time they can get out and chuck in another dfa... not to mention the fact that fighting in one huge concentrated group is very chaotic and overal not as fun as it used to be. (why need a huge level if everyone's just in one spot?)


Thus, I have to say that I'm pretty displeased with the changes in this patch (the gun nerfs I don't care for, as I use almost only my saber in guns games anyway, besides, pull is a very efficient force againts a repeater or flechette whore)


What I would like to see is the "old" style saber-combat, but with the tweaked DFA and forces (un-nerf the heal a bit tho... it's overdone, really)


How's this for constructive critisism ? :D

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Originally posted by [QGA]Vertigo

I've been playing with the patch for a few hours and I gotta say that the gameplay is worse now...

Heavy has been nerfed a bit (DFA tweaking = VERY GOOD!!), but the slowdown you get while swinging ruins my timing.... altho that is something I'll have to get used too (not too much of a big deal then...)


Medium now, in one word, BLOWS, it's a little too slow to my taste, and it barely connects, not to mention the fact that it seems to do far less damage now either.


Blue is tweaked properly, no comments on this (altho due to the nerfing of the other stances it seems to be even more overused by the "twirl-spammers" and seems to be promoting the "headless-chicken-style")


The heal has been nerfed too much, half your force-power for 50hp, fair enough, but double or almost triple the force-power-usage AND half the hp seems a bit over-nerfed if you ask me.


Drain has been adjusted perfectly, no comments.


What REALLY gets on my nerves is the blocking percentage tho... about 9/10th of all the swings you do get blocked, and even if you connect you seem to do a lot less damage. This makes for very long fights, AND (wich is imo the worst part) since everyone is pretty confident that he/she will block most incoming slashes, you'll have everyone fighting at very close range, effectively grouping into ONE HUGE BALL of players, wich are dogfood for the incoming DFA guys, who get 2 or 3 kills each time they do a dfa. Yes, they'll get slashed, once or twice, but 90% of the time they can get out and chuck in another dfa... not to mention the fact that fighting in one huge concentrated group is very chaotic and overal not as fun as it used to be. (why need a huge level if everyone's just in one spot?)


Thus, I have to say that I'm pretty displeased with the changes in this patch (the gun nerfs I don't care for, as I use almost only my saber in guns games anyway, besides, pull is a very efficient force againts a repeater or flechette whore)


What I would like to see is the "old" style saber-combat, but with the tweaked DFA and forces (un-nerf the heal a bit tho... it's overdone, really)


How's this for constructive critisism ? :D


Pretty good :D


Originally posted by ©-Kïzötzëphæl


Stfu. :jawa


No. I'm sick and tired of whiners complaining. You have ever right to complain if it was a **** game, but it's not. At least offer some good constructive criticism. You don't have to install the patch. Raven put a lot of time and effort into the game. Do you have any idea how stressful and annoying programming can get?

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I love to play free for all, saber mod with force and 4 player. that is a very exicting game mod if you use light force. But now, the patch lower the light force healing power. That make me easy to dead. This mod Not funny again........

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Everytime I say something I dicredit some form of complaint. I offer advice to get around the problems before they even got nerfed. I say over and over again: Just practice properly with all three styles. Counterattack, not blind attacking. Too much blocking? Use new red combos. Too much random hitting? BLOCK THEN! Someone using red combos? Switch to light or medium! C'MON I HAVE TRIED TO HELP YOU PEOPLE BUT YOU NEVER SEEM TO UNDERSTAND WHAT I SAY!!!

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Originally posted by MARKUSPRIME

Wake the hell up or your gonna lose a large fanbase.


I'll be playing Morrowind and the soldier of fortune 2 multiplayer demo till you morons correct this huge mistake.




I think that the 'fanbase' is quite safe, enough people like the patch so I don't think there is any worry about that.



As for you going and playing some other game, what are you trying to prove? You think Raven is going to fix something that you don't like simply becuase you tell them I'm not playing till you fix it.


Growup and come out of the 2nd grade. :rolleyes:

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I disagree. I think the stances are overall better than they were. They actually have their own styles, uses and they feel like different stances now. I have begun switching between stances MUCH more since the patch.


Light stance is actually useful now, medium behaves as it should with less twirlies and speed... and Heavy is nice and slow without losing its strength.


As far as blocking goes, the increased blocking is favorable. It creates duels that last longer (which is a GOOD thing markus... longer and more intense) and that force people to take time to swing intentionally instead of running around swinging like wild. If you are swinging intentionally, waiting for openings, baiting and pressing... actually DUELING... you shouldn't have too much trouble hitting... unless the other guy's better. ;)


So Im not sure what people are finding wrong with the saber combat.

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Originally posted by Ae0N




I think that the 'fanbase' is quite safe, enough people like the patch so I don't think there is any worry about that.



As for you going and playing some other game, what are you trying to prove? You think Raven is going to fix something that you don't like simply becuase you tell them I'm not playing till you fix it.


Growup and come out of the 2nd grade. :rolleyes:


Preach it, brotha!


re: Markus,

Do you think RAVEN will really listen to someone who calls them names for virtually no reason? I think not. Oh, and you should try out "Hooked on Phonics". It works wonders for people like you.



*Part of the "I love the patch and whiners can kiss my ass" Army*

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The patch ruins ctf and ff gunning. All those who call me a whiner are hypocrites. I never said a negative word about this game and defended it with zeal ever since the release.


These are real complaints, deal with it.




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Medium now, in one word, BLOWS, it's a little too slow to my taste, and it barely connects, not to mention the fact that it seems to do far less damage now either.


yes, yes, yes, and yes. i've been trying to fathom a reason to ruin the only thing in the game no one has complained about.


as it stands, duels are complete luck. all you think when you go up to someone and slash at them is "i wonder if i'll hit them". and 99% of the time you won't! blocking is ridiculous. yes it's somewhat more like the movies in that they actually block almost everything, but the thing about blocking in the movies is that it looks really cool. all i see from the blocking here is a bunch of sparks. also, this is a game not a movie. if it were like the movie only 2 would fight per map and it would take 2 hours of fighting, with kick ass flips and such.

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